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14 minutes ago, Gnasher said:

Dont want to get into conspiracy theory territory but wouldn't be surprised if the pilot had a name such as Eli Kopter.


Ez pal - ears everywhere


Tehran prosecutor issues ‘warnings’ for publishing content on incident


The office of the Tehran prosecutor says in a short statement that “some media people” are generating false news about the missing helicopter online.

“The Tehran Prosecutor’s Office has entered this issue in the past few hours and has issued warnings to a number of people who had disturbed the public’s ease of mind,” it says.

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9 hours ago, polymerpunkah said:

Iranian President's helicopter has suffered a "hard landing in fog" in NW Iran.


I think Kobe Bryant's helicopter also suffered a "hard landing in fog". 


It will be interesting to see how this plays out/is played out.

Yeah, don’t mess about with helicopters - easiest way to a quick death for rich people.

Private jet or stretched limo all the way for me.

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6 hours ago, Captain Howdy said:




I've hardly seen anything about this. Am hoping it's an accident due to bad weather like most people are doing, don't want to imagine the alternative with all of what's already going on in the region.

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17 hours ago, TheHowieLama said:


Searches just called off - fella dead imo



16 hours ago, TheHowieLama said:



Strike that -- per Reuters, Iranian state reporting the copter has been located 



Back to dead now.

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  • 1 month later...

Reformist PM installed today, just a few weeks after the hard like predecessor died in a chopper crash.


Have to give The Mossad credit though. No signs of foul play and certainly no signs of Israeli involvement. Very tidy.

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Out of 30.5 million votes counted in Friday’s runoff, Pezeshkian won 53.6%, edging out ultraconservative Saeed Jalili, who had 44.3% of the votes, according to state-run Press TV. Voter turnout was 49.8%, Press TV reported.

Pezeshkian was elected in a second round of voting after securing the highest number of ballots in the first round, ahead of Jalili. The first round saw the lowest voter turnout for a presidential election since the Islamic Republic was established in 1979.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hezbollah who always take credit but don’t attack civilians (apparently) say it’s fuck all to do with them. Hmmm. I suspect a few lies are being told. You can guess by who. Killing their own isn’t a new thing. 



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