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Showing content with the highest reputation on 15/02/24 in all areas

  1. 8 points
  2. Another pretty shitty weekend really but it never feels as bad when we win, so at least there’s that. Wasn’t great in terms of other results though, but I think we need to get used to that as it’s going to be like this most of the time now. The Blues lost but that was the most nailed on result of the decade. City are going for a title, nothing takes priority over that if you’re a Blue, not even the looming prospect of relegation and possible end of days. As long as the Redshite aren’t winning titles. Ok, it’s a little more complex than that these days since Everton were caught cheating. All of a sudden, they’ve gone from revelling in City’s financial doping to pointing and screaming “look at them, they’re cheating too, why are we getting punished?”. Ask Evertonians if they want their ten points back but the condition is that City get the deduction instead and let’s see how they vote on that. Would be interesting. They kept it tight for a while at the Etihad but at no point did I allow myself to hope. I wasn’t even paying any attention to it until John started running his mouth outside the chippy about how “City haven’t had a shot on target yet”. The rest of us all looked at him like he’d just announced that he’d voted Tory. “Why the fuck would you say that you jinxing cunt?” Less than a minute had passed before he’s holding his hands up and accepting blame. It finished 2-0 with the blobfish getting both of them. There is no punishment severe enough to deal with these cunts.
    6 points
  3. Fuck me Stig where was you paper round Fallujah
    4 points
  4. We need a manager who can organise and get the best out of the players as a team. And just as importantly, isn't wedded to one way of playing. Dogma introduces artificial constraint, and shouldn't ever get a look in. Klopp is not dogmatic; he has principles, but he retains flexibility in his approach - all this 'heavy metal football' nonsense is shallow-minded pap.
    3 points
  5. Petty points scoring over something that happened 15 years ago… …and I’m all in on it.
    3 points
  6. The end is in sight. Tiling is finished, the rest of the house is floored. Painter is currently on site and we're testing multiple colour options. Anyone able to lend me a tenner?
    3 points
  7. Their loyalty scheme should be called the Small Clubcard.
    3 points
  8. Should've made him do it to test his wesolve.
    3 points
  9. I've been through this with other posters before but I want them to lose every game, regardless of the circumstances. I don't do pragmatism when it comes to that lot.
    3 points
  10. The Celebration at Arsenal is an interesting one for me, Same would be at the Emptihad or Bald Trafford... Worth Reflecting.... We revere our Managers, more than the Players really. We value our History, Elisha Scott, Billy Liddell but this is why managers celebrating in from of the Kop with salutes, adoration or fist pumps. History. If you look broadly at our success, winning and runners up, whilst the latter can be heartbreaking, there is always the thrill of the chase in the League and the Cups. If we ignore the one offs and charity games and focus on the "We can win 3 domestic and 1 Europe 4 This season" Looking at Wins and Runner Ups over the years... Shanks - 10 in 12 seasons (once we were in Divn 1 1962/1963 ) Bob - 17 in 9 Seasons Joe - 5 in 2 seasons Kenny - 9 in 5 full seasons (No European footy) 15 to go for won or close on 9... 41 trophies and RU in 28 seasons, 4 different managers. Then the "Dark Days", Hope Springing eternal, these times for many clubs would be their Golden Era 25 years, 7 managers 9 Wins 8 Runners Up, - 17 Wins close shaves in 25 years, most clubs would love that. Along comes Jurgen 10 in 8 seasons, robbed of many by you know who. Rebuilt our belief...our Bastion of Invincibility. Success for us is winning silverware, but on some of those oh so near ones, still had a great time, great moments (Kiev CL final was one such trip) No other club has had 5 managers that have brought such happiness to us 51 wins or close shaves, finals etc in 36 seasons. add in our fallow years that's 68 titles, cup finals, runners up chases... in 61 years (my lifetime) NO other club can boast that few managers and that level of success, that is why we cherish all our managers and why the fans and the manager are bonded together. US v the rest. Others imitate which is the sincerest form of Flattery.
