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  1. Monday Jul 15: The inquest into England’s failure begins. As you’d expect, the Athletic - bless them - have done the whole deep dive “inside England’s Euros disappointment” thing and much of their focus is on Bellingham being unpopular with the rest of the squad. It’s all pretty tenuous “sources say” “some players believe” etc but honestly I reckon it’s probably even worse than they’re reporting. Bellingham gives off that Ronaldo stink even though he hasn’t achieved anywhere near as much as Ronaldo achieved. Ronaldo earned the right to be a bellend. Of course you can choose not to be one, as Messi has for the most part, but the point is when you’ve done everything Ronaldo has, if you want to act like a prima donna “I’m better than all of you plebs” type of knobhead, you’ve earned the right to. Bellingham hasn’t, but he seems like an absolute cock. The claim is that some players didn’t like the “who else?” celebration while others aren’t happy that he took up a position in the leadership group and then just refused to do press duties, leaving it to the likes of Palmer and Gordon etc I’m mindful of going in too hard on Bellingham because he’s still a kid really. We judge these lads to a high standard of behaviour when they’re still maturing and learning. Bellingham seems very mature but he is still a kid, and some of the things he’s said and done that have annoyed me are probably not that big of a deal and can be put down to his age. That being said, if the lads who are around him all the time think he’s a knobhead then he probably is. It seems like Trent is his only mate in the squad, which makes me worry a bit about Trent's judgement. His best mates are Hendo, Bellingham, Ramsdale and Robbo. If it wasn't for Robbo I'd be seriously questioning his taste in friends.
    21 points
  2. That took ages to scroll past.
    17 points
  3. I've been to see my surgeon today for the results of my histology. All the results are back clear. There is every reason to believe I have a cure this time. I feel so relieved. So I just need to get sorted physically and crack back on with life.
    14 points
  4. There's a wonderful true story about Roger Moore meeting a young fan in Nice airport in 1983. Mark Haynes was seven years old when he recognized Moore as James Bond while travelling with his grandfather and asked if it was okay to get an autograph. "As charming as you'd expect, Roger asks my name and duly signs the back of my plane ticket, a fulsome note full of best wishes," remembers Mark. "I'm ecstatic, but as we head back to our seats, I glance down at the signature. It's hard to decipher it but it definitely doesn't say 'James Bond'. My grandad looks at it, half figures out it says 'Roger Moore' - I have absolutely no idea who that is, and my hearts sinks. "I tell my grandad he's signed it wrong, that he's put someone else's name - so my grandad heads back to Roger Moore, holding the ticket which he's only just signed. "I remember staying by our seats and my grandad saying: 'he says you've signed the wrong name. He says your name is James Bond.' Roger Moore's face crinkled up with realisation and he beckoned me over. When I was by his knee, he leant over, looked from side to side, raised an eyebrow and in a hushed voice said to me, 'I have to sign my name as 'Roger Moore' because otherwise...Blofeld might find out I was here.' "He asked me not to tell anyone that I'd just seen James Bond, and he thanked me for keeping his secret. I went back to our seats, my nerves absolutely jangling with delight. My grandad asked me if he'd signed 'James Bond.' No, I said. I'd got it wrong. I was working with James Bond now." The story doesn't end there. It gets even better. Years later, as a scriptwriter, Mark had the opportunity to work with Moore again. "I was working as a scriptwriter on a recording that involved UNICEF, and Roger Moore was doing a piece to camera as an ambassador. He was completely lovely and while the cameramen were setting up, I told him in passing the story of when I met him in Nice Airport. He was happy to hear it, and he had a chuckle and said: 'Well, I don't remember but I'm glad you got to meet James Bond.' So that was lovely. "And then he did something so brilliant. After the filming, he walked past me in the corridor, heading out to his car - but as he got level, he paused, looked both ways, raised an eyebrow and in a hushed voice said, 'Of course I remember our meeting in Nice. But I didn't say anything in there, because those cameramen - any one of them could be working for Blofeld.' "I was as delighted at 30 as I had been at 7. What a man. What a tremendous man."
