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  1. It's nice that you've been paying attention but since you're clearly a thick gobshite you're going on ignore.
  2. You're talking bollocks but I would assume that that's probably the norm for you. I don't really remember anything you've ever posted though to be honest.
  3. It didn't help me decide, it just reinforced what I already felt. Whether Rodriguez is better than Moreno I'm not sure, but he does look very good.
  4. Fantastic play all round from Behrami.
  5. Rodriguez is good. If the Moreno deal falls through then I hope we are in for him.
  6. I think Lallana would be a better signing for us than Shaqiri to be honest.
  7. Well, it doesn't look like we will be paying "£25 million", does it? The reason the deal is on hold is that we won't pay more up front. We are, quite sensibly, offering them a smaller amount up front with add-ons based on achievements, etc. If Southampton don't accept that then I expect we will move on. If we sign him for £18 million up front and he plays a major part in us winning trophies next season then I doubt anyone will be complaining about having to pay an extra few million.
  8. What, in the same way that we were the only club interested in Sturridge?
  9. Can't wait until we actually sign him and all this madness stops. (For a while.)
  10. Where have these rumours come from? It's never going to happen.
  11. There is zero chancer of us signing Barkley. Looks like Moreno is pretty much done now. I like the look of him but I think he might take a little while to adapt. There is plenty to work with though.
  12. Looks like Moreno is very close to being announced. I would still expect Lovren and Lallana to sign but they look like taking a bit longer.
  13. I would assume he would pick us over Spurs because I would assume he's not fucking nuts.
  14. Just hurry up and fucking sign him already.
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