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Our next manager, your choice, the poll.


Who do you want as our next manager? The poll.  

214 members have voted

  1. 1. Who do you want as our new manager

    • Xabi Alonso
    • Didier Deschamps
    • Zinedine Zidane
    • Pep Guardiola
    • Pep Lijnders
    • Steven Gerrard
    • Luis Enrique
    • Michel Sánchez
    • Roberto De Zerbi
    • Carlo Ancelotti
    • Other

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  • Poll closed on 31/05/24 at 13:10

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1 hour ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

I'm nervous about Xabi too. This is all very scary in relation to football. I remember pre Klopp and it was fucking shite barring the odd blip.

He’s leaving us in an incredibly strong position mate. Almost unprecedented.

He's not a manager to plan a decline after he leaves to enhance his own reputation, like lots of other managers. (A small positive like)

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We’ve got the most outstanding manager in a generation and had him for over 8 years, so pretty much anyone else is a gamble, even an experienced manager, because the club is so unique from top to bottom.

Age wise Klopp would have another 10 years in him, had the demands and intensity of how he works not taken its toll. But that’s how he works.
Looking at pictures of him from 2015 to now, you can see how he’s aged, you could possibly say he looks ill, he certainly looks tired.

When he took over, he was coming in with expectation levels and demands high. 
Anyone coming in now would find those levels multiplied massively because of what Jurgen Klopp has achieved.

It’s similar to when Ferguson and Wenger left their clubs maybe, massive boots to fill, and that could scare some coaches after what happened to Moyes for instance.

Whoever gets the challenge, I’d expect to be given time and patience, maybe I’m being fanciful here, but I don’t think our support is as fickle as United’s or Arsenal’s, I only hope the eventual successor turns out to be another worthy of a statue! 

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6 minutes ago, Reckoner said:

He’s leaving us in an incredibly strong position mate. Almost unprecedented.

He's not a manager to plan a decline after he leaves to enhance his own reputation, like lots of other managers. (A small positive like)

Yeah but it's often agreed Klopp gets more from his players and turns good players into great ones. The players themselves have to show they don't need a guru to get the best of them and their ambition goes beyond Klopp. This next managerial move is huge. De Zerbi seems like he is potentially one of the next top new breed managers but I don't know he just seems to lack gravitas which may be bullshit and Xabi for me has the aura but is that because he played here, he's doing well now but it's such a short history to gain much information from. There doesn't really seem to be someone to be excited about as Klopp just stands massively above everyone.


We've had Hodsgon and squads unbelievably worse than this but it's daunting because with this whole Klopp and 2.0 it felt like we were on the path again to greatness and now it's what remains of this season and a new direction.

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27 minutes ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

Yeah but it's often agreed Klopp gets more from his players and turns good players into great ones.


It's not a trait unique to Klopp though, you could argue Leverkusen, granted over a much shorter period, are showing similar traits having built a squad of misfits and unremarkable players punctuated by some top quality players likewise Dortmund, Lepizig, the succesful Valencia sides under Benitez and Cuper, Atletico Madrid, Bilbao, Brighton and many more all constantly over achieve, to varying degrees, as a unit when compared to individual talent.


While the manager is often the most important part of that, and we had one of the best proponents of it, structure and the team around them also play a part and it isn't something that's irreplaceable.


We can get a bit myopic when assessing what managers do and every club likes to think their manager/team/fan base is unique.


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I've gone for Xabi, but he would come in with a lot of risk attached. the thing is, so would pretty much all of the likely candidates. The safest pair of hands is Ancelotti, and he's getting on, and he's best with a big budget and a settled squad. And he's at Real. I'm not even going to entertain the idea of Pep coming here. All of the others are unproven to some extent. Perhaps Enrique stands out among them.


It's not like 2015, when Klopp was so obviously the right man.

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I’m 50 so this is the biggest managerial shock for me since the day Kenny resigned in 1991 due to similar fatigue issues (but for very different reasons). I always think back with regret for how he has since said he would have come back a season later but the club said they’d moved on. 

So is it absolutely behind all realms of belief that after a season off maybe we could get Klopp back? I know people will automatically say there is no chance, but Klopp is definitely going to go back into football management, so why not into a structure he already knows?


Far fetched I know, but is it completely impossible if say the next manager who comes in doesn’t work out? That’d a very real chance when you look the history of people taking over from hugely successful managers and what is apparently available to us? So maybe a year later we are looking for another new manager and Kloppo is looking to get back involved?


Something for the romantics to keep themselves awake at night with hope

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7 minutes ago, JohnnyH said:

I’m 50 so this is the biggest managerial shock for me since the day Kenny resigned in 1991 due to similar fatigue issues (but for very different reasons). I always think back with regret for how he has since said he would have come back a season later but the club said they’d moved on. 

So is it absolutely behind all realms of belief that after a season off maybe we could get Klopp back? I know people will automatically say there is no chance, but Klopp is definitely going to go back into football management, so why not into a structure he already knows?