    12 points
  5. Was my mam's funeral today. Finally lost her to dementia. She was barely a husk when she went. Cunt of a disease. Played YNWA at the end as she was a lifelong red (she stood on a box in the boys pen back in the day) and for fuck's sake, that song gets me at the best of times. If you're still lucky enough to have your mum with you, give her a hug when you see her. Mums are boss x
    11 points
  6. It isn't a myth by any stretch of the imagination, several of my family members are stuck in the cycle, but neither is it a lifestyle choice, it a literally how little we can get away with giving the most disenfranchised, undervalued, unloved and demonised sub section of society before they realise their lives are utterly fucking shit. A bigger house is one with more damp and less furniture unless you get a private landlord whereby you need to walk a line so fucking thin that eviction is a serious anxiety every single day. More money means you can pay any one of the debt collectors you're paying a little more, or Cash Converters back for payday loans or pawn. 'Better' services at the job centre means you go to work for an agency that lay you off after a week, as there's no work this week which fucks up your housing benefit for weeks. More hours means you have to be careful you're not sanctioned or you'll lose your benefit, and possibly your job as the zero-hour contract is a fucking shackle that creates an uncertainty so profound that the noise in your head is only ever getting quieter as you become number and number. Medicated up to the eyeballs for a disorder which isn’t a disease, but is medicated as such. Limp, lost, inconsequential, scrapping for every last fucking thing to make life in any way bearable. It is fucking awful being at the bottom of the pile and 'they' give you just enough to make you think you're not and the 'other' cunts are so you don’t ask ‘why?’ Not a jab at you, Chris, just came out, but felt cathartic the more I typed.
    10 points
  7. Not the first time I've said this on here, but I'll say it again. If you think nothing happened when trump was last in, then you've not been watching. While trump was not prepared last time, and neither was the republican party because they all fucking hated him and thought he'd fail, the real damage he did was loading the SC with right wing extremists. Even now he's out of power, he is leaving lasting and devastating impact on the citizens of the USA - from abortion and IVF restrictions to the president is now above the law providing he says he was acting as president. He gave sweeping tax changes to the rich and despite his base being predominantly from poor areas, the gap between the rich and poor got bigger. Then to your point the country is run by civil servants. And don't the lunatic right in America know this. Go and take a look at Project 2025. That seeks to ensure many, many civil servants become political appointments amongst other things in that plan. There was a realisation the lack of planning with a dipshit president was lost 8 years ago, they're not letting that happen again. It's not hyperbole to say this could be the most important election in US history and if Trump gets power, there's is no doubt it'll be the most impactful to the lives of ordinary Americans and as a consequence because of USAs influence, the rest of the world.
    10 points
  8. In space, no one can hear you laugh.
    9 points
  9. I had one of their Christmas advent calendars the other year. Opened a window and there was fuck all in it. Wrote a humours email to their customer enquiries complaining about being a hard done by 30+ year old who’s only joy was chocolate (trust me it was mildly amusing). Zero response then the next day there was news stories all over the shop about them doing it intentionally to highlight child slavery in the industry. Made me look a right cunt.
    9 points
  10. Firstly - fuck off with making this a covid thread you fucking weirdo‘s. Second - I’m no Harris fan, but trying to suggest this extremely smart and capable woman is “dumb” stinks of the misogyny and racism that was present in the people who put together those clips. This is exactly how they try and attack woman (and particularly black woman) going for powerful positions.
    9 points
  11. If you can’t handle him when he’s doesn’t know where he is, you didn’t deserve him when he knew where he was.
    9 points
  12. It's been pissing down where we are just north of Paris since about 5. Thunder too more lately. Don't mind it to be honest. Bit of carbonara, a beer, and then opening ceremony on bbc iplayer.
    8 points
  13. Compared to Edwards and Hughes, Ibiza Jorg looks like the hardest working man in football.
    8 points
  14. Labour is surrounded to an unprecedented degree by people that want it to fail. The right wing press and their paymasters, aspects of the self appointed "left", the Tories, the SNP, the endless army of twitter bums and "buy me a coffee" grifters. Reform, the pop cons (even Vance has taken a shot). The only thing it's got going for it is the size of its once in a lifetime majority and having some semblance of unity of purpose. They're our best and only shot at fixing some of the untold damage done to our country and society. But that path is precarious and very, very narrow, and beset on all sides by the Inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men.
    8 points
  15. I'm knackered mate. So very fucking tired. That's an apt gif you've included. Up at 4 wednesday to get some ladt work done. Picked my girl up from her mums then started getting the car packed. Set off from home at 12:30 got into our hotel at Dover at midnight due to being diverted through London and the Blackwall tunnel with the Dartford crossing closed. That included and hours total fucking about going into Doncaster to withdraw cash and euros when we realised my girl hadn't put my bank card back in my wallet after nipping to get us lunch before we left!! I'm confident I'll be able to pay with my phone but needed some back up money for peace of mind. Roads in france are ace. Basically no traffic at all from calais until about 20km outside Paris. Campsite is nice. Very welcome rain arrived to cool us just after getting the tent up. Darren from Sunderland over the way gave me an ice cold can of kronenboug while we toiled in the sun and I'll never forget that beer. Pizza last night was good. Dutch everywhere with their prettiness, athletic body shapes and orange. Which is great. Still work to do this morning but flags are up.
