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Tory Country


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Totally bonkers that the likes of Lammy gets grief and the Tories get a free pass. Who was that cunt who had about 11 jobs?


People wonder why Starmer keeps shtum and yet the right wing media have turned Angela Rayner into Bernie Madoff.

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4 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

Totally bonkers that the likes of Lammy gets grief and the Tories get a free pass. Who was that cunt who had about 11 jobs?


People wonder why Starmer keeps shtum and yet the right wing media have turned Angela Rayner into Bernie Madoff.

lammy comes across as a cunt in fairness


I want them in power but there are very few that are actually likeable

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1 minute ago, Arniepie said:

lammy comes across as a cunt in fairness


I want them in power but there are very few that are actually likeable


It's all apples and pears though. There's nobody in the parliamentary labour party with the levels of grift, corruption, racism and general debauchery as your rank and file tory.

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3 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


It's all apples and pears though. There's nobody in the parliamentary labour party with the levels of grift, corruption, racism and general debauchery as your rank and file tory.

yeah obviously the priority is to get that shower of cunts out.

But it would be nice to have a bit of faith in labour. I dont mind raynor,mainly because she annoys the bootlickers who cant grovel to her,because she didnt go to eton.

After that im struggling..

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1 hour ago, Section_31 said:

Totally bonkers that the likes of Lammy gets grief and the Tories get a free pass. Who was that cunt who had about 11 jobs?


People wonder why Starmer keeps shtum and yet the right wing media have turned Angela Rayner into Bernie Madoff.

Is he any different to  a Tory MP, who does exactly the same? Maybe he gets grief because I/we want something different to a Tory government, and it’s pretty clear that won’t happen. But he’s a duplicitous cunt like the majority of Starmer’s shadow cabinet, and won’t stand by his principles. “I am sorry I voted for him, but I never believed Corbyn would become leader” fuck off Lammy. Why vote for him then? Dickwad. Another career politician greasing themselves up for a cushy job after parliament. 


I’m sick of the Tory way of the past 14 years being acceptable as the norm. And Labour can fuck off telling me to carry on eating shit just because it’s a different brand. 

Fuck the lot of them. 



P.S: I’m currently sat in Jungle Fun surrounded by hundreds (feels like it) of screaming kids and dickheads parents. This may have induced my anger somewhat.

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I think where we differ on this stuff is that I see Starmer's labour as merely playing within the confines of the rules. 100% of my disdain is reserved for the British public, because it's the British public that tolerate those rules. 

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16 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

I think where we differ on this stuff is that I see Starmer's labour as merely playing within the confines of the rules. 100% of my disdain is reserved for the British public, because it's the British public that tolerate those rules. 

Aren’t you potentially putting yourself in with them by accepting this behaviour from Starmer’s Labour though? 

Would like nothing better than to be wrong like and they come in and go against everything they have pledged. 

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26 minutes ago, Skidfingers McGonical said:

Aren’t you potentially putting yourself in with them by accepting this behaviour from Starmer’s Labour though? 

Would like nothing better than to be wrong like and they come in and go against everything they have pledged. 

Nope, not gonna change. 



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1 hour ago, Jairzinho said:


38% voted Tory/Reform

53% voted Labour/Lib Dem/Green


That's reasonably encouraging.

Centre left/left wing economically and centre right/right wing socially roughly corresponds with how I see the country.

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1 hour ago, Kevin D said:

Centre left/left wing economically and centre right/right wing socially roughly corresponds with how I see the country.


Yes, more stuff nationalised, tax the rich, fair wages, but stop fucking talking about transgender shite.

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29 minutes ago, Jairzinho said:


Yes, more stuff nationalised, tax the rich, fair wages, but stop fucking talking about transgender shite.

Throw in beheading pedos with a little bit of racism and you’d win 97-99% of the vote.

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1 minute ago, Section_31 said:


Saxons, skulls are an inch thicker, that's never been disputed by anyone.

I was thinking more incest and inbred carrot crunching yokels that like bumming sheep and turnips... and Tursdseye lives there

But the Saxons; what about the now Lib Dem Kingdom of Wessex?

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