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Tory Country


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On 24/10/2023 at 14:01, Section_31 said:

We were watching that history of the union thing last night and apparently Britain in the 70s was one of the most equal countries in the world. How fucking funny is that?

And then came Thatcher, Joseph & Minford over here and  Reagan, Friedman & Sprinkel in America.

All gleefully voted in by the very people they were going to rob blind.

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  • 1 month later...
47 minutes ago, an tha said:

Fucking hell.


Where do they find them?


Prepare to laugh but want to cry.....





Is the one in the blue the beak head who posted that video saying her fella was gonna win the by-election and he got trounced and then just got off without saying anything? 

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27 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:


Is the one in the blue the beak head who posted that video saying her fella was gonna win the by-election and he got trounced and then just got off without saying anything? 

Not sure but she is clearly a very disturbed and disturbing individual.

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2 hours ago, an tha said:

Fucking hell.


Where do they find them?


Prepare to laugh but want to cry.....



She's from a background of poverty and abuse (likely caused by poverty) and the Conservative Party "really speak to her".


Obviously, I'm amongst the people who can't understand that position, but I am interested in how she got there - thinking that a Party that has overseen a period of time that has demonstrably seen massive increases in numbers of children living in poverty.


I mean the posh woman who went straight to the nonsensical point that "the Tories have banned distracting mobile phones in schools" is thick and doesn't understand stuff, but I'm guessing she's from the demographic that will always vote tory not matter what.  So in that sense, it's like a football team - you just support them and always will.


But the blue woman is just such an unfathomable entity for me.  Maybe their shiny 80s imagery and "aspirational" narrative hooked her in.  Especially as she clearly needed "hope" when things were as dire as they sound.


I think I've answered my own question.


Anyway, she needs to take the next step and see that it's all "aspiration" and no substance.  That it was most probably the tories that caused her childhood poverty, and that the tories continue to peddle policies that kill people like her.  And they don't care.

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Woman, 90, forced to take hour long bus ride to food bank in shadows of Christmas market


Across the country, food banks are preparing for a busy winter with the Trussell Trust getting ready to offer more than a million emergency food parcels over the coming three months.




A 90-year-old woman has been forced to take an hour-long bus journey to a food bank every week so she can find fresh fruit and vegetables to eat. 

Patricia was just one of over a hundred people who faced the cold to pick up a free food parcel, against the backdrop of Birmingham's bustling Christmasmarket.


Charities are concerned that this winter might be the "worst yet" as the cost of living crisis shows no sign of easing.


Patricia resides in Tividale, which is in the Black Country, however she ventures into the city centre to utilise the services of the food bank which was established by BeKind.


It's situated yards away from the festive market in Cathedral Square, with volunteers giving out free food and toiletries to those in need on Monday November 27. Organisers stated that this week 151 people attended the food drive, which is almost the average number from when the group was set up in 2018.


A woman of 90 takes an hour-long bus journey to a Birmingham food bank so she can have fresh fruit and veg to eat.


Volunteers were overwhelmed by the high demand but insisted it was all in the spirit of "putting a smile on peoples faces" and helping those facing hardship. Across the country, food banks are preparing for a busy winter with the Trussell Trust getting ready to offer more than a million emergency food parcels over the coming three months. 

Patricia is a pensioner and did not want to reveal her surname. She uses the foodbank frequently but in addition volunteers to help distribute to others, Birmingham Live reports.

She said: "I come every Monday to help out and use the service. I love it here and I’m very grateful for it - they’re a smashing crowd. Fruit and fresh vegetables are so expensive these days so to come here and get some really helps me out. It’s a wonderful service - I travel an hour on the bus every week and I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”


Every Monday, BeKind hosts weekly food drives on Temple Row in the city center.


Recently the organisation was nominated for a King's Award for it's services to the community, however the founder Yasmin Poulsen, from Solihull, said she was "scared" about the rising levels of demand being witnessed.


She commented: "When we started these food drives during the pandemic we were seeing around 40 people a week. Now it’s nearly 150 every week. The highest ever was 180 people earlier this year - we’re seeing demand growing for all sorts of reasons. We’ve got the cost-of-living crisis here and increasing levels of homelessness.”


According to new UK data, more than 1.5 million emergency food parcels have been sent out over the last six months. This week a report by the Independent Food Aid Network found 98 per cent of food banks were helping people seeking support for the first time.



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23 minutes ago, razor said:


She's from a background of poverty and abuse (likely caused by poverty) and the Conservative Party "really speak to her".


Obviously, I'm amongst the people who can't understand that position, but I am interested in how she got there - thinking that a Party that has overseen a period of time that has demonstrably seen massive increases in numbers of children living in poverty.


I mean the posh woman who went straight to the nonsensical point that "the Tories have banned distracting mobile phones in schools" is thick and doesn't understand stuff, but I'm guessing she's from the demographic that will always vote tory not matter what.  So in that sense, it's like a football team - you just support them and always will.


But the blue woman is just such an unfathomable entity for me.  Maybe their shiny 80s imagery and "aspirational" narrative hooked her in.  Especially as she clearly needed "hope" when things were as dire as they sound.


