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The 2024 General Election Thread


Who Do You Plan To Vote For? (Voters names not public)   

119 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Do You Plan To Vote For? (Voters names not public)

    • Labour
    • Tory
    • Lib-Dems
    • Green
    • Reform
    • Other (Please State)
    • None, they can all fuck off
    • None - I'm not eligible to vote

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10 minutes ago, Strontium said:


I got 718 two years after that you cherry-picking slag.

It’s his first run though isn’t it? And offering Code a few reps for votes is hardly democracy you squirrel blitzing slut 


In-Fact knowing you I can pretty much guarantee you’d have found a way to vote for yourself 






* jokes aside good on you. And Creator. 

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19 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

It’s his first run though isn’t it?


In-Fact knowing you I can pretty much guarantee you’d have found a way to vote for yourself 


No, he's definitely stood before. 


I most certainly did vote for myself, since I was standing in the ward I lived in. No rules against that.

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Stronts is right, and I'll be fair 718 would be dreamland.


I was looking at my previous results before:


2018 - 2nd out of 3 - 189 votes.

2019 - 2nd out of 3 - 270 votes.

2021 - 2nd out of 2 - 297 votes.

2023 - 2nd out of 2 - 269 votes.


2020 were cancelled for obvious reasons, and I chose not to stand in 2022.


I voted for myself on each occasion too. I'm very flattered that anybody else did. Got my arse handed to me each time like.

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30 minutes ago, Creator Supreme said:

Stronts is right, and I'll be fair 718 would be dreamland.


I was looking at my previous results before:


2018 - 2nd out of 3 - 189 votes.

2019 - 2nd out of 3 - 270 votes.

2021 - 2nd out of 2 - 297 votes.

2023 - 2nd out of 2 - 269 votes.


2020 were cancelled for obvious reasons, and I chose not to stand in 2022.


I voted for myself on each occasion too. I'm very flattered that anybody else did. Got my arse handed to me each time like.

Nowt wrong with that mate. 

Here’s hoping for a time in the not too distant future we actually have a fair electoral system. 

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7 minutes ago, lifetime fan said:

Nowt wrong with that mate. 

Here’s hoping for a time in the not too distant future we actually have a fair electoral system. 

I'm quite proud mate, like I say it'd be great to have a proper go, run a proper campaign and see what happens.


I've seen people run as a paper candidate and lose by 700 votes, then a few years later after running proper campaigns they've won the same ward by 300-400 votes.

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16 minutes ago, lifetime fan said:

Nowt wrong with that mate. 

Here’s hoping for a time in the not too distant future we actually have a fair electoral system. 

Years ago I'd agree. Nowadays I'm not sure on things like pr. Loonies like reform would have massive influence now.

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2 minutes ago, littletedwest said:

Years ago I'd agree. Nowadays I'm not sure on things like pr. Loonies like reform would have massive influence now.

Reform would take votes away from the tories. 

I’d welcome a fair electoral process that allowed the Greens, independents and libs  to counter the fucking idiot quota. 

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18 minutes ago, Creator Supreme said:

I'm quite proud mate, like I say it'd be great to have a proper go, run a proper campaign and see what happens.


I've seen people run as a paper candidate and lose by 700 votes, then a few years later after running proper campaigns they've won the same ward by 300-400 votes.


I got 934 votes in mine after a bruising campaign for Labour, where I did absolutely fuck all. Three Tories got in that year, they're down to 1 now the complacent pricks.

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5 hours ago, Creator Supreme said:

Not the general election, but if any of you lovely people live in Stockbridge ward in Knowsley, and fancy voting for change, I'm standing for Greens in the council elections again on 2nd of May.

If you lose @Anubis will post


Caroline Lucas, Ralph Nader, Rachel Carson, Petra Kelly, The Lorax, Greta Thunberg, Kermit the Frog, Carla Denyer, Creator Supreme, The Wombles, your boys took a Hell of a beating!

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39 minutes ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

If you lose @Anubis will post


Caroline Lucas, Ralph Nader, Rachel Carson, Petra Kelly, The Lorax, Greta Thunberg, Kermit the Frog, Carla Denyer, Creator Supreme, The Wombles, your boys took a Hell of a beating!

And he's very welcome to do so (likelihood is I will lose, so he may as well start preparing).


31 minutes ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

That explains a lot!

First time I stood I had the day off after the election so I was able to attend the count.


Reviewing the spoiled ballots with the other 2 candidates, one of them just had a different insult next to each name.


We agreed that one shouldn't count for any of us.

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2 hours ago, Strontium said:


No, he's definitely stood before. 


I most certainly did vote for myself, since I was standing in the ward I lived in. No rules against that.



2 hours ago, Creator Supreme said:

Stronts is right, and I'll be fair 718 would be dreamland.


I was looking at my previous results before:


2018 - 2nd out of 3 - 189 votes.

2019 - 2nd out of 3 - 270 votes.

2021 - 2nd out of 2 - 297 votes.

2023 - 2nd out of 2 - 269 votes.


2020 were cancelled for obvious reasons, and I chose not to stand in 2022.


I voted for myself on each occasion too. I'm very flattered that anybody else did. Got my arse handed to me each time like.

Are you friends with Code? If not … he’s better than Murdoch 

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6 hours ago, Creator Supreme said:

Not the general election, but if any of you lovely people live in Stockbridge ward in Knowsley, and fancy voting for change, I'm standing for Greens in the council elections again on 2nd of May.




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2 hours ago, Creator Supreme said:

Stronts is right, and I'll be fair 718 would be dreamland.


I was looking at my previous results before:


2018 - 2nd out of 3 - 189 votes.

2019 - 2nd out of 3 - 270 votes.

2021 - 2nd out of 2 - 297 votes.

2023 - 2nd out of 2 - 269 votes.


2020 were cancelled for obvious reasons, and I chose not to stand in 2022.


I voted for myself on each occasion too. I'm very flattered that anybody else did. Got my arse handed to me each time like.

Don’t want to put a downer on you but Jedward, Wagner and Laurence fox did better.

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15 minutes ago, Lee909 said:




Might go with that.


15 minutes ago, Fugitive said:

Don’t want to put a downer on you but Jedward, Wagner and Laurence fox did better.

I can live with that. At least I didn't lose a big deposit like Fox did.

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12 hours ago, littletedwest said:

Fair play mate  I agree after reading that. 


Even in the 2019 election, which obviously gave the Tories a massive majority, parties you'd consider left of "total cunt" (Labour/Green/Lib Dem/SNP/Plaid) got 51% of the vote, and I haven't actually bothered with Northern Ireland (predominantly to avoid tedious conversations about Sinn Fein). You can add in all the non voters as well who, I don't think I'm taking much of a leap to suggest would number more on the left than the right. 


Basically, despite all the best efforts of the cunt media it isn't a right wing country, and a proportional system would show as much.

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On 12/04/2024 at 21:50, AngryOfTuebrook said:

If you lose @Anubis will post


Caroline Lucas, Ralph Nader, Rachel Carson, Petra Kelly, The Lorax, Greta Thunberg, Kermit the Frog, Carla Denyer, Creator Supreme, The Wombles, your boys took a Hell of a beating!

Copied on anticipation….

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