    7 points
  16. I would honestly watch a series that followed Truss around in her day-to-day life. If this is what she's like in public, can you imagine how many stupid things she says in private? Armando Iannucci couldn't script her. She's the human equivalent of a fly bouncing against an open window.
    7 points
  17. Pearce saying the priority this transfer window is to sort out TAA contract. Because this can only be done during a transfer window and never at any other time during the year.
    7 points
  18. I don't buy it. Nobody picked up the Labour Manifesto, eagerly looked for a promise to keep children in poverty and then voted accordingly. The seven who have been suspended aren't "populist nutters"; they're good Labour MPs voting against a Tory austerity measure, exactly as their constituents would want them to do. They are the truer representatives of the Labour Movement; why should they have stood as Independents? And even if this SNP amendment (which never should have been necessary) had passed, that would not have damaged Labour's 2029 election chances. The bottom line is that hundreds of thousands of children will remain in poverty indefinitely, not because we can't afford to help them, but because Keir Starmer chooses to leave them in poverty.
    7 points
  19. The whole idea of building an iconic stadium is false, anyway. Stadiums gain iconic status on account of what happens there: great players in great teams winning great matches in front of great fans. A mere building doesn't give you that.
    7 points
  20. I always think it’s weird when one of those rare moments come where you are living through an incredible moment in history that will be studied for centuries to come and on your kids and grandkids school exams. But because they are happening right now you kind of don’t appreciate the gravity of them. Worth standing back and considering that this really is a huge moment in world history.
    7 points
  21. I'd say that's true of everyone except Trump. Most politicans on either side come through the same system. They're mayors, governors, senators duing which tenure they learn the rules and to respect US institutions. Trump took the word of Putin over his own CIA. Half the desks in the state department were empty, the US ambassador to the UK was an NFL owner and he put his son, a property magnate, in charge of the middle east peace process. These people care nothing for America as a federal entity. They don't care about its justice system, its laws, its government. Lest we forget they stormed their own government building and killed coppers. The fact we don't consider that a big deal shows you how far they've fallen. They're a wrecking ball that want to tear it down and build something new in its place, something I suspect would look like sometime as corrupt as Putin's Russia.
    7 points
  22. No thread for this so far. Old dracula was one of my favorite players growing up. 91 years old which is a decent break! https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/snooker/articles/cjewjqnqwv4o
    6 points
  23. Kudos to the lawyer already giving it beans outside the hospital with his client though, serious Saul Goodman vibes.
    6 points
  24. Got some Brazilian chicken rub. Only about 80p a sachet. Unbelievable
    6 points
  25. Yes, you would expect Labour has its own programme to challenge inequality. Voting for the amendment shows a lack of trust of MPs in their own party leadership. If, four years down the line, they've still done nothing, then you could say MPs would be justified in taking matters into their own hands and voting for such an amendment. But they've been in power for 5 minutes. And 7 of their own MPs have already run out of patience? Okay then, off you fuck.
    6 points
  26. So here's some commitment to comedy. I listened to the Esk podcast today. Here's some enjoyable moments: Their debt excluding the 450m owed to Moshiri is currently standing at over £600m. The 777 debt situation is wonderful. So because 777 are going through a form of administration, the debt has fallen back to A-cap, who provided 777 with the money. A-cap are currently in court with a company called leadenhall capital. Leadenhall have loaned A-cap over 600m and they are secured against certain assets owned by A-cap. One being the loan to Everton. So moshiri's plan had been because the 777 debt is the least secure of all of Everton's debt (except his own), he would bully 777/a-cap into taking a haircut on this debt. Leadenhall have an injunction to stop this, because they say that asset is not A-cap's to devalue, it's effectively leadenhall's. So the only way out of this is for the 777 debt to be paid in full. Which makes buying Everton less attractive. And he believes this will take more time than Everton have, as there'll almost certainly be appeals no matter the outcome. But that's not the end of the court fun. As well as tying up A-cap and prevented them from selling this debt at a reduced rate, leadenhall also accuse A-cap and 777 of fraud. If this is found to be true, it would then create another legal headache for our bloo brothers and make Everton a beneficiary of crime. Stop sniggering. They're a grand old club. Despite what was said in public, he believes Everton's transfer plans will continue in one crucial way. They will still sell who they planned to sell. Sadly, it seems all their grand ideas for incoming players are in tatters and they're going to be reduced to loans and free transfers (watch out Joel). Our ever cheerful friend the Esk also went on to say he believes interest repayments on the outstanding debt are running somewhere between £1-1.2m per week. You hate to see it, you really do. Administration. Strangely with all this info, The Esk believes Everton are further away from administration than they were. They have all the ST money, 24/25 TV money, increased money from moving to Castore and a bit of walk around cash left over from the new Friedkin loan that replaced the MSP loan. But he didn't seem to have a clue how many months they're safe for. Then to round it all off, one of his mates asked him "wouldn't this all be sorted if moshiri would just pay off the 200m 777 debt". It's almost enough to make me find the crying laughing emoji on my phone. I love Everton me.
