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9 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:

The poll shows 35% of U.S. adults now describe Israel as an ally that shares U.S. interests and values. That’s back in line with the views from before the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas on Israel, after a brief increase in November to 44%.


Thirty-six percent of U.S. adults say the U.S. is not supportive enough of the Palestinians, up slightly from 31% December.



You can pick literally any subject - abortion, guns - anything and there will be 1/3rd blindly for and 1/3 blindly against.


An "ally" that "shares interests and values" is a little way off from "unconditional support" 



As for Britain. As posted above.





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31 minutes ago, Gnasher said:



Not sure who these Yemenis you refer to who don't care about Palestinians because they could've fooled me.





All over Yemen. 







I am referring to their leaders.

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17 minutes ago, Gnasher said:

18% sympathise with Israel. 13% support the Israelis using more military action in Gaza. Hardly 33% "unconditional" support. 






Prickly little poll you picked there - overall sympathy for Palestine has fallen in those 5 months.




There is a less obvious trend for the Palestinian side, with a seven point decrease in the number saying they sympathise “somewhat” (to 27%) and a four point increase in the proportion answering “don’t know”.

On a separate question asking whether people can understand the attitudes that Israelis and Palestinians have towards the conflict, we see a similar trend. The proportion of Britons who say they can understand Israeli attitudes has fallen eight points to 47%, with a four point increase in the number who say they cannot understand the Israeli mindset (to 25%).

When it comes to Palestinian attitudes, there has been a five point decline in the number who feel they can understand them, to 52%, although this movement is almost entirely to don’t know (up four points to 29%).

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3 minutes ago, SasaS said:


I am referring to their leaders.


59 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:

As we have seen a number of times in a few different scenarios over the last few months the people's opinion can differ from any Gubmints actions.


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3 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:


It is - don't you think it confirms what was said in this thread earlier about it being a performative exercise?



I still think however the narrative from washington and london has changed,since they murdered the aid workers.  

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Just now, Arniepie said:



I still think however the narrative from washington and london has changed,since they murdered the aid workers.  


Of course it has - that's why the word unconditional has now taken center stage.

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12 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:


Prickly little poll you picked there - overall sympathy for Palestine has fallen in those 5 months.




There is a less obvious trend for the Palestinian side, with a seven point decrease in the number saying they sympathise “somewhat” (to 27%) and a four point increase in the proportion answering “don’t know”.

On a separate question asking whether people can understand the attitudes that Israelis and Palestinians have towards the conflict, we see a similar trend. The proportion of Britons who say they can understand Israeli attitudes has fallen eight points to 47%, with a four point increase in the number who say they cannot understand the Israeli mindset (to 25%).

When it comes to Palestinian attitudes, there has been a five point decline in the number who feel they can understand them, to 52%, although this movement is almost entirely to don’t know (up four points to 29%).



We were not talking Palestinian support. Anything to back up this appox 33%..

"unconditional support for Israel" 

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3 minutes ago, Arniepie said:



I still think however the narrative from washington and london has changed,since they murdered the aid workers.  


It has probably changed since six months probably given to Netenyahu have passed and it is clear that Israel's operation in Gaza has reached its limits with respect to Hamas and is going nowhere.

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8 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:


It is - don't you think it confirms what was said in this thread earlier about it being a performative exercise?


The American reaction to Ukraine was the 'performative exercise' cast your mind back. Crocodile tears were in abundance. 

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7 minutes ago, Gnasher said:



We were not talking Palestinian support. Anything to back up this appox 33%..

"unconditional support for Israel" 


Knock yourself out pal - 60% of Republicans in the US don't think Palestine should even have a state.





Here is one that may interest you as well:




These are just polls man - use your eyes and ears. You live just outside London don't you?


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17 minutes ago, SasaS said:


It has probably changed since six months probably given to Netenyahu have passed and it is clear that Israel's operation in Gaza has reached its limits with respect to Hamas and is going nowhere.

I was reading somewhere else,thats why he is trying to divert attention, because his no 1 aim was to wipe out Hamas,and he hasnt done this.

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4 minutes ago, SasaS said:

Oil slightly down today.


Sure that. Gold up. Oil had already been factored in and the Americans taking a more reticent approach (for once) helps. If Israel launch a massive attack on Iran that could change things though. 

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Who was selling them weapons? 

Litrerally every country, every arms sub contractor and every private arms dealer in the world as well as the entire black market. To both sides.


Who was/is "he" fighting?

Literally everyone at any given time including multiple factions within his own gubmint.

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26 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:



Who was selling them weapons? 

Litrerally every country, every arms sub contractor and every private arms dealer in the world as well as the entire black market. To both sides.


Who was/is "he" fighting?

Literally everyone at any given time including multiple factions within his own gubmint.


There was some ridiculous number of separate groups at one time, like 300 or even 3,000, I know it was incredible. Even on the regime's side there were all sorts of militias, domestic and foreign. And that is even before you get to Isis, Al Qaida, Iran and Russia. And Turkey.

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5 hours ago, SasaS said:


There was some ridiculous number of separate groups at one time, like 300 or even 3,000, I know it was incredible. Even on the regime's side there were all sorts of militias, domestic and foreign. And that is even before you get to Isis, Al Qaida, Iran and Russia. And Turkey.

Should have helped them according to stronts

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Saudi Arabia has publicly acknowledged its involvement in aiding the newly formed regional military coalition in defending Israel against an Iranian attack. 

The statement referenced a report by KAN News detailing Saudi Arabia's participation in the joint military defensive operation, which successfully thwarted an Iranian assault on Israel. 

Saudi Arabia's acknowledgment came in the form of a summary on its official website, citing insights from a source within the Saudi royal family.

The revelation of Saudi Arabia's assistance in defending Israel comes amidst a backdrop of escalating tensions in the region and intensified diplomatic efforts to counter Iranian aggression. 

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