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Russia v Ukraine


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12 hours ago, Kevin D said:



After getting into Pelosi's office ... Barnett reportedly told a New York Times reporter, "I wrote her a nasty note, put my feet up on her desk and scratched my balls."


Thomas Jefferson over here.

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Getting captured alive by the Russians is a faux pas to be sure, odd behaviour too - they blow themselves up at the drop of a hat these cats. Now they're sat in the dock with missing ears and eyes and whatnot. 

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 Gen Z terrorists.


They probably had support animals with them in the car and would have escaped but had to stop to let the iguana out for a while because of inadequate humidity in the terrarium. 

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They do look like the perps in the images. This one could be legit. If Russia can tie it to Ukraine like they’re trying to then this could be perfect for Putin. 

Absolutely fuck getting caught by Russian troops though. I think I’d rather jump into crocodile infested waters. They’ll throw them in a prison and they’ll last about a day. 

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What I don't fully understand about this attack, it's one of the biggest concert halls in the country, there were about 6,000 people there, where was security, police, for this 20 minutes the attackers had a free reign?


And even if they were under orders to wait for FSB or the SWAT team, how come they couldn't even block the building, the streets and let the terrorists escape, all in one getaway car? And then a few hours later, they are all caught, alive, each 11 or 17 members of the entire support group.

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Just now, Section_31 said:

Bad day at the office that.





Can't say they haven't been treated well.


Looks a similar result to here in the eighties if the Coppers caught someone in the act nicking a car stereo. No need for court. 

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Russian President Vladimir Putin for the first time on Monday acknowledged that last week’s terror attack in Moscow was carried out by Islamic militants, but once again attempted to pin the blame on his favorite scapegoat Ukraine.

“We know that the crime was carried out by radical Islamists,” Putin said in televised remarks after a videoconference meeting with regional officials, special services and law enforcement agencies. But he added the Kremlin was investigating “who ordered” the attack and implied Kyiv was responsible.


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Another conflict devoid of religious backdrop:


The Kremlin on Tuesday called Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky a "peculiar kind of Jew", when asked how he could be linked to an attack in Moscow claimed by Islamic jihadists.  Russian officials continue to allege Kyiv was somehow involved in Friday's attack on a Moscow concert hall that killed at least 139 people, an assertion Zelensky has denounced as absurd.  "Well, there is a peculiar kind of Jew over there," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in response to a question about how Zelensky, who is Jewish, may be linked to the attack.  "A Jew who in many ways shows sympathy and inclination to the nationalist spirit that has permeated the leadership of the Kyiv regime," he continued. 


Moscow has for years tried to paint the pro-Western Ukrainian government led by Zelensky as neo-Nazi and used this as a pretext for its offensive in Ukraine. Last June, President Vladimir Putin called Zelensky a "disgrace to the Jewish people", a comment that drew a swift backlash from Jewish groups. When asked about this comment in a BBC interview, Zelensky called Putin "the second king of antisemitism" after Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler.


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Fuckin NATO:



Russia has no designs on any NATO country and will not attack Poland, the Baltic states or the Czech Republic, Russian President Vladimir Putin said late on Wednesday, but he added that if the West supplies F-16 fighters to Ukraine then they will be shot down by Russian forces.

"We have no aggressive intentions towards these states," Putin said, according to a Kremlin transcript released on Thursday. "The idea that we will attack some other country — Poland, the Baltic States, and the Czechs are also being scared — is complete nonsense. It's just drivel."

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What a scamp.


Ukraine crisis: Putin says military drills 'purely defensive' and 'not a threat' as Western leaders warn invasion imminent

The West has said Russia is likely to invade Ukraine soon but Vladimir Putin denies this, saying he is just carrying out planned military exercises

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25 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

What a scamp.


Ukraine crisis: Putin says military drills 'purely defensive' and 'not a threat' as Western leaders warn invasion imminent

The West has said Russia is likely to invade Ukraine soon but Vladimir Putin denies this, saying he is just carrying out planned military exercises


Indeed he is. Rightly condemned by the international community. 


Wonder why those women and children who are being trapped, bombed, raped and slaughted throughout the whole of Gaza do not seem worthy of the same level compassion as those innocents killed in Eastern Ukraine? 




Why, after all the evidence available are we arming the occupiers? Why are we arming those committing the atrocities?  Public opinion has been consistent so why have our politicans differed. Can't quite put my finger on it  






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14 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


Indeed he is. Rightly condemned by the international community. 


Wonder why those women and children who are being trapped, bombed, raped and slaughted throughout the whole of Gaza do not seem worthy of the same level compassion as those innocents killed in Eastern Ukraine? 




Why, after all the evidence available are we arming the occupiers? Why are we arming those committing the atrocities?  Public opinion has been consistent so why have our politicans differed. Can't quite put my finger on it  







I'd certainly agree that's the case now. The Israelis are engaged in an indiscriminate slaughter which has basically destroyed all the good will afforded to them.


Historically though, there was clear night and day between each situation. Ukrainians didn't paraglide into Russia, kidnap lands of them and kill people at a music festival.

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6 hours ago, Section_31 said:


I'd certainly agree that's the case now. The Israelis are engaged in an indiscriminate slaughter which has basically destroyed all the good will afforded to them.


Historically though, there was clear night and day between each situation. Ukrainians didn't paraglide into Russia, kidnap lands of them and kill people at a music festival.


But you're taking it out all context. Yes Putin is a Pysco, yes Ukraine needed support but you mention Paragliding in a dramatic sense which it undoubtedly is but why would those in Gaza need to use Paraglidiers?  Is it something to do with that big high steel wall thats hemmed them in for decades? Ukraine or Russia or whoever wouldn't need to go Paragliding because no other country on earth has its people trapped within a big steel wall. After South Africa not many nations have to live under the rule of apartheid. 


Why are those who've got so much to say about the poor innocents in Ukraine so silent when it comes to this slaughter of women and children in Gaza? 


Why no outrage there? 

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18 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


But you're taking it out all context. Yes Putin is a Pysco, yes Ukraine needed support but you mention Paragliding in a dramatic sense which it undoubtedly is but why would those in Gaza need to use Paraglidiers?  Is it something to do with that big high steel wall thats hemmed them in for decades? Ukraine or Russia or whoever wouldn't need to go Paragliding because no other country on earth has its people trapped within a big steel wall. After South Africa not many nations have to live under the rule of apartheid. 


Why are those who've got so much to say about the poor innocents in Ukraine so silent when it comes to this slaughter of women and children in Gaza? 


Why no outrage there? 


 Could say the reverse about you, why is someone who's always talking about Gaza so quiet about Ukraine? 


Personally, I don't think people are being racist when they make an internal distinction, they do it because people's brains are programmed to look for threats, and Russia is a threat.


If Georgia or Latvia were duking it out with Ukraine people would be less arsed I reckon, instead they're worried that Russia won't stop there. Plus they have enough Nukes to destroy the planet.

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