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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/08/24 in all areas

  1. When I was up in Hull at the weekend I could see plumes of smoke from where I was staying and decided to wander over and have a look (Top of Spring Bank for those that know the area) I took a few pics then went within about 100 feet of where the police held a line. I was surrounded by complete feral fuckwits as well as load of riot tourists just stood there with their phones out filming. I thought "what the fuck am I doing here?" It was a completely stupid thing to do. I, if only for a brief 2 minutes, inflated the numbers there. I turned around and got the fuck out of there shaking my head, partly because of what was happening and because just my being there made it look more widespread. If it kicks off in your area don't go near it, all you're doing are adding to the narrative that its a popular uprising. Still angry with myself now.
    7 points
  2. A new server is the probably closest thing you're getting to a new signing, so show some fucking gratitude.
    6 points
  3. twittervid.com_womenpostingws_5a6d23.mp4
    3 points
  4. Ha ha Darwin needed to be told not to be ahead of the line by the fitness chap. First player to be offside in a beep test.
    3 points
  5. The Trial of A Red. "So you see your honour, my client could not possibly have stolen that Neff toaster from Currys complete with auto defrost function, he told his Internet friends here - in red and white ladies and gentlemen, that he was just going to 'see what all the fuss was about'.
    2 points
  6. I have used my brief hiatus from the forum to continue to grow dahlias.
    2 points
  7. So that's when we will sign someone
    2 points
  8. Looks like it wasn't as bad as expected and markets are bouncing back. Anybody looking for 3000 toliet rolls, 500 tins of spam and 3L of bottled piss, serius offers only?
    2 points
  9. Winning the European Cup in 2019 and then buying nobody because it all went on bonuses.
    2 points
  10. He bought that t shirt at the Righteous punk festival in Blackpool that morning. Everyone down here wants one now. Some old boys been onto me to go on a mutual mates thread to look at that pic of our old mate. I said 'why what's he done now? They said just go on Tony's thread and look at the pic, they said its a classic and I'd crease myself. They weren't wrong. I couldn't stop laughing. He's always been a mad bastard.
    2 points
  11. I eat a lot of mushrooms and always have. I cause no problems I’m just a fun guy. coat got
    2 points
  12. Thank fuck we didn't have forums in 1959.
    2 points
  13. Monday Jul 29: No diary last week as I was away for most of the week. Not too much happened, we still haven't bought anyone and some people are getting tetchy about it, but we did have a friendly game that we won. 1-0 against Betis, Dom got the only goal of the game and we played some decent stuff. The most impressive aspect was how solid we looked though. That's going to be a point of emphasis this season so hopefully we're up to speed with that by the time the season starts, as the rest of it we can figure out along the way and get by on individual talent. Also worth mentioning the comments by Jones which were twisted by the Mail into "Jones blasts Klopp" headlines. I wasn't surprised, as soon as I saw him say it I was like "uh oh, that's not going to be good for him". It was clumsy more than anything else, he was enjoying himself talking about how much he likes the new style of play because it's more about getting on the ball and playing than running up and down and playing at a hundred miles an hour. It was obvious what he meant, but his wording was poor and it came across as being critical of the style we played under Klopp. I didn't like what he said because that style of play gave me the most enjoyable football of my lifetime and we won everything playing that way. That's probably what he should have said really, and then added that the new style suits him better personally. But he's a young lad who seems to be getting put forward by the club for interviews and press conferences an awful lot these days so it's inevitable he's going to make the odd faux pas (pronounced 'forks pass' for anyone wondering). He usually speaks really well and this was just a bit clumsy. He was probably gutted when he saw how it was reported, but Kloppo and Lijnders won't give a fuck as they know how this stuff works. In other news today, PSV have a bid turned down for Van den Berg. This is a tricky one because we've put a price on this head and if someone offers that we'll have to accept it as you can't really fuck a player about like that. The problem is, he's a really good player who will only get better and keeping him is the best solution for us here. I know what I've said about how we should fuck him off for being a mouthy, arrogant little sod, but that's not how Richard Hughes is going to operate and I doubt that Slot is upset about the comments either. I'm talking as a fan and if I take that hat off and put my logical hat on, I'd rather Van den Berg stayed. If we sell him and buy someone, then sound. But I don't think it's that easy. How are we going to persuade a left sided centre back to come here when they know they won't play because Virgil is here? So maybe you sign a right sided centre back, but why would we do that when we have Quansah, Konate and Gomez already here? That would be fucking stupid. So for example, look at the Italian lad who went to Arsenal. We supposedly liked him a lot, but if we did want him how could we persuade him to come here to be a back up? At Arsenal he'll probably mostly play left back, but here he wouldn't even have that chance when Robbo is available. Signing someone of the required level isn't going to be easy, so why not just tell Fanta pants he has to stay for another year and if he isn't happy with his playing time this time next year then he can go?
