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Keir Starmer


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28 minutes ago, Jennings said:

It's like when a teacher says "I like a joke as much as the next man".

And you think to yourself 'No you don't. You massive boring cunt'.


Those same cunts usually have a 'You don't have to be mad to work here...' mug and say things like 'no, I'm half left' when you ask them if they're alright.

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I'm not sure if the Labour Party realises the court and probation services are at breaking point and the prisons are full. Dragging low level destitute people through the police stations and courts will soon prove counter productive and unworkable.  What the hell Yvette Cooper thinks will be gained by clogging up the justice system with drug addicts who've pinched steak from Asda and young mothers pinching baby formula from boots is anyone's guess.  It certainly won't deter them. It'll simply make the situation worse. 





Putting a stop to DWP benefit sanctions and repeating the £20 a week Universal Credit increase used during Covid  would ease the situation at a stroke. Shoplifting went down during Covid when the crime was made easier because of mandatory masks/social distancing. 










I can see Labours honeymoon period being very short lived if they're not prepared to try to eradicate social injustice. The people factor it in with the Conservatives I'm not sure they'll be so forgiving to Labour if they simply continue to protect the wealthy whilst offering little more than scraps and gimmicks to  everyone else.  


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5 hours ago, Gnasher said:





I'm not sure if the Labour Party realises the court and probation services are at breaking point and the prisons are full. Dragging low level destitute people through the police stations and courts will soon prove counter productive and unworkable.  What the hell Yvette Cooper thinks will be gained by clogging up the justice system with drug addicts who've pinched steak from Asda and young mothers pinching baby formula from boots is anyone's guess.  It certainly won't deter them. It'll simply make the situation worse. 





Putting a stop to DWP benefit sanctions and repeating the £20 a week Universal Credit increase used during Covid  would ease the situation at a stroke. Shoplifting went down during Covid when the crime was made easier because of mandatory masks/social distancing. 










I can see Labours honeymoon period being very short lived if they're not prepared to try to eradicate social injustice. The people factor it in with the Conservatives I'm not sure they'll be so forgiving to Labour if they simply continue to protect the wealthy whilst offering little more than scraps and gimmicks to  everyone else.  


They have zero-interest in eradicating social injustice - Starmer is a spineless Tory and a do-anything-for-power coward. Tony Blert 2.0

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On 19/04/2024 at 11:57, Mudface said:


Those same cunts usually have a 'You don't have to be mad to work here...' mug and say things like 'no, I'm half left' when you ask them if they're alright.


“I’m the mad one” 


Never hear from them. Anyone who calls themselves mad or something along them lines is usually a boring cunt and I know that because I’m mad me 

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2 hours ago, Fallen Angel said:

They have zero-interest in eradicating social injustice - Starmer is a spineless Tory and a do-anything-for-power coward. Tony Blert 2.0



It's now almost impossible to conclude otherwise. 

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What's Michael Crick implying about our beloved leader here I wonder? Hope he's not suggesting our Keir's a bit of a disingenuous bullshiter, tut tut Michael, go to the naughty step. 









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No mention of the SNP ditching their green policies Gnasher you scamp, or do you only hide behind them when that bald lad is laying into Labour in PMQs, you automated Belarussian scoundrel you. Skynetski you should be called. 

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28 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

No mention of the SNP ditching their green policies Gnasher you scamp, or do you only hide behind them when that bald lad is laying into Labour in PMQs, you automated Belarussian scoundrel you. Skynetski you should be called. 


Have they? I honestly didn't know. Not good if so. I don't know a lot about Scottish politics tbh, bar for Sturgy and her hubby being busted again.


The political situation in Wales has also taken a turn for the worse this past year or so. Drakefords last year in office was imo very poor. in part through tightening Westminster funds and in part through losing focus and implementing fringe policies. This Gething fella doesn't inspire much hope either, the only thing he's got going for him is he likes cricket.  Not sure what Scotland has got to do with Cricks assessment of Starmer though  

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1 hour ago, Section_31 said:

Yeah living under Tony Blert was terrible, homeless people and food banks everywhere, couldn't get a dentist, councils were stone broke, Britain was widely disrespected in Europe, bad times. 


