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Reds Dig French left back?

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He's a good left back Digne, Clyne would be an excellent signing as well. If it means we'd finally see an end to makeshift right backs as left backs then it's worth it.

If we can't get anything out of Moreno or Manquilo then we won't get anything out of Clyne or Digne. We might do with better coaches coming in, in which case stick with what we've got.

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He was more than useless last Season.  A total liability more like.

He lost confidence for sure but he's 22 in his PL debut season playing in a crap defense

Full backs often seem to hit their peak in their late twenties so its ridiculous to give up on the lad yet.  

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Trippier is bog average according to my city mate, he's a former trainee there, he said he'd be 'very suprised' if we were going after him, I said I wouldn't. 

Possibly an unfair judgment as he never played a game for City.


I only saw him a few times for Burnley last season and he seemed solid. Not exactly someone to get excited about, but a few of our better full-backs over the past 10 or so years haven't exactly filled us with excitement when they signed.


I think Moreno will come good though so don't think spending good money on another young full-back would be so wise. Get Clyne in and Bob back and Flanno fit, both of them can cover both full-back positions with Manquillo and Smith for emergencies. We'll be lucky to get shot of Enrique. No one would pay his wages.

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Moreno is up there with some of the worst full backs we've ever had.


Bullshit. Just in recent times, we've had to do with the likes of Dossena, Konchesky and Cissoko. Moreno is miles better than these. He was very good under Emery and was in the initial spanish squad for the world cup. He just needs a good tactical coach to help him improve that side of his game, unfortunately he has Rodgers.

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Some of the shite on here about Moreno is unbelievable.  He wasn't great last year but he's very young, his first season abroad and he was very, very far from being our biggest defensive problem.


For me, left back would be very low on my list of priorities.  I'm happy to have Digne, he looked a player 2 years ago when PSG signed him and then I promptly forgot he existed.  However, I can't understand how you'd look at our side and think "Hm, left back, yep, that's where I want to spend 10m to improve."  You just know that later on in the window we're going to be hearing about how we don't have the money to go for Kovacic and Benzema so we're going to settle for Delph and Benteke instead.

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Some of the shite on here about Moreno is unbelievable. He wasn't great last year but he's very young, his first season abroad and he was very, very far from being our biggest defensive problem.


For me, left back would be very low on my list of priorities. I'm happy to have Digne, he looked a player 2 years ago when PSG signed him and then I promptly forgot he existed. However, I can't understand how you'd look at our side and think "Hm, left back, yep, that's where I want to spend 10m to improve." You just know that later on in the window we're going to be hearing about how we don't have the money to go for Kovacic and Benzema so we're going to settle for Delph and Benteke instead.

moreno isn't good defensively or attacking though, think brendan has decided the fullbacks/wingbacks are key areas to whatever system he's looking to play


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Bullshit. Just in recent times, we've had to do with the likes of Dossena, Konchesky and Cissoko. Moreno is miles better than these. He was very good under Emery and was in the initial spanish squad for the world cup. He just needs a good tactical coach to help him improve that side of his game, unfortunately he has Rodgers.

Might be a controversial preference but I'd take Cissokho over Moreno. Both are terrible going forward but at least Aly was ok defensively.


Agree on the other two though.

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You guys don't like Moreno attacing wise? I thought he is decent in that area, has pace, knows where the goal is, crossing could be better. What is up with Enrique? And doubt we will buy another LB after spending 12mil on Moreno last summer. If we are looking to improve our defence we need a RB and Lovren as a 3rd CB does not fill me with confidence. Neither does Kolo..

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