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Boris Johnson


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18 minutes ago, Poor Scouser T said:

Not defending the twat but even if you were Jesus 2 days of forensic questioning by numerous highly briefed intelligent KC's is fucking hard going. You are bound to make a few mistakes. Anyway he is still a cunt.

he has consistently lied and seems to have a worryingly short memory

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27 minutes ago, Arniepie said:

he has consistently lied and seems to have a worryingly short memory

Considering he is lying the whole time and everyone knows it and is under questioning by top KC's I think he has performed remarkably well. Not for a minute defending him and hope he gets a firing squad but it must be hard gong.

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9 minutes ago, Poor Scouser T said:

Considering he is lying the whole time and everyone knows it and is under questioning by top KC's I think he has performed remarkably well. Not for a minute defending him and hope he gets a firing squad but it must be hard gong.

He has been.caught out lying on countless occasions despite weeks of coaching. 



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Just now, Poor Scouser T said:

Not denying he is lying. He is an awful person. Just saying he is pretty good at it.

surely if you are good at it,you dont get found out?


Johnson tries to claim that he did ask for some research – and did eventually see evidence on long Covid – but is finally pushed to acknowledge that he never asked to see the NIHR report.

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7 minutes ago, Poor Scouser T said:

If you were in a position of authority running blockbusters never mind the country and KC's went through your Whatsapp and texts from 2 years ago it would be a tough day.

they never got hold of his whatsapp messeges.

You are going to lie consistently,you need to have a good memory.

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22 minutes ago, Poor Scouser T said:

If you were in a position of authority running blockbusters never mind the country and KC's went through your Whatsapp and texts from 2 years ago it would be a tough day.


Especially when Blockbusters ask you what the fuck you're doing running company business over WhatsApp.

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this is brilliant


Davies asks Johnson what lessons were learned on protecting people from domestic abuse from the first lockdown, and taken into subsequent lockdowns. Johnson talks at length about legislation his government introduced, which Davies reminds him is irrelevant because it did not refer to lockdown measures.

Johnson finishes by saying the government invested in telephone hotlines.

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7 minutes ago, Poor Scouser T said:

Whatsapp is instant and encrypted. As good as anything.


Er, no it isn't. On just one point, where is the back up of those 5000 messages? Every email or Teams message I send or receive at work is held for 7 years by my company and I can't do anything unless it's on a company maintained device. Government business should be conducted over a secure internal network and backups kept, not via instant messaging.

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7 minutes ago, Mudface said:


Er, no it isn't. On just one point, where is the back up of those 5000 messages? Every email or Teams message I send or receive at work is held for 7 years by my company and I can't do anything unless it's on a company maintained device. Government business should be conducted over a secure internal network and backups kept, not via instant messaging.

No such thing as a secure internal network. And the fact your coms are held for 7 years immediately gives me an in. Government business of a national security level especially informal chit chat should not be held on an network for 7 years.

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4 minutes ago, Poor Scouser T said:

No such thing as a secure internal network. And the fact your coms are held for 7 years immediately gives me an in. Government business of a national security level especially informal chit chat should not be held on an network for 7 years.


You're right, it should be held indefinitely in offline storage (like cabinet papers etc), the 7 year company policy is for GDPR purposes.

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2 minutes ago, Mudface said:


You're right, it should be held indefinitely in offline storage (like cabinet papers etc), the 7 year company policy is for GDPR purposes.

The biggest threat to data storage is not like in the movies with elite hackers it is getting to a member of staff who has legit access, in 7 years no prob

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After Johnson’s second appearance at the inquiry, Becky Kummer, a spokesperson for Covid-19 Bereaved Families for Justice UK, says:

Our questioning today showed that Johnson’s claims about the pandemic fall apart under the slightest scrutiny.

He did not ‘get the big calls right’, he failed to take the pandemic seriously in early 2020 leaving us brutally unprepared, and failed to learn from his mistakes meaning that the second wave had an even higher death toll than the first. The NHS was in fact severely overwhelmed, which he would know if he had met with the many thousands of bereaved families whose loved ones either couldn’t get in to hospital, or couldn’t get the treatment they needed once there. The UK was not ‘in the middle of the pack’, it suffered the second highest death toll in western Europe.

As his messages showed today, even when he knew measures needed to be taken to protect lives, he delayed for fear of how it might impact his reputation with certain sections of the press.

If his vanity hadn’t taken priority over public health, many thousands of people, including my dad, might still be with us today. There are many lessons from the pandemic that might save lives in the future, but one of them is undoubtedly that someone as self-serving as Boris Johnson is not fit for power.

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