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Go fuck yourselves FSG

Neil G

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10 hours ago, VladimirIlyich said:

Everton thinking.

Barrington is probably right here though isn't he. Last summer was the only time we've really "pushed the boundary" in terms of our spending and even then we failed to attract 1 or 2 of our main targets.


But the fact last summer we spent something close to 100m net without CL football gives me a tiny bit of hope we'll do something similar again but we're gonna need Edwards to pull a few rabbits out the hat with player sales as well given the rebuilding job we need (again).

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1 hour ago, stringvest said:

him and Diaz going take us to 200m easily.  If Nunez goes as well, that gets us to 210.  


and if we sign pickford in the firesale at everton for 30m, we can sell him on before the start of the season for 60m. 


31 minutes ago, Code said:

But the team will be worse. 

well that depends how much we get and who we buy. if we were to take it and not replace him, yes we would be worse in the next 12 months. and in 25/26 he might have left on a bosman anyway.  

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A gentle reminder that I posted this, the 2nd (and 3rd) posts in the summer transfer thread… It’s been reasonably civil so far, I’m am started to feel discontent brewing, let’s see how long it lasts…




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I don't get the uproar over FSG and don't intend to get into an argument on it. However, one thing I did find strange was why wasn't Tom standing next to John during the photographs with the outgoing staff/players and not Linda? 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I’m sure his view of “very cheap travel” is wildly different to ours. 

My train to Forest in March was £30. I’d like to think Tom and his billionaire friends would make a trip to New York the same price. 

Although it would be cool to go to NYC or wherever, it’s fundamentally wrong and I wouldn’t support it at all. 

There is more chance of the CL Final or Super Cup being moved before a Premiership game, IMO.

Assuming England (and / or Scotland & Wales) qualify for 2026, I think it’ll become more of a discussion. British mentality is the problem, although the majority of times it good humoured (it is with us anyway) we can come across as loud, aggressive & threatening. The Americans don’t have this tribalism or away support at their sports, they won’t understand. Obviously their police force have a reputation to shoot first, ask questions later. If they can control thousands of British football fans in 2026, it shows they can likely hold a UEFA event. 

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3 hours ago, Scott_M said:

Although I’d quite like a cheap trip to NYC (or wherever) to watch the reds…





… Tom Werner, GO FUCK YOURSELF. 

Fuck off Werner more determined about Ipswich v Everton in Saudi than beating the oil cheats to the title 

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36 minutes ago, Code said:

Whats the point of playing abroad if all the home fans should get cheap flights and accommodation?


Sonds a bit pointless to me. 

Most of these American stadiums are >80k (MetLife is 80k) I’m sure they’d want a few authentic supporters there to generate an atmosphere.


Realistically, how many would travel? I doubt huge numbers, especially as everybody thinks it’s a shite idea. 

What I think is a bigger piss take is “making the trip affordable to supporters”. While I’m sure it’s well meaning, it makes the £1.2m increase onto tickets for next season somewhat pointless. You don’t get much change from £600 for flights to the US these days, what’s Werner expecting, a Happy Als plane?

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