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- Guy Pearce as an FBI agent chasing moslem extremist Don Cheadle (only thing I've seen him in before is Crash. He was excellent in that too. Must find more of his stuff). Cheadle is an American citizen and former soldier, starts off selling detonators in the middle east and promptly gets in with a bunch of nutters and travels the world with ideas of bombing the shit out of the west.


A couple of really good twists and a reasonably plausible story line. Thoroughly absorbing. Give it a go.


7.6 Jihads







Biographical account of the career of 40's actress Frances Farmer (As in "Frances Farmer will have her revenge on Seattle" by Nirvana). Pretty good really. She was a bit of a nutter and refused to be what Hollywood wanted her to be - the subservient, beautiful blonde bombshell. Lead really well played by Jessica Lange wh was oscar nominated for the role.


Some of the treatment she received in the various mental institutions she was thrown into was horrific although there's no evidence at all that one of the major "treatments" she underwent actually happened. The film made quite a lot of that which disappointed me a little, I thought the end was slightly disappointing overall but still a pretty good film about a fascinating woman.


7.1 padded cells out of 10

Edited by Redder Lurtz
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I found hunger to be visually arresting but light on any real story. I would say in certain circumstances that less is more but in this case I found that the hunger strike starting with only 25 minutes to go wasn't beneficial, I wanted to see how the other men on the strike felt about it. I wanted to see the reaction from the opposition, the guards were impassive apart from when they were beating the shit out of people. It felt like a series of scenes that were loosely connected rather than a coherent narrative, hung over a central performance that wasn't even highlighted until about 20 minutes in. It was good and Fassbender was excellent but I don't think it was a 'film' in the manner that I thought the subject matter needed. I know it's highly rated by critics though.


Agree completely, I watched it last night and I felt exhausted at the end, it was unremittingly bleak. Obviously I was well aware of the subject matter and i knew it wasn't exactly going to be a happy ending, but all the same, it just pounds away at you for 90 minutes. I admired it as it was visually brilliant, and the seventeen minute, one shot scene with Liam Cunningham and Fassbender was amazingly done, yet there were too many over-lingering shots of flies, shit, people staring into space, cleaning up piss etc. to make it an enjoyable experience. Again, I can see why, as it was to make the viewer aware of the hideous conditions and general boredom of being a prisoner in the Maze in the 70's/80's, but there was an over-reliance on these types of shots, instead of the hunger strike, which seemed, as Jules said, like a bit of an afterthought. As admirable as it was as art, it is not a film i feel i would ever need to see again. I'm not sure I could stomach it.

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I found hunger to be visually arresting but light on any real story. I would say in certain circumstances that less is more but in this case I found that the hunger strike starting with only 25 minutes to go wasn't beneficial, I wanted to see how the other men on the strike felt about it. I wanted to see the reaction from the opposition, the guards were impassive apart from when they were beating the shit out of people. It felt like a series of scenes that were loosely connected rather than a coherent narrative, hung over a central performance that wasn't even highlighted until about 20 minutes in. It was good and Fassbender was excellent but I don't think it was a 'film' in the manner that I thought the subject matter needed. I know it's highly rated by critics though.


Agree completely, I watched it last night and I felt exhausted at the end, it was unremittingly bleak. Obviously I was well aware of the subject matter and i knew it wasn't exactly going to be a happy ending, but all the same, it just pounds away at you for 90 minutes. I admired it as it was visually brilliant, and the seventeen minute, one shot scene with Liam Cunningham and Fassbender was amazingly done, yet there were too many over-lingering shots of flies, shit, people staring into space, cleaning up piss etc. to make it an enjoyable experience. Again, I can see why, as it was to make the viewer aware of the hideous conditions and general boredom of being a prisoner in the Maze in the 70's/80's, but there was an over-reliance on these types of shots, instead of the hunger strike, which seemed, as Jules said, like a bit of an afterthought. As admirable as it was as art, it is not a film i feel i would ever need to see again. I'm not sure I could stomach it.


Interesting chaps, I thought it was pretty well balanced with the film focusing on why they felt the need to hunger strike than the actual act. With hunger strikes, the 'victim' is weak and (in my mind) wouldn't provide a good visual subject for more than the time given.

I had very little knowledge of the events beforehand so the brutal environment they lived in needed showing in my opinion and I was glued disgusted to the film throughout with great performances from all.



Last night I watched Frost/Nixon. Great fucking film stolen by Frank Langella. What a performance again. 8/10



Lakeview Terrace.

Started interestingly, but got very dull very quickly.




Ghosttown. Looking forward to it with a bottle of directors.

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The Strangers


One to watch late at night but you won't be opening the door at night any more. Seriously jumpy film. Liv Tyler, a future Mrs Lurtz, is very good. It says it was based on actual events but on further investigation it's based extremely loosely on actual events. Still pretty good though.


6.8 psychopaths out of 10














And yes, I have watched a lot of films this week. So sue me.

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Interesting chaps, I thought it was pretty well balanced with the film focusing on why they felt the need to hunger strike than the actual act. With hunger strikes, the 'victim' is weak and (in my mind) wouldn't provide a good visual subject for more than the time given.

I had very little knowledge of the events beforehand so the brutal environment they lived in needed showing in my opinion and I was glued disgusted to the film throughout with great performances from all.



Last night I watched Frost/Nixon. Great fucking film stolen by Frank Langella. What a performance again. 8/10


really looking forward to seeing this film.

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Frost/Nixon - Good stuff although I've sussed how Michael Sheen does so many impersonations of famous people. Act like said person for about ten minutes then fuck it off after that for himself but we all remember that first ten minutes when he tried his hardest to do the impression. Skeletor was excellent too. 7 out of 10.

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Pineapple Express - Made me want to smoke weed, not sure if that is a good or a bad thing, will let you know after i have rolled this joint.


I turned it after after 30 minutes because I thought it was shit.

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In Bruges 10/10. Hilarious. On a par with Lock Stock. Some outstanding lines: "Somehow I believe, Ken, that the balance shall tip in the favor of culture, like a big fat fucking retarded fucking black girl on a see-saw opposite a dwarf."


Go see.


Got Frost Nixon to watch tonight - looking forward to it.

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Do you keep going the cinema to watch star trek over and over again?


i am going to see it for a fourth and last time on my own on thursday so i can appreciate it. unless someone else wants to go. i don't think there has been another scene in film history that has made the hairs stand up on the back of my neck than when the enterprise is first revealed, it was like being reunited with an old buddy.

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