I think I've answered my own question.


Anyway, she needs to take the next step and see that it's all "aspiration" and no substance.  That it was most probably the tories that caused her childhood poverty, and that the tories continue to peddle policies that kill people like her.  And they don't care.


Perhaps she has a Facebook feed that constantly nudges her towards right wing thinking? I'm not sure that people such as her look into the reasons things are the way they are - rather the party who offer easy answers.


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My mrs was at Tescos the last 2 days collecting donations for the foodbank. Food, not cash as Tescos wont allow that as its money people might have spent with them. Fair enough.


A bloke went up to her and said "fuck Trussell Trust, I've read they pocket 8 out 10 pounds they collect" She pointed out that they weren't after money just whatever food items people could afford. After all they were hardly going to sell them for profit were they?


He stormed off.


Now, I'm going to go against the grain for here, this was 1 isolated twat, there were loads of examples of generosity, care and love. People are good. Also, please remember foodbanks are a brilliant invention that can never be uninvented.






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2 minutes ago, A Red said:

My mrs was at Tescos the last 2 days collecting donations for the foodbank. Food, not cash as Tescos wont allow that as its money people might have spent with them. Fair enough.


A bloke went up to her and said "fuck Trussell Trust, I've read they pocket 8 out 10 pounds they collect" She pointed out that they weren't after money just whatever food items people could afford. After all they were hardly going to sell them for profit were they?


He stormed off.


Now, I'm going to go against the grain for here, this was 1 isolated twat, there were loads of examples of generosity, care and love. People are good. Also, please remember foodbanks are a brilliant invention that can never be uninvented.







A number of 'money' charities have got themselves a bad name lately although as you say foodbanks are a different kettle of fish so not sure where that fella was coming from.

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Just now, Gnasher said:


A number of 'money' charities have got themselves a bad name lately although as you say foodbanks are a different kettle of fish so not sure where that fella was coming from.

He was an uneducated uncaring prick. Did he really think that a tin of beans donated was going to be monetarised for the Trussell Trusts benefit? No, I'm sure not, he wanted attention.

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11 minutes ago, A Red said:

My mrs was at Tescos the last 2 days collecting donations for the foodbank. Food, not cash as Tescos wont allow that as its money people might have spent with them. Fair enough.


A bloke went up to her and said "fuck Trussell Trust, I've read they pocket 8 out 10 pounds they collect" She pointed out that they weren't after money just whatever food items people could afford. After all they were hardly going to sell them for profit were they?


He stormed off.


Now, I'm going to go against the grain for here, this was 1 isolated twat, there were loads of examples of generosity, care and love. People are good. Also, please remember foodbanks are a brilliant invention that can never be uninvented.







"I've read". And that's the problem in a nutshell. People being force fed a load of shite online that they accept without question.

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10 minutes ago, Rushies tash said:


"I've read". And that's the problem in a nutshell. People being force fed a load of shite online that they accept without question.

I agree. It could also be the case with the 90 year old woman above getting the bus to a foodbank, its not necessarily the full story.

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4 minutes ago, A Red said:

I agree. It could also be the case with the 90 year old woman above getting the bus to a foodbank, its not necessarily the full story.


Indeed. The story sounds more like she volunteers there but also uses it. There is a food bank in Tividale (where the story says shes from):




I'm not getting sidetracked from the fact that even one foodbank is one too many.

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27 minutes ago, A Red said:

He was an uneducated uncaring prick. Did he really think that a tin of beans donated was going to be monetarised for the Trussell Trusts benefit? No, I'm sure not, he wanted attention.


That sounds a fair assessment.

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2 minutes ago, Rushies tash said:



I'm not getting sidetracked from the fact that even one foodbank is one too many.

This is where we differ. They are brilliant, no-one could ever create a society where they are not needed. Anyone trying to be elected that says they will end the need for foodbanks, without meaning to, is lying or deluded.

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Don't the tories like them to be referred to as Food Pantries now? What are we something like the 5th richest country in the world? Like fuck we should have foodbanks and a society that needs them is a fucked society. Especially when we've got a prime minister who wrote off billions of lost* money over covid. 


*Stuffed into the back pockets of Tories and their cronies. 



That said, they are a life line for many people and we should all do our bit to help. Let's face it, the government aren't. 

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6 minutes ago, A Red said:

This is where we differ. They are brilliant, no-one could ever create a society where they are not needed. Anyone trying to be elected that says they will end the need for foodbanks, without meaning to, is lying or deluded.

The increase in foodbanks over the last 13 years tells you everything you need to know about Tories.

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4 minutes ago, A Red said:

This is where we differ. They are brilliant, no-one could ever create a society where they are not needed. Anyone trying to be elected that says they will end the need for foodbanks, without meaning to, is lying or deluded.


Has anyone even tried? A society that leaves people so poor, they cannot even afford basic necessities is all we have to aspire to? Nah, that's accepting the austerity rhetoric the Tories used to usher in this kind of shite. The kind of society they have across the Atlantic that sees people shrug as others pick from bins? Fuck that.

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