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Boris Johnson


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With my head still spinning from the fact someone had been jailed for three months for posting nasty comments on Facebook and no news organisations seemed arsed, I turned on the telly to see that at some point over the last few months - without me realising it - Boris Johnson has turned into the English JFK.


Yesterday I heard him described as 'blue Viagra', 'a future Prime Minister' and 'a political rock star'. Heard how journalists love him because he 'remembers their names', 'tells jokes' and 'is a character'. It seems obvious they're maneuvering to get him to replace Cameron for the simple reason that he'd make good news stories owing to the fact he's an utter, utter buffoon.


I just couldn't handle the shit yesterday. I felt like I'd climbed out of a car wreck and then been hit by a bus. What's going on in this country, seriously?


A year from now Mitt Romney and Boris Johnson could be leaders of the western world, the dole might not exist, and people will be getting sent down for making inappropriate jokes about those facts on Twitter.

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I quite like Boris for one reason - he's fucking entertaining. Unfortunately that's not and shouldn't ever be a prerequisite to lead a major political party. Prime Minister Boris doesn't bear thinking about.


He gets on with his business in London and it doesn't particularly affect the rest of us. The mayoral electorate in London seem to like him too. Maybe that's because they have a choice between him and a hard left dinosaur. Turd sandwich and giant douche. The whips, media and politicians need to realise he's found his level and he should never be passed up through the ranks. Buffonery will get you by in a city when you're surrounded by people who are good at their jobs. Running the fucking country is an entirely different proposition.

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A year from now Mitt Romney and Boris Johnson could be leaders of the western world...


Now there's a rosy future for us all. Skynet might have been onto something after all.


Boris Johnson is conclusive proof that the UK wasn't entirely successful in eradicating foot-in-mouth disease* a decade ago.






*I know that a typo but I needed it to make the point!

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Guest Pistonbroke
I meant in the sense that he seems to be doing all right for himself...the triumph of style over substance


Hitler did alright for himself as long as it lasted.

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Politics is showbusiness for ugly people, and a popularity contest for idiots


Do people vote for the best option? Look at the X-Factor; the best singers don't always get through; the public vote for who they like.


Some people (the aforementioned idiots) will always vote for the one they like most, ignoring party politics, policies or what's best for them and the country.


So with Cameron being unpopular, Clegg and the Lib-Dems dead in the water, and Labour - even with the unelectable Ed Milliband in charge - doing well in the polls, it's no surprise that, out of all the options, Boris - world-class Olympics behind him - is being viewed as a contender.


Let's not forget that he is a very popular mayor, and was voted in quite comfortably, because even people who didn't like Tories voted for him. Because they like him.

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Politics is showbusiness for ugly people, and a popularity contest for idiots


Do people vote for the best option? Look at the X-Factor; the best singers don't always get through; the public vote for who they like.


Some people (the aforementioned idiots) will always vote for the one they like most, ignoring party politics, policies or what's best for them and the country.


So with Cameron being unpopular, Clegg and the Lib-Dems dead in the water, and Labour - even with the unelectable Ed Milliband in charge - doing well in the polls, it's no surprise that, out of all the options, Boris - world-class Olympics behind him - is being viewed as a contender.


Let's not forget that he is a very popular mayor, and was voted in quite comfortably, because even people who didn't like Tories voted for him. Because they like him.


"Quite comfortably"- wasn't it by about one or two percent-and that against an archaic rival who was more unelectable than Ed Milliband allegedly is.The man is playing on his likeable buffoon image and the right wing media in this Country are happy to keep portraying him as such.The fact is that he is a feckless( how many illegitimate children is the count up to at the moment) ,privileged upper class twat who has been created through the same Bullingdon cartel as the rest of those chinless bastards.

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Another savagely Thatcherite twat being touted as an alternative to the other savagely Thatcherite twat who is currently PM.


I recall John Major being sold to the dumb arse British electorate as a veritable Mr Chips, to replace the 'ordinary middle England housewife' who devastated our city. And Boris is just another warrior in the establishment's class war on the less privileged, poorer and weaker members of our society.


Buffoon, idiot, joker, classicist, metropolitico or cunt - call him what you like - the man is exactly the same as his political forebears. Fucking evil.

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It's another lurch in the direction of Amercan-style politics where politicians are merely corporate stooges: The biggest stooge of them all, Mr president, sorry the Prime minister is a convenient fugurehead who's just clever enough to know his role and just stupid enough to be unthreatening to the voters.


Boris as PM? It's a shoo-in.

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