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Instant cunt identifiers


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Scarves are acceptable to wear at either a f******* match or if it's cold and the scarf is there purely to keep you warm.


Remmie has already addressed it, but anyone with any sort of slogan or innuendo based crap on it - anything from this sort of website. Women are just as bad as men, any women wearing a tshirt with something like "Bitch with attitude" or "Caution: Maneater" on it are to be avoided, not because of what their tshirts say but because they're quite clearly massive cunts.


And people who wear tshirts with catchphrases from tv shows on aswell.


I can't understand why anyone wants to wear something with any form of phrase or slogan on.

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Anyone, and I mean anyone, who writes their opinion, or something they've heard, and then ends the comment with "FACT".


Super duper top level cunts of the highest order.


I invented doing that. True story.


I don't do it any more cos every cunt does it now.

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Ross is bang on the money will all of those. Especially the fucking charity hawking cunts.


If I was on the verge of leaving this mortal coil, I'd take a few of those cunts with me.


To add to the collection.


Brighton Twat Hats as I call them. Sported by the most unoriginal cunts in every Brighton pub for the last five years. Added to the piercing and twatoo they invariably come with in an attempt to be noticed. Here's a fucking truth for you, you're not, you're just more of a Cunt.




Also young blokes wearing flat caps, cunts.


Rally gear, people who walk round in Subaru and Mitsubishi gear. Virgins.

Edited by RJ Fan club
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Balding young men are allowed to wear stupid hats. Not cunts, still very funny.


I'd like to add anyone who thinks that owning american football franchises qualifies someone to buy english association football clubs on credit. cunts.

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People who drink coffee with a straw, people who drink coffee that is cold, people who drink coffee that has a can of whipped cream on it. People who wear sunglasses indoors, people who wear scarves indoors, people with blacked out windows. Lads who insist on speaking into there mobile, then returning the phone to there ear, then speaking into the phone, thenr returning it to there ear, you'll either totally get that or have no idea wghat I'm talking about it, scallys do it all the time though. People who wave money around at the bar and tell the bar maid that they're waiting to be served.

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And on a skin related note, this time of year is usually when blokes start walking around city centres shirtless. At the beach it's fine, but you look a massive cunt walking around topless around Paradise Street. Like tit monday, there is a Tit monday where blokes who are total tits decide it's hot enough to bare their white skin on the street.

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This guy has the lot.

Copious amount of hair grooming


Checked shirt with a vest underneath

skinny jeans

stupid string necklace thing



If only he was also sporting a scarf then he could actually be the cunt world's cuntiest cunt.



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