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Dougie Do'ins

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3 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

So hang on, octopuses are anti-semitic now? People more arsed about a cuddly toy on a quiz programme than thousands and thousands of innocent dead children. Get fucked. 


Or voting for a party which is overtly racist.



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1 minute ago, Captain Willard said:

That  “three women” book is a non fiction account of 3 women’s sex lives in the US. One is married to a voyeur. I bought it at a Heathrow and read it on a long plane flight. It’s actually very interesting but she clearly likes her sex books. 


Sounds like you do and all fella. 

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11 minutes ago, Anubis said:

The BBC press office comes out swinging at the Performative Outrage Artist known as Willard. If you read the replies it seems a lot of Jewish people support that position.




A lot of Jewish people also support a ceasefire and stopping the slaughter of innocents. 

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The discourse around Octopus-gate is genuinely pathetic. 

A blue octopus CAN be a symbol of antisemitism. It is not automatically a symbol of antisemitism. It can also just be a cute, cuddly toy. 

And, in the absence of any other evidence of malicious intent, that should be the default starting point. That it’s just a cuddly toy and nothing more sinister. Then it’s for the person alleging antisemitism to provide more evidence to make out their case. It’s not for the person/people displaying the octopus to prove that they’re not antisemitic. 

And, for the record, citing imagery featuring a sinister looking caricature of an Octopus with its tentacles reaching out across the globe etc is not evidence that an incomparable cuddly toy octopus is antisemitic. 

They’re two entirely different things. 

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19 minutes ago, Gnasher said:

Looks like Gary's in more trouble. The knives are out. 







So the knives are out for Lineker because he tweeted the words 'worth 13 minutes of anyone's time' and linked an Owen Jones video?


That's it? He hasn't said anything antisemitic or pro-Hamas, but the knives are out?


OK, sensible reaction, sensible world......

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4 hours ago, Gnasher said:

Another one!! Another fucking Octopus. Oxford again. This from two years ago August 2021. No outrage over this though, must have slipped the net. Obermam and Co might've been watching ITV., it wouldn't be channel 4 she hates them.




I'm sure its only a coincidence that the outrage only started after a brown person had the massively racist cuddly toy


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15 minutes ago, Creator Supreme said:

So the knives are out for Lineker because he tweeted the words 'worth 13 minutes of anyone's time' and linked an Owen Jones video?


That's it? He hasn't said anything antisemitic or pro-Hamas, but the knives are out?


OK, sensible reaction, sensible world......


It is just another day in the world of right-wing, cowardly fucking lunatics, doing what they enjoy most - weaponising antisemitism. It would be nice to see them fighting against genuine antisemitism sometime.

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1 hour ago, Nelly-Szoboszlai said:

The discourse around Octopus-gate is genuinely pathetic. 

A blue octopus CAN be a symbol of antisemitism. It is not automatically a symbol of antisemitism. It can also just be a cute, cuddly toy. 

And, in the absence of any other evidence of malicious intent, that should be the default starting point. That it’s just a cuddly toy and nothing more sinister. Then it’s for the person alleging antisemitism to provide more evidence to make out their case. It’s not for the person/people displaying the octopus to prove that they’re not antisemitic. 

And, for the record, citing imagery featuring a sinister looking caricature of an Octopus with its tentacles reaching out across the globe etc is not evidence that an incomparable cuddly toy octopus is antisemitic. 

They’re two entirely different things. 


That's all very rational, but I don't want to be called an anti-semite so I plan to volley the next autistic toddler I see with one.

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2 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


Yeah it's all a totally normal reaction.







Ha ha was just gonna to post that 

He posted on the other thread and got utterlt annihilated. 

Apparently he is on the books of some right wing think tank,the fucking nonce looking racist.

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