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Dougie Do'ins

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26 minutes ago, Creator Supreme said:

So the knives are out for Lineker because he tweeted the words 'worth 13 minutes of anyone's time' and linked an Owen Jones video?


That's it? He hasn't said anything antisemitic or pro-Hamas, but the knives are out?


OK, sensible reaction, sensible world......

They have been after Lineker for a while.

There seems to be an unholy alliance of anti cancel cultute warrior's ,who want him cancelled because he once criticised the government and crackpots who think a lamp shade is anti semitic 

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1 hour ago, Nelly-Szoboszlai said:

The discourse around Octopus-gate is genuinely pathetic. 

A blue octopus CAN be a symbol of antisemitism. It is not automatically a symbol of antisemitism. It can also just be a cute, cuddly toy. 

And, in the absence of any other evidence of malicious intent, that should be the default starting point. That it’s just a cuddly toy and nothing more sinister. Then it’s for the person alleging antisemitism to provide more evidence to make out their case. It’s not for the person/people displaying the octopus to prove that they’re not antisemitic. 

And, for the record, citing imagery featuring a sinister looking caricature of an Octopus with its tentacles reaching out across the globe etc is not evidence that an incomparable cuddly toy octopus is antisemitic. 

They’re two entirely different things. 

The idea that a couple of young girls would be fully versed in anti semitic German tropes from the 1930's is beyond ludicrous  

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Is it anti-semitic to "wear an outfit in Palestinian colours"?


Are the colours black, red, and green now anti-semitic? Are Kenya now anti-semitic for having the same colours on their flag? Are tomatoes 66% anti-semitic?


These fucking lunatics would have been shouting at clouds pre internet.



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4 minutes ago, Jairzinho said:

Is it anti-semitic to "wear an outfit in Palestinian colours"?


Are the colours black, red, and green now anti-semitic? Are Kenya now anti-semitic for having the same colours on their flag? Are tomatoes 66% anti-semitic?


These fucking lunatics would have been shouting at clouds pre internet.



Cunts like thst don't care about isreal

It's because she is brown

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42 minutes ago, Jairzinho said:

Is it anti-semitic to "wear an outfit in Palestinian colours"?


Are the colours black, red, and green now anti-semitic? Are Kenya now anti-semitic for having the same colours on their flag? Are tomatoes 66% anti-semitic?


These fucking lunatics would have been shouting at clouds pre internet.




This is a pearler. 






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48 minutes ago, Jairzinho said:

Is it anti-semitic to "wear an outfit in Palestinian colours"?


Are the colours black, red, and green now anti-semitic? Are Kenya now anti-semitic for having the same colours on their flag? Are tomatoes 66% anti-semitic?


These fucking lunatics would have been shouting at clouds pre internet.




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Richard Madeley is not happy the licence fee is going up and he's got no choice but to pay for it, well he can't stick it in his bag and walk out I suppose. 


Kevin Maguire, 'stuff I pay for I don't want, like the Royal Family and Nuclear weapons. 


Madeley 'stuff I also pay for and don't want, like Netflix.. 


Madeley makes Alan Partridge sound like Robin Day. And what's the little Daily Mail tory twat done to his hair? I thought he was up on a male rape charge. 






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What is happening to the BBC News website, have they cut the budget for it?


It has been steadily declining over recent couple of years which it seems gained further momentum over the past months.


A day old articles, everything feels dumbed down a bit, they constantly insist on human interest aspect  in everything instead of proper facts and analysis... it used to be the best news site in the world for years, first stop for getting up to speed quickly. Not any more.

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2 minutes ago, SasaS said:

What is happening to the BBC News website, have they cut the budget for it?


It has been steadily declining over recent couple of years which it seems gained further momentum over the past months.


A day old articles, everything feels dumbed down a bit, they constantly insist on human interest aspect  in everything instead of proper facts and analysis... it used to be the best news site in the world for years, first stop for getting up to speed quickly. Not any more.

Welcome to Britain in the 21st century.

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1 hour ago, Gnasher said:

Richard Madeley is not happy the licence fee is going up and he's got no choice but to pay for it, well he can't stick it in his bag and walk out I suppose. 


Kevin Maguire, 'stuff I pay for I don't want, like the Royal Family and Nuclear weapons. 


Madeley 'stuff I also pay for and don't want, like Netflix.. 


Madeley makes Alan Partridge sound like Robin Day. And what's the little Daily Mail tory twat done to his hair? I thought he was up on a male rape charge. 






Fair play to Reid, he doesn’t let them spout shit. That Pierce cunt “they want the wealthier to pay more, that would be me” any chance of Jeremy Vine smashing into them and they both roll into the road and get run over by Mike Pierce whose car then blows up? 

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Laura Kuenssberg is in full on election mode now.


'So, Labour MP, here's something mild and rather inoffensive and in no way similar to the latest tory scandal I'm not going to mention, how do you fucking sleep at nigt you utter, utter scum?


And, those plans you have for when you're in government, why aren't they working now, all a scam isn't it?


Just why are you Britain hating scum, Scum?


And now the weather'

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