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Featured: That was the Week that Was (Mar 25-29 2024)

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Monday Mar 25:


It was the legends game at the weekend. They’re not for me, I’m not a fan of them personally but they seem to make a lot of people happy so that’s sound, each to their own. There was a full house for the game and loads of money was raised for charity, while fans got to see some old favourites and some former players got to play at Anfield again. So it’s all good, it’s just something I want to watch.


I did put it on for the last few minutes though just to see Sven at the end, and I was pretty choked up. The older I get the more sentimental and emotional I’m becoming and I could easily have cried watching Sven out there at the end. I didn’t, but only because I made an effort not to. He fucking loved it didn’t he? Such a nice experience for him to have and well done to the club for sorting that.


It’s also easy to get all sniffy about some of the ‘legends’ and yeah, fair enough, Nabil El Zhar is kind of scraping the bottom of the barrel, but it’s necessary. You’re never going to get 15 or 16 of our greatest ever players, that’s not how it works. So if Gregory Vignal, Mark Gonzalez and Bjorn Kvarme get a game, who’s arsed really? They played for us, they tried their best and if they’d have been good enough they’d probably have wanted to stay here for the majority of their career, so in that regard this is nice for them to come back I think. I’d rather watch them than that fucking Torres rat anyway…. 


You may recall that I mentioned last week how we beat City in the u21 league. Turns out they showed up at our training ground for that game in the first team bus, which is emblazoned with all of the trophies they cheated their way to last season. I’d like to know if they use that bus to travel to all of their games or if that’s just the latest example of how obsessed they are with us. Soft cunts.


Staying with them and their cheating, the M.E.N ran a story over the weekend that’s a little disturbing, as clearly it was fed to that Simon Mullock stooge by City. It was along the lines of how Etihad Airlines are floating on the stock exchange or something, which means they need to make their accounts public. Why is this relevant? Well remember those Der Spiegel leaks when City’s emails were hacked? Some of the most incriminating stuff was how their sponsors were not actually paying the bulk of the money. It was being paid by the Sheik. I don’t remember the exact figures, but the emails showed that Etihad were sponsoring City for massive money, but were only having to pay £8m and the rest of it would be covered by Mansour. We know this is true because why the fuck would City be sending emails saying that kind of thing and potentially incriminating themselves if it wasn’t true?


So it’s a bit of a co-incidence that NOW, after all these years, Etihad are suddenly making this move which will oh so conveniently make their accounts public just in time for City’s hearing with the PL. Those accounts are going to be doctored as fuck, we all know it. If Etihad cook their books, who are they answering too? The state. Who runs the state? The same people who run Man City.


This being leaked to the M.E.N. and the smug tone of the piece makes me think this is just the start of the shit they’re going to pull to cheat their way out of these charges. How can the PL prove any of this if all the companies who sponsor City can just show false accounts because the Abu Dhabi tax office is not going to give a fuck? They’re going to beat these charges because how can you take on a nation state? The only way to stop City is for the other clubs to forfeit games against them. They should have done it years ago, but if they blag their way out of these charges then it needs to happen.


Meanwhile, Richard Keys says Alonso to Liverpool is agreed and that if he was a Liverpool fan he’d be excited. That’s me convinced anyway. Seriously, obviously he knows nothing because whatever talks are taking place will be kept completely under wraps. Liverpool in particular are pretty fucking great these days at playing their cards close to their chest, and Xabi and his agent aren’t going to be running their mouths to people who Keys know either. So Keys knows nothing, which puts him in good company alongside that Pletigoal fraud from Sky Germany.

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  • dave u pinned this topic

Thanks Dave for articulating exactly how I've felt since the Alonso news broke. I'm properly devastated but also annoyed with those who kept praising him for wanting to "finish the project". I don't think I can bear watching this group of talented players flounder like post-Fergie United. It would be too painful after everything they have given us 

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I wonder why Nagelsmann isn’t mentioned as one of the favourites for the job. He’s managed RB Leipzig, Bayern München and now Germany, and he’s only 36! And he’s available in the summer. Also, he did win the Bundesliga with BM, but I guess that should be expected. 