    6 points
  27. I've started saying Netanyahu in the style of Domino-oo-ooh! It's pissing me off but I can't stop
    6 points
  28. A spelling mistake or a hint at the truth?
    6 points
  29. Really hoped she'd finish with "just me and the kids from now on".
    6 points
  30. Lost my mum to Leukemia this morning. Clatterbridge gave her 4 and a half years we couldn’t have dreamed of at the time of diagnosis, in which time she got a new grandson and saw my kids grow up.
    6 points
  31. Code meet Gnasher, Gnasher meet Code. Not gonna lie, been quite excited about this particular meet up for a while. Have fun, Frode.
    6 points
  32. But why does her laugh annoy you so much to have bought it up as a point against her (a politician) probably a dozen times since Sunday afternoon? Should it be a factor in determining whether she can govern? Did you ever mention it, or even ever hear her laugh, until Trump, followed by his incel followers, mentioned it over the weekend? Whose bidding are you doing here? I've seen him call Harris an idiot, thick, a dud and a half-wit on here in the past day or so. Given her career and academic achievements where the fuck does that put Gnasher on the intelligence scale? He's always been a rabid maniac but he's been even worse since July 5th for some reason. And I'm here for it.
    6 points
  33. People sleeping rough in doorways didn't become a widespread feature of every town & city in the UK until the Tories came to power. It makes a difference.
    6 points
  34. She lost because of her deep unpopularity on both sides of the aisle. She completely alienated progressives when her people colluded with the DNC to screw Bernie Sanders out of the nomination. Republicans have no wrath like they have for the Clintons. And she was the perfect match for Trump, who campaigned on "draining the swamp" of the poilitical establishment. They don't come more establishment than Hillary and Bill Clinton. Then she went and called everyone who was leaning towards Trump "deplorables" which resulted in a loads of "well fuck you, lady!" protest votes. I'll never forget the look on my wife's face when I met her outside the polling station having had to vote for her. Absolutely disgusted she felt she had to do it. But yeah, without James Comey pulling that shit as the "October surprise" she might have still squeaked home. She won the popular vote, after all.
    6 points
  35. What is all the endless posting for? Everyone know what's happening in Gaza is horrific, the democrats are in large part culpable for that with their egregious support of Israeli war crimes, but is Trump going to improve that situation or make it worse? Is it highly likely he'll also pull the plug on the Ukrainians, worsen the climate crisis and try to demolish any democratic restraints domestically. There's a reason his running mate called him America's Hitler, he is pretty obviously the figurehead of a new form of Fascism. The whole thing is seriously grim.
    6 points
  36. She's got a bit of a rolling gait but aside from that she's fine mate. Not even sorry!
    6 points
  37. Its getting near that time for Joe.
    6 points
  38. Rush, Villa, Friday night
    6 points
  39. 3 fucking games before league breaks for international shite. 3 fucking games - after a summer where there has been a european and a south american summer tournament. It's laughable.
    6 points
  40. But that kid who wasn't snatched grew up to cure AIDS in my hypothetical. I suppose you want a world of Mark Fowlers do you? Sickening.
    6 points
  41. Nah I don't think you are virtue signalling, you're proud of him and rightly so, and it means a lot to you. My take is just different. I think there's a bigger picture to it and it's going to require a disciplined effort to achieve for a party that's literally surrounded, and I mean truly surrounded.
    5 points
  42. I get that party leaders like to flex their muscles from time to time, but imagine a Labour Party Leader making this sort of stand over his right to keep children in poverty. It's fucking disgusting.
    5 points
  43. I understand what people are saying about how families can't wait for the longer fix, I get that, but I also don't see the point in labour MPs helping destabilising a fledgling government by pointlessly voting for pointless motions put forward its shitbag rivals like the SNP (yellow Tories) Farage and Braverman and other jetsam. Said government, the first stable one in at least eight years, has said it's committed to systemic changes such as improved workers' rights. Stuff like foodbanks etc, while needed, are just trying to plug a hole in a bucket full of holes. The absolute ridiculousness of it is summed up when you go the asda and see a foodbank collection point, right next to dozens of unmanned tills, with a handful of staff on minimum wage and the company itself registered in Jersey to swerve taxes.
    5 points
  44. Alistair Campbell, Rory Stewart, Emily Maitlis, Ed Balls and the rest of them,
    5 points
  45. The Mrs went to Singapore via Dusselforf last year and I heard her telling her mate on the phone 'I went with that German Airline, Luftwaffe ,they were very good '
    5 points

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