    3 points
  11. And this Cinderella tale of riches to riches leads to him buying twenty flats, off plan, and renting them out above market rate helping keep the rental market red hot, whilst also reducing access to first time buyers. Brings a tear to the eye to see someone come from everything to have everything and actively work against the interests of the vast majority.
    3 points
  12. She got the dog a teddy bear for Valentines day for a laugh. He seemed to like it but attacked it usual dog stuff. Didn't pay the thing any attention and spent 5 hours in the back of the car with it blanking it. Last night we're watching a film and he decides to drag it into the bedroom, I jokingly said he's gonna bang it. Next thing he's trying to get it on the bed so I take it off him to help him and he gets excited, runs in the living room and his tail smashes my birds Prosecco glass off the coffee table. I'm picking up glass and she calls me into the bedroom horrified. He'd only jumped on the bed, turned it on it's front and started goosing it right in-front of her. He's never humped anything ever. We took him the vets months back for his jabs and he said don't get his balls chopped off unless he's humping stuff, so we haven't. We should have guessed what was coming from the way he looked at it hours earlier.... Im gonna bin it today, nip it in the bud but he can’t see me do it or he’ll forever blame me for killing his one true love “Valentina”
    3 points
  13. You horrible bastard. She has nothing but joy in her life finding me silly jobs to do. To be fair, she's stepped up this week. It's my 40th on Saturday so she's surprised me with a little trip to the New Forest followed by 5 days in Southsea seeing my mates down there. Currently in a little cottage near Lymington in the middle of the woods. She might kill me here who knows. But it's lovely. She's the least bitter blue I know. Loves them but she's not arsed about the hate stuff. Odd snide comment and knife across the throat threat here and there but that's quite timid eh Only downside so far is we caught the dog goosing his valentines teddy bear last night. She's in a state of shock.
    3 points
  14. Hunt always looks like he's holding a fart in at an interview.
    3 points
  15. I wouldn't mind if he kept it clean, and at least got trimmed (just to get rid of the dead hair), but he's a scruffy lazy (admittedly autistic) hippy. He moults more than the dog.
    2 points
  16. Sounds the opposite of what happened to my mate. He meets this bird, when pissed. Agrees go on a date.sees her and she's fatter than be remembered. Gets pissed with her and thinks fuck it.when she takes her clothes off he realises he can't. She then locks him in her house and won't let him leave. For some reason rather than just kicking off he ran upstairs wrapped himself in all her towels and threaten jump out an upstairs window. She let him out then
    2 points
  17. That's just not true though. Klopp is not dogmatic at all. Sean Dyche is dogmatic, Klopp has a bit of pragmatism about him. The way we play now is different to how we played when Klopp first got here. You evolve, do things differently, add bits here and there depending on the players you have and their strengths and weaknesses. You don't just go "this is what I do, if you don't fit then I don't care that you're world class, you can fuck off"
    2 points
  18. Even though the manager who replaced him was a cunt who you put your not inconsiderable weight behind.
    2 points
  19. There was nothing petty about being pissed off with that cunt replacing a European cup winning manager.
    2 points
  20. Haha, I promise you, the first two thoughts I had were: 1) looks like a place for a pound shop Barbara Cartland 2) I should make a crack about Stig selling up
    2 points
  21. What about heated slip-ons
    2 points
  22. "He also cannot go within a mile of any Everton match, home or away for 3 years" I thought he would be punished, not rewarded....
    2 points
  23. Russia have already lost the war. Even if Ukraine cede land to them, with its ruined buildings, Russia's reputation as a capable military force is shattered for good. Putin is forever isolated, the oligarchs are persona non grata in the West. Ukraine has lost troops, civilians, villages, Russia has lost ships, generals, admirals. Their top mercenary tried to start a coup and was offed.