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Jason Tindall must be Ben Shite‘s father the resemblance is frightening. The thought of him and Howe at Anfield is enough to make me consider suicide, I‘d prefer the return of rogers. We don‘t know what has gone on behind the scenes with Xabi, what promises for the future have been made. It was strange that Bayern were the first to announce he was staying. As a Basque I can‘t see him favouring Madrid over us. I think you have gone too far in your assessment of him Dave I don‘t think the story has finished.

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3 hours ago, Peter Cormack said:

 As a Basque I can‘t see him favouring Madrid over us. I think you have gone too far in your assessment of him Dave I don‘t think the story has finished.


Always assumed you were Scottish, Peter.

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On 31/03/2024 at 11:19, Peter Cormack said:

Jason Tindall must be Ben Shite‘s father the resemblance is frightening. The thought of him and Howe at Anfield is enough to make me consider suicide, I‘d prefer the return of rogers. We don‘t know what has gone on behind the scenes with Xabi, what promises for the future have been made. It was strange that Bayern were the first to announce he was staying. As a Basque I can‘t see him favouring Madrid over us. I think you have gone too far in your assessment of him Dave I don‘t think the story has finished.


The club where he played for five years and where he returned to begin his coaching career?

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On 30/03/2024 at 22:48, Erik T said:

I wonder why Nagelsmann isn’t mentioned as one of the favourites for the job. He’s managed RB Leipzig, Bayern München and now Germany, and he’s only 36! And he’s available in the summer. Also, he did win the Bundesliga with BM, but I guess that should be expected. 


Klopp can't stand him, and Klopp's a pretty damn good judge of character. That's probably why he's not getting much traction.

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9 minutes ago, dave u said:


Klopp can't stand him, and Klopp's a pretty damn good judge of character. That's probably why he's not getting much traction.


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On 31/03/2024 at 10:19, Peter Cormack said:

As a Basque I can‘t see him favouring Madrid over us. I think you have gone too far in your assessment of him Dave I don‘t think the story has finished.


He's already favoured them over us once, albeit the circumstances were not quite straightforward. It seems pretty obvious that he's been given the nod and the wink from them that he can take over from Ancelotti. If that doesn't happen, I'll gladly apologise and I'll give him credit for his loyalty to Leverkusen and for his professionalism in wanting to finish the job he started. I just don't think that's why he stayed there. 


The timing is unlikely to be this good again where the vacancy is there and he's in a position where he's available (relatively speaking, I know he's under contract). I'd never give him the opportunity to say no again, this is a massive snub in my eyes and I think a lot of our fans are underselling us. I've seen people saying they can see why he'd choose Bayern over us, and loads see Real Madrid as a "can't say no" job. 


Fuck that. The Premier League is the biggest, most popular, most glamorous league in the world and we're the most iconic club in it. A club in fantastic shape with everything there for a manager to be successful and to be idolised like nowhere else. A club he professes to love and has said felt like "home". Talk is cheap, Xabi. He should have been walking over broken glass to come here, but he isn't, so for me the story is finished, or at least it should be.


If it were up to me, I wouldn't even let him come back to play in legends games now. He can watch on telly with his mate Torres.

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27 minutes ago, dave u said:


You'd have to ask him. I've just heard Klopp thinks he's a knobhead and doesn't like him.

Okay, so nothing concrete then?


How did it even come up as a subject for discussion?

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4 minutes ago, Code said:

Okay, so nothing concrete then?


How did it even come up as a subject for discussion?


I dunno, it wasn't me that Klopp confided in. I've just heard that it's well known in the club that Klopp doesn't like him.


I don't want him as manager either, partly because Klopp doesn't like him, but mostly because you do.

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Read this story a few days ago. Two things struck me; how is a known incompetent given a position of authority in PGMOL. I believe Lee Mason has a role with them. No wonder standards are so low.

Second; it suggests a certain arrogance among our officials that they so resent criticism. It fits in with the point you made last week about the rumours that Oliver has told his colleagues not to send him to the monitor because it makes him look bad. How different to cricket where the umpires seem to be fine with having their decisions reviewed.

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25 minutes ago, dave u said:


I dunno, it wasn't me that Klopp confided in. I've just heard that it's well known in the club that Klopp doesn't like him.


I don't want him as manager either, partly because Klopp doesn't like him, but mostly because you do.

Haha I dont really have a strong opinion about it, I just see Nagelsmann as one of the best options together with Enrique because they will understand what such a job is about, they have got results to back it up in big leagues and we have seen with Villas Boas that great success in Portugal not always is a guarantee. 

