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The all new inane lyrics thread


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Another from the mind of Sid Barret


"The Gnome"



I want to tell you a story

About a little man

If I can.

A gnome named Grimble Grumble.

And little gnomes stay in their homes.

Eating, sleeping, drinking their wine.

He wore a scarlet tunic,

A blue green hood,

It looked quite good.

He had a big adventure

Amidst the grass

Fresh air at last.

Wining, dining, biding his time.

And then one day - hooray!

Another way for gnomes to say


Look at the sky, look at the river

Isn't it good?

Look at the sky, look at the river

Isn't it good?

Winding, finding places to go.

And then one day - hooray!

Another way for gnomes to say




This post has no place in this thread. That was penned by the genius - albeit LSD freak - that was Syd Barrett. You may as well throw in all the lyrics on Piper From the Gates of Dawn in here.


Bad Scouse Tapas. In your bed.

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I love Syd's lyrics. They are kind of inane as in silly, but I don't think they are empty. It is just that he was so twatted on magic monkey juice that his third-eye was well and truly open to gnomes, scarecrows and strange cats.


Fuck yeah, I love listening to Piper in mono.


Lucifer Sam, Siam cat

Always sitting by your side

Always by your side

That cat's something I can't explain


Jennifer Gentle you're a witch

You're the left side

He's the right side

Oh no

That cat's something I can't explain


Lu-ci-fer go to sea

Be a hip cat

Be a ship's cat

Somewhere, anywhere

That cat's something I can't explain


Night prowling, sifting sand

Padding around on the ground

He'll be found

When you're around

That cat's something I can't explain



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I know a mouse.

And he hasn't got a house.

I don't know why, I call him Gerald.

He's getting rather old.

But he's a good mouse.


I've got a clan of gingerbread men

Here a man there a man

Lots of gingerbread men

Take a couple if you wish

There on the dish.



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Ahh man, I can listen to Syd Barrett all day. His solo stuff is quite stranger but still ace.


Anyway. Paul McCartney


Somebody's knockin at the door, Somebody's ringing the bell. Somebody's knockin at the door, Somebody's ringing the bell. Do me a favour, open the door, and let 'em in....



And to think that cunt wrote Yesterday and Eleanor Rigby amongst others.

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Much as I love them, Madness were clearly taking the piss when they released this:


I've been driving in my car, it's not quite a Jaguar

I bought it in Primrose Hill from a bloke from Brazil

It was made in fifty-nine in a factory by the Tyne

It says Morris on the door, the G.P.O. owned it before

I drive in it for my job, the governor calls me a slob

But I don't really care, give me some gas and the open air


It's a bit old but it's mine, I mend it in my spare time

Just last week I changed the oil, the rocker valves and the coil

Just last week I changed the oil

Last week it went round the clock, I also had a little knock

I dented somebody's fender, he learnt not to park on a bender, ha ha ha


I've been driving in my car, it don't look much but I've been far

I drive up to Muswell Hill, I've even been to Selsey Bill

I drove along the A45, I had her up to 58

This copper stopped me the other day, you're mistaken what could I say

The tyres were a little worn, they were O.K., I could have sworn

I like driving in my car, I'm satisfied I've got this far


I like driving in my car, it don't look much but I've been far

I like driving in my car, even with a flat tyre

I like driving in my car, it's not quite a Jaguar

I like driving in my car, I'm satisfied I've got this far


Only partially redeemed by the video:


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  • 11 years later...
1 hour ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:


"He's reading Balzac, knocking back Prozac"


You can just see the smug cunts - "Ooh, that rhymes and it's really, really clever!"

Fuck off.  Fuck all the way off.


That's why I could never take to Blur. It always sounded like they were taking the piss out of someone who they felt was beneath them in their songs.

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3 hours ago, Rushies tash said:


That's why I could never take to Blur. It always sounded like they were taking the piss out of someone who they felt was beneath them in their songs.


Song 2 was apparently written as a pisstake of banal Grunge lyrics. Which is fair enough. 

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Mind you, if we're talking banality and Britpop, step forward Noel Gallagher.  At least his phoning-it-in scribbles don't leave you feeling "this cunt thinks he's clever".  They leave you thinking "That's the first thing that popped into this cunt's head, because he's too lazy for re-writes".


If Gallagher had been McCartney, Yesterday would be Scrambled Eggs.

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4 hours ago, Captain Willard said:

This is the Cranberries on the death of John Lennon ; 


“It was the fearful night of December eighth
He was returning home from the studio late
He had perceptively known that it wouldn't be nice
Because in 1980, he paid the price”




Ha ha, that's hilarious.

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