    2 points
  24. There’s not much you can sow in February apart from broad beans & garlic/shallots but you can sow seeds indoors to raise seedlings for planting out in the spring but very few seeds will germinate outdoors if sown now. You can start chitting your seed potatoes indoors ready for planting out in March but generally the soil is still too cold for anything else. Patience my friend, end of March early April is the best time to get started
    2 points
  25. It should have been Ricky Tomlinson
    2 points
  26. Wasn't it on one of those 'Never Walk Alone' magazine-style videos they came out with. They were about £7 and came out every couple of months. There was some good stuff in those. And some right bollocks, like Jason McAteer showing-off his underwear drawer.
    1 point
  27. Dogmatic is not a pejorative word when talking about football managers.
    1 point
  28. Playing a system/style with the two full backs as our most creative players while the midfield sacrificed themselves to facilitate it... using Firmino as a false nine when previously he had Lewandowski up front.... signing Thiago to replace Wijnaldum and evolving to a more possession based style than he played previously... moving Trent away from the most attacking right back in the world and turning him into a hybrid full back/midfielder... bringing in Nunez to replace the polar opposite styled Firmino. Yeah I take it back, you're right, he's dogmatic as fuck.
    1 point
  29. Good job done by John Pearman and all the people of RAOTL. I’m a subscriber obviously even though TLW was the best printed fanzine by far.
    1 point
  30. Staggering isn't it. I assumed it was Guardiola.
    1 point
  31. Heard the recession being called Rishis recession. Need keep use that, simpletons love brief alliterations
    1 point
  32. It's easy to find if you have Kodi, he plays the part perfectly imo. 2 more series to go , then I'll have a look at Prosper
    1 point
  33. Hope you get the asking price.
    1 point
  34. I've met him twice once as a kid probably about 11 when he along with a few other stars did a soccer type skills at the local leisure centre, he was parking his car and I just happened to be at the right place at the right time and asked him for his autograph , I remember saying please at the time not really thinking about it , a few years later I read his book and one thing that stuck out for me was him saying he hated people not saying please and thank you. The 2nd time was last year at the Shankly Hotel were he was doing a Q&A about Shanks and Liverpool in General to be fair he comes across as a really nice guy .
    1 point
  35. He’s won 2 ballon d’or and should have got one the year before when he won everything but failed short to Simonsen who was also a great player. I have never seen him play at his peak except that final vs Forest but one of my best mate is adamant He was the best player in Europe for 6 years and way better individually than Dalglish. For some reasons He is indeed totally underrated.
    1 point
  36. I like Politics JOE, but one of the lads said he'd advocate not voting as a 'protest'. And he can fuck right off with that sixth form nonsense.
    1 point
  37. "Is your child hyperactive?, Or is he, perhaps, a twat?"
    1 point
  38. The real leaders of the Labour Party. They're now showing who's boss. They want a return on the money. This Labour friends of Israel nonsense should be disbanded and banned. Its a cancer within the party and its divisive. Especially as Israel are currently facing charges of genocide at the Hague.
    1 point
  39. You get people saying all the time that letting young lads stand with their mates will help improve the atmosphere. What it actually leads to is them talking about who they’re getting coke from after the match, which bar they’re going to, and sneering at people for singing at the wrong tempo.
    1 point
  40. My Mrs despite being shit at the Chase and quizzes generally likes to criticise someones answers in the final chase and we subsequently miss the next two questions at least whilst she's shouting shit, incredibly annoying.
    1 point
  41. The missus has stopped leaving extremely sharp knives bed in the washing up bowl or putting them in the dishwasher now thank fuck. But last night left a handmade oak chopping board in the sink to ‘soak all night’.
    1 point
  42. They scored 42 and 40 league goals combined in the 2 seasons they played together with Collymore missing 15 league games and Fowler 6. Overall in them 2 season Robbie played 97 games amd scored 67 goals and 12 assists,Collymore 81 games and 35 goals and 16 assists, im not sure how many they started together but its alot. They were a very effective partnership.
    1 point
  43. Quick question: Do I still have to read all that when I have already seen Temple of Doom?
    1 point

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