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I used to love the wrestling, stopped watching when they stopped doing any actual wrestling. Guys like Mr Perfect and Brett Hart are sorely missed.


I'm not sure if I agree with you or not really, for me it's always been about entertainment and when Vince was wrestling, Stone cold was running wild, Shane was on the scene, Edge and Christian, it was fantastic viewing every week. The wrestling has always been a side line to the rest for me, but Perfect and Brett were legends and always will be.

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Wrestling. There's another boat that left me on the island.


'hey Brendan, wrestling is ace. Jesse Ventura! Stone cold Steve Austin!'


'er, isn't it just a retarded, steroidal, homoerotic pantomime?'


Nice one, I thought I was losing it then.

Nope, it's still homoerotic tumbling.

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I stopped watching around the time Stone Cold left and they split it into Raw and Smackdown.


I loved 'The Invasion' when the WCW and ECW guys turned up. Good times, I feel it's lost something since then.





Can you still beat up a black man in a supermarket with coconuts and other racist fruit/veg?



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Wrestling seems dead these days.

I loved it from the mid 80's through to maybe 2000.I have caught the odd show over the last few years and it's shit,today's stars do not have the same charisma that they did of old.

Cena can't wrestle for shit,I was reading a blog and apparently he only holds the title because kids like him.


All the old guys are now so slow and beat up I don't bother.



Threads needs divas


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Don't watch it anymore bar the odd WM or Royal Rumble (started watching again after uni following reading a - of all things - Barthes essay about it. But then I guess he was just trying to justify watching homoerotic tumbling...), but CM Punk and Bryan Danielson (the two world champions) are both great wrestlers. Plus there's Jericho still around.

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The rat in wrestling has always been top class.


It was 70% of the reason i used to watch it. The fact most of them ended up doing playboy was the stuff dreams (wet) are made of.


I was a fan for many a year, then almost instantly i stopped watching it - and haven't watched for years now.

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In the beginning pro wrestling was like early UFC, which was basically not as entertaining as a game of violence should be. Which is why 'contests' became exhibitions and evolved into what we have today. UFC avoided this by introducing gloves, meaning they could punch each other without breaking their hands. When wrestling evolved to the point where wrestling ability was superfluous, I lost interest.

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Wrestling seems dead these days.

I loved it from the mid 80's through to maybe 2000.I have caught the odd show over the last few years and it's shit,today's stars do not have the same charisma that they did of old.

Cena can't wrestle for shit,I was reading a blog and apparently he only holds the title because kids like him.


All the old guys are now so slow and beat up I don't bother.



Threads needs divas



Stacy Keibler was fucking tidy - she's been in playboy a few times hasn't she? Not much wrestling ability though... here is one girl who could actually wrestle fucking good and better than some of the blokes could: Jazz.




Then there is Trish Stratus who could wrestle and was fit.




Or how about Lita? Perhaps one of the best WWE-generation female wrestlers? PLus she knows her way around a cock.



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The rat in wrestling has always been top class.


It was 70% of the reason i used to watch it. The fact most of them ended up doing playboy was the stuff dreams (wet) are made of.


I was a fan for many a year, then almost instantly i stopped watching it - and haven't watched for years now.


I'd have let that Chyna bird destroy me.

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Wrestling. There's another boat that left me on the island.


'hey Brendan, wrestling is ace. Jesse Ventura! Stone cold Steve Austin!'


'er, isn't it just a retarded, steroidal, homoerotic pantomime?'

Aye, my lad went through a phase of following it when he was about 11, took him to a few shows, it was mildly entertaining for about 10 minutes then you sit through the rest of the show bored off your tits.

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