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PODCAST: The one we never wanted to record - Jurgen Klopp is leaving

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Jurgen Klopp dropped a bombshell on us this morning with the news he was leaving at the end of the season, so we recorded this emergency podcast to try and make some sense of it all.


TLW Editor Dave Usher is joined by Julian Richards and Stu Montagu, while there are drop ins from a couple of other lads as we discuss the whys, wherefores and what nexts. 


What started out as a serious, sombre discussion descended into chaos thanks to interruptions from cats, home smart speaker systems and the distraction of a Xabi Alonso press conference.



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5 minutes ago, Colonel Bumcunt said:

Thank fuck, well done Dave, now I've got something moody to listen to while I enjoy 1000 cans of lager sat alone in a fog of smoke tonight. 


I'm right there with you. I just thought to myself "thank fuck I have to teach tonight or I'd be about ten beers deep already."

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SSN all day, in UHD,  "oooh, that's a bigun, what next for Liverpool?"


I dunno lads, we've just had our legs chopped off so I guess we'll have a go at sewing the bastards back on our minging hot stumps. 


Maybe we should riff on this for a bit, see if we can make Sky lose their shit.


I'd like to see Klopp put in a glass tank above the pitch for the last game and then vanish in a mist of red flares. Just his glasses and cap left in the tank. 



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9 minutes ago, Chris said:


I'm right there with you. I just thought to myself "thank fuck I have to teach tonight or I'd be about ten beers deep already."


I've been trying everything to delay it since lunchtime. Walked the dog, had a bath, online gambling, it's a stay of execution for my liver. 

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9 minutes ago, Colonel Bumcunt said:


I've been trying everything to delay it since lunchtime. Walked the dog, had a bath, online gambling, it's a stay of execution for my liver. 



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Only listened to the first 27 minutes while I drove home, but already an all timer.


@Pauls passion and emotion - so real

Some Zod talk

but listening to @Stu Monty made me think a lot of things, but that “going to the well so often and not getting the shiny things” is what it comes down to more than anything.


I wonder if us challenging when none of us really thought we would has accelerated his thinking.


That failed quadruple almost certainly left scars. Last season showed it. Now we’re back in the hunt for every trophy again, favourites for two of them, top of the league and still I doubt anyone really believes we’ll come out with the league title because of those cheats in Manchester.


I wonder if it’s made him think “I can’t keep doing this” and so we might as well let that news come out now. It could be the extra motivation we need, it’ll drive the fans on that little bit more, and it can’t look like failure if he walks after missing out on another title if we do.



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Just a thought on the timing, I'm wondering if we might make a last minute player purchase for the incoming manager. 

Just the way Klopp answered the question abou the timing, he said it was with regard to  'the things the club needs to do'.  Just crossed my mind that he does the interview now, not next week, when the window closes.  

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I got the news just as I was about to retire to bed last night and my mind was a sea of confusion. Just having my morning coffee and tuned in to the podcast.
Thanks for the Liverpool humor and literate contributions, Oh, and the 'Shut up Liver' pic Chris, now added to my screen saver slide show.

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On tbe point we won't say anything till the end of the season I'm not sure it does Leverkusen(assuming it's Alonso) any favours for every Sunday the papers leaking his name as the next Liverpool man. Not sure the candidates current team can win either way. 

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3 hours ago, nimrod said:

I got the news just as I was about to retire to bed last night and my mind was a sea of confusion. Just having my morning coffee and tuned in to the podcast.
Thanks for the Liverpool humor and literate contributions, Oh, and the 'Shut up Liver' pic Chris, now added to my screen saver slide show.

where are you based mate? Aus?

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