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Featured: "Should we persist with three at the back?"

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The knock on the midfield diamond is / was always that you play too narrow and you're susceptible to attacks down the flanks. However, I feel that the way our full backs (well, Johnno and Enrique certainly) position themselves that that wouldn't be an issue because they'd provide that width.


Tbh though, I would prefer a flatter midfield 3 (with Coutinho being the 4th man, centrally, in the hole behind the front 2), because that system would offer a little bit more protection for the defence; something which has been sorely lacking this season regardless of which formation we've played. We would also still have the width from the full backs, and from the midfield (to a lesser degree).


Hope I've explained that ok ?

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I'm not sure we should change away from three at the back. I'm not a BR fan but will give the man credit for what he has achieved this season using three at the back. I don't think we are comfortable with it yet throughout the team but we will get better if we persevere. I would like to see more of Agger in that formation as he has the skill to drive out of the back three with the ball at his feet. Something that would give an added unpredictable dimension to our play.Be nice to see how we play it with our best eleven on the pitch.


Last week's performance is starting to fade now so isn't quite as painful but I wonder how big an issue it was for the team mentally to lose Johnson so close to kick off. We must have been preparing for the game all week with him in a key role The biggest threat that three at the back poses is the one that the wing backs give.It should stop oppositiion full backs from being too adventurous and give their wide midfielders something to think about. With Flanagan and Cissokho in the starting line up it must have been a boost for Arsenal and an equal knock for some of our players.


So for me three at the back and lets get better at it.

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Hopefully the same team with Enrique for Cissokho.  Take the game to them.


I'd certainly make the same change at left back, but I'd also bring Sakho in for Agger.


Although Agger was excellent against Fulham and did nothing deserving of demotion to the bench, the same can also be said of Sakho.


The main reason behind my switch though would be Lukaku, exactly the type of centre forward who has prospered, out muscled and bullied Skrtel and Agger. Try that shit on with Sakho and you'll be flat on your back seeing stars Romelu lad..

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Not really, it will be the same as against Fulham.


Should be, bar Enrique for Cissokho.  Gerrard normally puts a performance in against Everton and Henderson and Coutinho were both really good on and off the ball to improve the midfield balance.  Looking forward to the rest of the season if we can keep that up.

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I'd certainly make the same change at left back, but I'd also bring Sakho in for Agger.


Although Agger was excellent against Fulham and did nothing deserving of demotion to the bench, the same can also be said of Sakho.


The main reason behind my switch though would be Lukaku, exactly the type of centre forward who has prospered, out muscled and bullied Skrtel and Agger. Try that shit on with Sakho and you'll be flat on your back seeing stars Romelu lad..

I'd go with Agger following the clean sheet. I think him and Skrtel have enough between them to handle Lukaku. Agger is currently a better player than Sakho, for me.


It would be triple sly to drop Agger after our first clean sheet for ages although i hear what you're saying about Lukaku. I still worry that Sakho has a fuck up per game in him, though, and wouldn't want to risk it in the derby.

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I'd go with Agger following the clean sheet. I think him and Skrtel have enough between them to handle Lukaku. Agger is currently a better player than Sakho, for me.


It would be triple sly to drop Agger after our first clean sheet for ages although i hear what you're saying about Lukaku. I still worry that Sakho has a fuck up per game in him, though, and wouldn't want to risk it in the derby.


I believe Sakho is our only centre back without an opta "error" this season.  Obviously the "error" stat is a load of bollocks.  But there you go.

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