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Stag Dos (and don'ts)


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DO: go if and when you get the chance, as long as it's somewhere decent. You want it to be memorable for the right reasons.


DON'T: pull a sickie at work, go off on your mate's stag do, then brag about it on Twitter. Word is that somebody at my workplace was sacked about a month ago for doing this. I have no idea who the person is. I only know him by name, and I don't use Twitter.

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Don't shag hookers in Amsterdam. I was regular visitor to this fine city and when a mate was having a stag night there I became the unofficial guide.

18 lads. First night every single one of them in at the ladies in the windows I never bothered. Homo queer gaylord was the predictable response to my refusal to pay for it.

Next morning to a man they felt terrible, dirty, cheating and in one case itchy. Plus a 100 odd euros lighter. I spent my evening drinking fine Belgian beers and smoking Afghani hash. I enjoyed in tremendously.

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Went to Albufeira on mine last year early September. Got there at 11 on the Friday and then proceeded to get smashed. My brother had arranged a football match for 12.00 noon on the Saturday against a local team. Not the best of ideas as we are all mid thirties to early forties all fooked from the night before and it was a 105 degrees and we were wearing a long sleeved black kit!!!


Great night out in the Old Town on the Saturday and Sunday loads of Dutch birds there on Holiday loved 31 scousers with bright red burnt faces and Walton Park busting his breakdance moves.


Been to Magaluf and Dublin (when it was affordable) in the past and off to Benidorm in a few weeks for my mates i fucking love stag do's they are the bollox.

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Went on some cracking ones.


One of them, we starting drinking pints of Carlsberg at about 4pm, and we didn't finish until about 11pm that night. Fucking mental it was, the telly had golf on and someone had a really smelly shit in one of the pubs.


Never again, young mans game.

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Went to Prague with my mates. We were rentamob for a mates birds brother. They were a bunch of right square bastards. Our first day went from first pint at 6am at Manchester Airport to last pint at 4am in a whore house we went into thinking it was just a pub.


Next day, the stag and his mates were too tired so went doing touristy things while we went back on the ale.


On the way home I redecorated the toilet on board the plane!




Another one was in Tallin. Two mates asked a taxi driver to take them to see some girls. My mates thought they were going to see strippers, they ended up in a supermarket car park and had to pay two whores (who were old bags) NOT to have sex with them!

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I went to Prague a couple of years ago and it was ace. Stand out part was nothing to do with the Stag but his brother in law who I was was sharing a room with along with another mate.


On the second night after an all dayer and a trip to a casino we headed into some club when this lad said he'd had enough and was going back to the digs for some kip. After a few more drinks I was feeling worse for wear so headed off to Mcdonalds for some scran and then back to the hotel. Walks into our room to find this lad balls deep into to some leggy Czech bird, so turned back at went to the bar.


Lad came down a little later and admitted he'd booked the prozzie in the afternoon with the lady at the desk but begged me not to say a word to anyone as he's married with kids etc.


To this day i've kept quite and every time we go out he always buys me a few beers. We've never mentioned it since that night.

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Went on some cracking ones.


One of them, we starting drinking pints of Carlsberg at about 4pm, and we didn't finish until about 11pm that night. Fucking mental it was, the telly had golf on and someone had a really smelly shit in one of the pubs.


Never again, young mans game.


That sounds like a normal day in the pub. Before the all night drinking kicked in. And Carlsberg. Really?


I went to Salou on mine ( I know, I know ) Could barely walk by the time I left the hotel, can't remember the first night at all. Woke up the next day asleep on the floor of a hotel toilet about a mile away from mine and had to walk back to my hotel in a thunderstorm, in a t-shirt.

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Been on a handful of stag do's in recent years, but always to places within the uk. All of them have been pretty tame compaired to some of the stories on here, just shit loads of drinking has gone on.


All the guys together just going for it, not fucking around behind your wife/girlfriends back.


The last one I went on was last year and I missed the middle night of it cause I had to go do a gig, still felt really broken on the third morning though. That was a long journey home. The previous one I was found one afternoon pissed up on a bowling green (being used by old folk) walking some seeweed like a dog with a leash, can't really remember that at the time. Bristol has been my favourite destination though, lots of good bars with some fine ales in that city.


Butlins last year was better than I thought it would be, the place is crawling with stag and hen do's so you never know what you'll see (or hear) at night.


The next one's in Glasgow. Should be very interesting as I've never been there and it should be quite colourful. Not sure how patient the locals will be to a large group of pissed up Englishmen.


We shall see

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