Far fetched I know, but is it completely impossible if say the next manager who comes in doesn’t work out? That’d a very real chance when you look the history of people taking over from hugely successful managers and what is apparently available to us? So maybe a year later we are looking for another new manager and Kloppo is looking to get back involved?


Something for the romantics to keep themselves awake at night with hope


Sadly I think klopp knows if he is to get his energy back, it'll probably mean a fresh challenge. I'd have thought coming back to Liverpool after about a year off, it'll take about 2 hours on his first day back to wipe out the previous year off! 


Personally I think with some reference to him not being any younger and stuff like that, about how the media commitments have ramped up, I think he will likely go onto manage a national team, of course probably Germany. It's a shame we can't find a different role for him here - but if course that makes the new guys job almost impossible. 

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7 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:


Sadly I think klopp knows if he is to get his energy back, it'll probably mean a fresh challenge. I'd have thought coming back to Liverpool after about a year off, it'll take about 2 hours on his first day back to wipe out the previous year off! 


Personally I think with some reference to him not being any younger and stuff like that, about how the media commitments have ramped up, I think he will likely go onto manage a national team, of course probably Germany. It's a shame we can't find a different role for him here - but if course that makes the new guys job almost impossible. 

I think you’re probably right on the club side. And he certainly shouldn’t be anywhere near the club when the new guy arrives. 

However, I’m not sure if international football would suit him? He always needs time to get players to his way of thinking. Something he just wouldn’t get with the international squad. 

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Unfortunately there isn't unlike the new Liverpool 2.0 there isn't a Klopp 2.0 waiting in the wings to step in and take the club on so we have to go with the best available and for me that's Xabi .

BTW who ever that cunt was at OT the twat needs a good winding,  I'm not saying its the reason he's leaving obviously but opinions like that have definitely not helped 

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4 minutes ago, JohnnyH said:

I think you’re probably right on the club side. And he certainly shouldn’t be anywhere near the club when the new guy arrives. 

However, I’m not sure if international football would suit him? He always needs time to get players to his way of thinking. Something he just wouldn’t get with the international squad. 


I get what you're saying. I just think he's such a brilliant coach, he will know how to get the best out of those players in the limited time he has. He will need to adjust. And if he can't, maybe he gives it all up. I just don't see him taking on another Liverpool/dortmund type project at his age and the way he talks about not wanting to go on forever. Maybe he can do it differently at Bayern, where he'd only have to put his stamp on the team and there are others to set the culture of the club.  

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43 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:


I get what you're saying. I just think he's such a brilliant coach, he will know how to get the best out of those players in the limited time he has. He will need to adjust. And if he can't, maybe he gives it all up. I just don't see him taking on another Liverpool/dortmund type project at his age and the way he talks about not wanting to go on forever. Maybe he can do it differently at Bayern, where he'd only have to put his stamp on the team and there are others to set the culture of the club.  

I’d be gutted seeing him managing another club team, but conversely I’d love to see him managing Germany. 

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17 hours ago, Colonel Bumcunt said:

As for names, I'll throw a couple in based on their age and win percentage:


Roger Schmidt 

Arne Slot

Marco Rose

Ruben Amorim

Rob De Zerbi


I don't see how we talk about Xabi based on half a season of management.  It's fucking nuts.  And if he's not ready then we derail his career before it's even really started. 


I also want a manager over 6'2".  I think a lot of Klopp's aura was rigged with his size and presence.  I want a manager to stand eye to eye with the centre backs, I literally want some players physically 'looking up' to him when he speaks.  


I think Xabi is too clean cut and he doesn't seem to smile a lot.  Klopp lit up a room, whereas I think Xabi isn't experienced enough yet to shrug off the massive job on his hands.  He'll be nervous. 




Igor Biščan has been sacked by Al-Shabab (the Saudi club, not Somali Al-Qaida affiliates) and is apparently free now. 6'3"

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5 minutes ago, SasaS said:



Igor Biščan has been sacked by Al-Shabab (the Saudi club, not Somali Al-Qaida affiliates) and is apparently free now. 6'3"

I bet he's still got the permanent "just woke up, where the fuck am I, who the fuck am i" expression on his face.

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35 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:

England will be looking for a new manager after this summer. That could give a few of us a few challenges! 


I hope he batters every team he comes up against with the best most fluid football the England National team has ever seen and loses every single match in the most unlikely, bizarre way possible that means he can never be blamed, beachballs, lasers, low flying bird, England fans rioting forcing the game to be forfeited, Jordan Pickford being hit by lightning in every game he plays. Proper biblical end of days shit.

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21 minutes ago, Creator Supreme said:

I bet he's still got the permanent "just woke up, where the fuck am I, who the fuck am i" expression on his face.

The Livestock look I call it. My kids and dogs have it all the time.

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14 minutes ago, an tha said:

I didn't see him in options and not sure if been shouted up in thread but Thomas Frank must at least enter discussion for it...

There is the other option. 

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