He got the sack at Bayern because of something with his girlfriend did he not? Not really because of the results. 


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"Other players regularly complained too about Nagelsmann's training style and the way he would constantly shout instructions from the sideline during games. The sentiment among a considerable portion of the team was that their coach came off as a know-it-all.

Coupled with off-the-field actions, such as leaving his wife and entering a relationship with a local reporter from tabloid newspaper Bild, and subsequent rumours about information being leaked by Nagelsmann, he was left in a tough spot."


Basically a German Brendan Rodgers then!

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38 minutes ago, dave u said:

"Other players regularly complained too about Nagelsmann's training style and the way he would constantly shout instructions from the sideline during games. The sentiment among a considerable portion of the team was that their coach came off as a know-it-all.

Coupled with off-the-field actions, such as leaving his wife and entering a relationship with a local reporter from tabloid newspaper Bild, and subsequent rumours about information being leaked by Nagelsmann, he was left in a tough spot."


Basically a German Brendan Rodgers then!

Vorsichtig ! 

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14 hours ago, dave u said:

"Other players regularly complained too about Nagelsmann's training style and the way he would constantly shout instructions from the sideline during games. The sentiment among a considerable portion of the team was that their coach came off as a know-it-all.

Coupled with off-the-field actions, such as leaving his wife and entering a relationship with a local reporter from tabloid newspaper Bild, and subsequent rumours about information being leaked by Nagelsmann, he was left in a tough spot."


Basically a German Brendan Rodgers then!

He is nothing like Rodgers, Rodgers main problem was that he was and is a loser, imagine throwing a CL game in November to concentrate on finishing fourth in the PL, then losing the next PL game anyway and finish 6th in the end in May.

Nagelsmann is the youngest manager ever to win a Champions League game, he has taken three different clubs to the CL, he has won the Bundesliga, he has taken RB Leipzig to the semi finals of the CL, he has reached the wuarter final frequently with good teams.


I like to look at how a club has done before and after a manager to try and see the bigger picture. This is how it works out for Nagelsmann. It looks like he will either keep a team at a high level or improve it when he takes charge, thats certainly what Im looking for in the new manager. The fact he has done it for three different teams like Hoffenheim, Leipzig and Bayern is a good security to bring with you into the job at a club like Liverpool. 

Yes he was sacked at Bayern when he was 1 point behind Dortmund after 25 games and in the quarter finals of both the CL and the German cup, but the results stayed the same and Bayern won it because Dortmund dropped more points the last 9. 


Being a young manager can be difficult, especially in such a strong experienced group as Bayern with big personalities. The people who fired him at Bayern are no longer in the job though, maybe the problem at Bayern was something else than Nagelsmann, this season kind of confirms that. 

But like everyone else, Nagelsmann gets older every year, this summer he will turn 37. He is the young manager with the best background availible, he has got the experience and he has got the results, above all he knows how its like at a top club in Europe and his results in the CL have also been good. 


TSG Hoffenheim:

Before Nagelsmann.

12/13: 16. 34 8 7 19 42-67 31p (win playoff to stay in Bundesliga)

13/14: 9. 34 11 11 12 72-70 44p

14/15: 8. 34 12 8 14 49-55 44p

15/16: 17. 20 2 8 10 18-30 14p

Nagelsmann appointed manager 11. February 2016.

15/16: 5. 14 7 2 5 21-24 23p

(15/16: 15. 34 9 10 15 39-54 37p)

16/17: 4. 34 16 14 4 64-37 62p ( CL)

17/18: 3. 34 15 10 9 66-48 55p ( CL)

18/19: 9. 34 13 12 9 70-52 51p (announced before the season it was his last)

After Nagelsmann.

19/20: 6. 34 15 7 12 53-53 52p

20/21: 11. 34 11 10 13 52-54 43p

21/22: 9. 34 13 7 14 58-60 46p


RB Leipzig:

16 /17: 2. 34 20 7 7 66-39 67p

17/18: 6. 34 15 8 11 57-53 53p

18/19: 3. 34 19 9 6 63-29 66p

Nagelsmann appointed.

19/20: 3. 34 18 12 4 81-37 66p (semifinal CL)

20/21: 2. 34 19 8 7 60-32 65p (last 16 CL, lost to us)

After Nagelsmann.