If you believe the next government is going to even try to resemble the Blair/Brown era I've a feeling you might soon be disappointed. Reeves especially, will be no Gordon Brown and she's made it clear she doesn't intend to be. 

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6 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

Why do you always respond with multiple posts? I always imagine "and another thing!" Between each one.


I only saw the bottom one about Scotland. I don't mind their leader, he seemed genuine enough on Gaza. I don't know much on the SNP domestic policy's, especially now as Sturgeon has gone. 

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55 minutes ago, bossy said:

The NHS was so shit under Labour that you could get a doctors appointment within 48 hours even if you didn’t want it.




Indeed. Investment works wonders.


If you're hoping Reeves/Streeting are going to approach the problems within our health service with the same strategy or level of investment as Brown/Dobson you may also find yourself in the disappointment room. 

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2 hours ago, bossy said:

The NHS was so shit under Labour that you could get a doctors appointment within 48 hours even if you didn’t want it.




Hating Tony Blair is proper trendy, always has been, but this was a good country to live in. We were respected in the EU, rule of law was a thing, and his cabinet wasn't filled with basket cases. 


I'd pay good money to see Blair debate with Truss, Raab, Johnson, Braverman, Patel, and any of the other cunts even for 10 minutes, it'd be like watching someone throw stones at a Panzer. 

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1 hour ago, Gnasher said:


Indeed. Investment works wonders.


If you're hoping Reeves/Streeting are going to approach the problems within our health service with the same strategy or level of investment as Brown/Dobson you may also find yourself in the disappointment room. 

If we have any chance of recovering the NHS we have to get rid of the Tories.

In the real world, as it is now. I’m not expecting Starmer’s Labour to be the same so whatever the disappointment room is I won’t be in it. You’re a strange bloke.

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37 minutes ago, bossy said:

If we have any chance of recovering the NHS we have to get rid of the Tories.

In the real world, as it is now. I’m not expecting Starmer’s Labour to be the same so whatever the disappointment room is I won’t be in it. You’re a strange bloke.


Well you're the one who brought up the then and now. I'm now agreeing with you that your comparison was pointless and as such so was your post. Nothing strange about it really.



Anyway back on subject of Starmer, is Michael Crick also a "strange bloke'?







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41 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


Hating Tony Blair is proper trendy, always has been, but this was a good country to live in. We were respected in the EU, rule of law was a thing, and his cabinet wasn't filled with basket cases. 


I'd pay good money to see Blair debate with Truss, Raab, Johnson, Braverman, Patel, and any of the other cunts even for 10 minutes, it'd be like watching someone throw stones at a Panzer. 


1997 Blairism was basically Maoism compared to what Labour are putting forward now though. Obviously we need the Tories out, etc, etc, but Rachel Reeves is no Gordon Brown.

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28 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


Well you're the one who brought up the then and now. I'm now agreeing with you that your comparison was pointless and as such so was your post. Nothing strange about it really.



Anyway back on subject of Starmer, is Michael Crick also a "strange bloke'?







You were the one who responded to my post sharing the Blair link.  I never said Blair and Starmer were the same, I’d just noticed Blair had been mentioned earlier in the thread. Crick might be a strange bloke, does he post hundreds of Twitter links on a f**ty forum?

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17 minutes ago, Jairzinho said:


1997 Blairism was basically Maoism compared to what Labour are putting forward now though. Obviously we need the Tories out, etc, etc, but Rachel Reeves is no Gordon Brown.


That's a fair point. But, playing Devil's Advocate, do you think Brown would've opened the purse strings in the same way if he was inheriting this bin fire of a post-Brexit economic landscape?


Labour got pretty lucky in '97. 

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