    2 points
  14. I think most of us were devestated by the sight of Spellow Hub being targeted, and in part destroyed. Books are power, especially to the working class and these braindead fucking imbeciles took them away, without the understanding of the irony. Not entrirely sure where I am going with this but can the GF come together and do something positive and raise money to ensure that we play our part in making sure it is built bigger and better and becomes a symbol of the city's resistance? Things may already be happening, but we can play our part. Obviously all reference of this place would have to be removed as we'd be on the prescribed list quicker than one of Master Yaxley-Lennon's simpleton support groups. Thoughts?
    1 point
  15. Mad to think a posh boy banker fascist with a massive chip on his shoulder, an Irish immigrant, pretending he’s not, who lives in Spain and cons people into buying him coke and shite clobber, a terrible failed actor, a fake priest, that unfunny cunt off Mock The Week, Matt Le Tosser, some no entity prick masquerading as a journalist, Anne Fucking Widecome’s brain worn and the ghost of Ealmon Holmes self respect is holding the country hostage. Wild. I think I’ll tap out as there’s literally no hope in humanity if this cavalcade of utter cunts have any semblance of influence.
    1 point
  16. Fuck me. Another Evelyn Tentions!
    1 point
  17. Richardson didn't do enough in that last round. He'd have taken it if he simply looked busy.
    1 point
  18. It’s working fine for me too except it’s still showing Bjornebye as an active member.
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Interested in the piss. PM me.
    1 point
  21. Oh for fucks sake, more fucking equestrian on yet again. How many different types of dancing can these fuckers do? Fuck it off
    1 point
  22. I sold all my holdings you barsteward! And now they've all bounced back!
    1 point
  23. I don't think it is needed. Violent disorder should be enough to quell riots. That carries an average 3 year prison term but can be 5. Going to be a lot of people going to prison soon enough that will make others think twice.
    1 point
  24. It also makes it more difficult for the police to control. If there are as you put it "riot tourists", they clearly need to be extra careful in any response. I'd prefer there were no tourists or counter protests. Just let the police go in and take them out.
    1 point
  25. Any chance you can just take your fucking weird little obsession over to Rico's trans-hating thread?
    1 point
  26. Defender,if I remember. A Scottish lad who played for Rangers as well. Now at Queens Park according to google.
    1 point
  27. Start as we mean to go on hopefully 454032855_1160763438480378_3677191937811388190_n.mp4
    1 point
  28. I can't find a video I can post, but Aleksandra Miroslaw legging it up a wall is just fucking nuts.
    1 point
  29. They update it every time they win a trophy. Seriously, though, I don't know how anyone has got the patience to go through that, when you know every comment is going to be shit.
    1 point
  30. Anderson is actually a pretty good profile of player to add to the defence. He can ping a ball better than most and he’d probably be ok with playing second fiddle. He’s also 28 and would cost too much. Funny how Palace are to be picked apart after being so dull and lifeless under the owl. Sign Anderson, Wharton and Eze and we might be as good as Palace.
    1 point
  31. There's only one solution
    1 point
  32. Can you blur the picture please, it’s making my eyes bleed
    1 point
  33. You are the smug cunt who constantly tells people they've not read your posts correctly when it's impossible not to as it's the same post over and over and over again. Your errrm post above could not be any more wrong from what I wrote.
    1 point
  34. Not mushroom to squeeze that pun in but you did well.
    1 point
  35. He looks like a kid in care drew an angry face on an egg. Back in my day lads looked up to Mr T and Marco Van Basten, not this obtuse piece of flotsam.
    1 point
  36. As delicious as HP beans on a fry-up.
    1 point
  37. When I grew up and a lot of others will agree every area had the odd family who were a little rough around the edges, we weren’t exactly the Rothchilds. These families were law abiding, not scruffy and cared for their kids. This so called underclass are completely different, scruffy scum in scruffy housing bring up two legged rats that are thieving scum like their parents before them. No thought for anyone,everyone owes them a life. Happened from the early eighties in Norris Green,why? Drugs in that case. There will be numerous other reasons. The podcaster Billy Moore goes on about having to rob, no jobs nothing to do, all his mates did it. I’m a similar age and lived half a mile away, had a lot of mates, none of us stole,took drugs and we all worked.
    1 point
  38. Did you upload that link from MS Dos?
    1 point
  39. As the famous song says, "leave the kids alone" we always comply with PSR so grow them. We mat lose TAA VVD and Mo next year. So choose carefully who goes.
    1 point
  40. "Are you white?" Who are they fucking Ray Charles?
    1 point
  41. Only if the poppy seller's looking the other way when they're walking past. No way those lowlife fucks are putting a quid in a box for a paper flower when there's a bookies or an offy on the same high street. Turd brown, of course.
    1 point
  42. The two managers reflect on the game..
    1 point
  43. One of my bushes of basil is ready to come down. Also have a couple dozen of these cowhorn beauts.
    1 point

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