21/22: 4 34 17 7 10 72-37 58p

22/23: 3. 34 20 6 8 64-41 66p

23/24: (5. 27 15 5 7 60-32 50p) ( season not finished)


Bayern München: 

18/19: 1. 34 24 6 4 88-32 78p

19/20: 1. 34 26 4 4 100-32 82p

20/21: 1. 34 24 6 4 99-44 78p

Nagelsmann appointed

21/22: 1. 34 24 5 5 97-37 77p (knocked out in CL quarter finals)

22/23: 2. 25 15 7 3 72-27 52p ( still in CL quarter final and DFB - Pokal quarter final)

After Nagelsmann from 24th of March

22/23: 2. 9 6 1 2 20-11 19p

(22/23: 1. 34 21 8 5 92-38 71p) ( finish equal points with Dortmund, better GD)

23/24 2. 27 19 3 5 78-33 60p


For his time with Germany I found this.



To sum it all up, he’s probably the best availible option out there, the only negative I have found is the fact he’s a vegan, but I can live with that as long as he gets the results. If he’s not, then Alonso will be brought in next season. 

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The romantic in me says Alonso would be the perfect choice but the pragmatist says that he's had one outstanding season taking a small team to the league. The German equivalent of Leicester.


I can understand that he wants to prove this is not a one-off but it either goes tits-up for him and he doesn't get any offers, or he has another spectacular year blocking Harry Kane from a trophy and has the pick of where he wants to go.


I think he will go to Madrid. He's Spanish, and ex-player and he will see it as the biggest challenge. Timing will fit better for him if it's next year or the year after.

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Liverpool manager Jürgen Klopp has also been a name long been linked with someday becoming the German national team manager, but he remains loyal to fulfilling his contract at Anfield. There were a handful of rumors floating around suggesting that Klopp could assume a sort of joint managerial role and coach both Liverpool and Germany at the same time, but he’s denied the suggestions and says he is only focused on Liverpool for now.


Klopp does, however, back Nagelsmann to take the job ahead of next summer’s European championships in Germany..

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Klopp praises David Moyes all the time too, should we hire him?


Klopp has never said anything critical of another coach, he's always complimentary even with the ones he's got beef with.

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So in that quote above Klopp lied about seeing out his contract and in fact did the opposite.  So the only possible outcome from the second bit of information is that he's lying there too and thinks Nagelsmann is a shithead and a bad coach. Case closed.

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1 hour ago, dave u said:

Klopp praises David Moyes all the time too, should we hire him?


Klopp has never said anything critical of another coach, he's always complimentary even with the ones he's got beef with.

We should hire Nagelsmann because of his results, what he has done is nothing less than a superb achievement at such an age.


I know that back in 2017 Nagelsmann was not happy with the result in our away game against Hoffenheim and he made some comment about it after the game where he basically said we had been lucky. Klopp on the other hand said it was a great defensive performance from us, something I guess Nagelsmann felt as not what happened and he wanted to show they had deserved better.


They missed a penalty in the game and Milner scored the winner from a deflection. 

Nagelsmann had just turned 30 at the time and I guess he felt he had a lot to prove, I dont think Klopp is a petty guy who hold grudges for years to come about something trivial as that either.


Nagelsmann has grown older now, got more experience and probably would not make the same comments again if it had happened in 2024 instead of 2017. 


Basically I cant see any reason for Klopp having a dislike for Nagelsmann, so I call this bluff with my pair of aces. 


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3 hours ago, Code said:

We should hire Nagelsmann because of his results, what he has done is nothing less than a superb achievement at such an age.


I know that back in 2017 Nagelsmann was not happy with the result in our away game against Hoffenheim and he made some comment about it after the game where he basically said we had been lucky. Klopp on the other hand said it was a great defensive performance from us, something I guess Nagelsmann felt as not what happened and he wanted to show they had deserved better.


They missed a penalty in the game and Milner scored the winner from a deflection. 

Nagelsmann had just turned 30 at the time and I guess he felt he had a lot to prove, I dont think Klopp is a petty guy who hold grudges for years to come about something trivial as that either.


Nagelsmann has grown older now, got more experience and probably would not make the same comments again if it had happened in 2024 instead of 2017. 


Basically I cant see any reason for Klopp having a dislike for Nagelsmann, so I call this bluff with my pair of aces. 



You may have a pair of aces, but you're still a joker.

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