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Dougie Do'ins

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This investigation into social media accounts could be an easy way for the BBC to curtail what its staff say on Twitter etc whilst leaving the likes of Alan Sugar/Andrew Neil/Portillo/Clarkson etc to continue to spout their right wing bile in Tory newspapers and on tinpot TV stations. 

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Seems bizarre that people can just decide every single case of domestic abuse in the history of mankind follows a pattern because refuge issue a statement.


I mean they more than likely are not restricted to a one off incident but there will be lots of cases where it is a one off for a number of reasons.

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3 hours ago, redheart said:

I think that Lineker is part of the problem which creates right wing bigotry and nonsense.


The range of social services and health services in this country that are overstretched is horrendous. This is due to underfunding and directly related to massive tax avoidance in this country by large corporations and wealthy individuals.


However, the impact of this on services is often portrayed by bigots and racists as a product of too many "bloody foreigners", asylum seekers etc.


So the behaviour of Lineker and his ilk allow this bigotry and hatred to grow.



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6 minutes ago, Mook said:

Seems bizarre that people can just decide every single case of domestic abuse in the history of mankind follows a pattern because refuge issue a statement.


I mean they more than likely are not restricted to a one off incident but there will be lots of cases where it is a one off for a number of reasons.

That's not the point though, the final sentence she added done nothing to correct the balance or protect the BBC. It wasn't needed, it was all done purely to benefit Stanley Johnson's character.  Again the context here is a MBE or whatever is being offered to a man that battered his wife. There isn't a cut off of 3 beatings, 2 murders or 1 rape. Some crimes are zero tolerance in relation to be respected by the wider community. 

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11 minutes ago, Mook said:

Seems bizarre that people can just decide every single case of domestic abuse in the history of mankind follows a pattern because refuge issue a statement.


I mean they more than likely are not restricted to a one off incident but there will be lots of cases where it is a one off for a number of reasons.


Okay, I should have said rarely a one-off.


PS where is she buried?


PPS don't say that's another thing up your bumsie!

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3 minutes ago, No7 said:

That's not the point though, the final sentence she added done nothing to correct the balance or protect the BBC. It wasn't needed, it was all done purely to benefit Stanley Johnson's character.  Again the context here is a MBE or whatever is being offered to a man that battered his wife. There isn't a cut off of 3 beatings, 2 murders or 1 rape. Some crimes are zero tolerance in relation to be respected by the wider community. 


And the sexual assault against Caroline Noakes? 


This article is vile and sums them up, victim blaming





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4 minutes ago, No7 said:

That's not the point though, the final sentence she added done nothing to correct the balance or protect the BBC. It wasn't needed, it was all done purely to benefit Stanley Johnson's character.  Again the context here is a MBE or whatever is being offered to a man that battered his wife. There isn't a cut off of 3 beatings, 2 murders or 1 rape. Some crimes are zero tolerance in relation to be respected by the wider community. 


It’s a knighthood. The outgoing Prime Minister nominated his own dad for a knighthood, which is fucking ridiculous in itself and lost amongst all this other stuff. 

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Just now, Captain Turdseye said:


It’s a knighthood. The outgoing Prime Minister nominated his own dad for a knighthood, which is fucking ridiculous in itself and lost amongst all this other stuff. 


Haha I know, what the fuck has the prick done to deserve any sort of gong let alone a Knighthood?! 

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5 minutes ago, No7 said:

That's not the point though, the final sentence she added done nothing to correct the balance or protect the BBC. It wasn't needed, it was all done purely to benefit Stanley Johnson's character.  Again the context here is a MBE or whatever is being offered to a man that battered his wife. There isn't a cut off of 3 beatings, 2 murders or 1 rape. Some crimes are zero tolerance in relation to be respected by the wider community. 

Exactly. A man could have sex with 100's of woman but has sex with one dog and forevermore is known a dog shagger.

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7 minutes ago, No7 said:

That's not the point though, the final sentence she added done nothing to correct the balance or protect the BBC. It wasn't needed, it was all done purely to benefit Stanley Johnson's character.  Again the context here is a MBE or whatever is being offered to a man that battered his wife. There isn't a cut off of 3 beatings, 2 murders or 1 rape. Some crimes are zero tolerance in relation to be respected by the wider community. 


That is the exact point I am making though & has nothing to do with that cunt Johnson or his Dad or even what Fiona Bruce had said.

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10 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:


And the sexual assault against Caroline Noakes? 


This article is vile and sums them up, victim blaming





In the past my mam and missus have both commented that he seems like a nice man having seen him on Gogglebox. The overwhelming evidence would suggest he's a prick, that's what makes Bruce going to bat for him even more disgusting. People not that clued in would have seen him described as a prick and immediately have Bruce challenge that and then throw her weight behind him. Fuck the Tory cunt, I hope this finishes her.

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8 hours ago, Captain Willard said:

I think he’s strengthened it. The BBC are very publicly acknowledging he is a freelancer which is the very essence of his tax claim. Pure coincidence of course that this row blew up just as he went to court but that’s probably £5m to him, £5m less for public services. Well played. 

Spoken like a true Tory. Ignore the real issue.

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32 minutes ago, VladimirIlyich said:

Spoken like a true Tory. Ignore the real issue.

Haha, I like the rationale there. Like the Director General called up the head of the NHS demanding £5m from the hospital budget because otherwise Lineker would leave!

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