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2012 and all that.......


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A certain shade of green, tell me, is that what you need?

All signs around say move ahead.

Could someone please explain to me your ever present lack of speed?

Are your muscles bound by ropes? Or do crutches cloud your day?

My sources say the road is clear, and street signs point the way.

Are you gonna stand around till 2012 A.D.?

What are you waiting for, a certain shade of green?

I think I grew a gray watching you procrastinate.

What are you waiting for, a certain shade of green?

Would a written invitation, signed "Choose now or lose it all," sedate your hesitation?

Or inflame and make you stall?

You've been raised in limitation, but that glove never fit quite right.

The time has passed for hand-me-downs, choose anew, please evolve, take flight.

What are you waiting for?

A written invitation?

A public declaration?

A private consolation?



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Asteroid YU 55 passes between the earth and the moon on Tuesday. NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab are constantly changing the asteroids proposed orbit.


The same day FEMA are running Execise Pacific Wave which simulates an asteroid splashing down in in the pacific and causing a tsunami.


Google it people.


A 400m asteroid hitting the Earth? Hardly extinction level stuff.

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It is if its got an iron core.


Hate to piss on your chips, but it could have a lead core and it wouldn't be that much of a biggie in terms of wiping us out. It will be a bit of a pisser if you are in the way of the tusnami (about 18 metres high at 500km), but nonetheless the vast majority of the world's population will be just fine.


Here is a nice website where you can go through all your worse case scenarios and calculate the likelihood of yourself getting a suntan.


Earth Impact Effects Program

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A quarter-mile-wide asteroid will dart between the Earth and moon Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2011 while a huge group of sunspots are slowly rotating to face our planet creating a 'possibility' of a CME directed toward earth and disruption of satellite communications.


Nov. 5, 2011 -- There's a storm brewing on the sun's surface and it could unleash its magnetic fury on Earth within the next five days. [link to news.discovery.com]

That ominous warning comes from solar scientists at the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center who are tracking a huge group of sunspots that are slowly rotating to face our planet. As imaged by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) in Friday, this is the largest group of sunspots seen on the sun since 2005. The largest sunspot (pictured above) is 17-times the width of the Earth.

WATCH VIDEO at link: [link to news.discovery.com]


A solar eruption sends a wave of plasma hurtling towards Earth on August 1st, 2010. The event was captured by NASA satellites SCIENCE CHANNEL: Wonders of the Solar System: The Sun


Active region 1339 has been crackling with flare activity -- for now blasting the majority of its energy away from us -- but on Thursday, it showed solar astronomers what it's capable of; erupting with the most powerful type of flare.


The effects of the X-rays generated by the Nov. 3 X-class flare were detected in our upper atmosphere as waves of ionization altered the propagation of radio waves over Europe and the Americas, according to SpaceWeather.com.


Sunspots are the result of intense magnetic stress inside the sun. As we approach solar maximum (expected around 2013), we can expect to see more sunspots as intense magnetic fields break through the surface, exposing the cooler solar interior -- dark spots are the result.


NASA in final preparations for Nov. 8 asteroid flyby [link to http://www.physorg.com]

(PhysOrg.com) -- NASA scientists will be tracking asteroid 2005 YU55 with antennas of the agency's Deep Space Network at Goldstone, Calif., as the space rock safely flies past Earth slightly closer than the moon's orbit on Nov. 8. Scientists are treating the flyby of the 1,300-foot-wide (400-meter) asteroid as a science target of opportunity - allowing instruments on "spacecraft Earth" to scan it during the close pass. Tracking of the aircraft carrier-sized asteroid will begin at 9:30 a.m. local time (PDT) on Nov. 4, using the massive 70-meter (230-foot) Deep Space Network antenna, and last for about two hours. The asteroid will continue to be tracked by Goldstone for at least four hours each day from Nov. 6 through Nov. 10. Radar observations from the Arecibo Planetary Radar Facility in Puerto Rico will begin on Nov. 8, the same day the asteroid will make its closest approach to Earth at 3:28 p.m. PST.


[link to cdn.physorg.com]

This image made from radar data taken in April 2010 by the Arecibo Radar Telescope in Puerto Rico and provided by NASA/Cornell/Arecibo shows asteroid 2005 YU55. The asteroid, bigger than an aircraft carrier, will dart between the Earth and moon Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2011 - the closest encounter by such a huge rock in 35 years. But scientists say not to worry. It won't hit. (AP Photo/NASA/Cornell/Arecibo)


(AP) -- An asteroid bigger than an aircraft carrier will dart between the Earth and moon on Tuesday - the closest encounter by such a huge rock in 35 years. But scientists say not to worry. It won't hit.

"We're extremely confident, 100 percent confident, that this is not a threat," said the manager of NASA's Near Earth Object Program, Don Yeomans. "But it is an opportunity."


The asteroid named 2005 YU55 is being watched by ground antennas as it approaches from the direction of the sun. The last time it came within so-called shouting distance was 200 years ago.


Closest approach will occur at 6:28 p.m. EST Tuesday when the asteroid passes within 202,000 miles of Earth. That's closer than the roughly 240,000 miles between the Earth and the moon.


The moon will be just under 150,000 miles from the asteroid at the time of closest approach.


Both the Earth and moon are safe - "this time," said Jay Melosh, professor of Earth and atmospheric sciences at Purdue University.

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2012 is apparently when the collective consciousness of humanity will shift from negative to positive. The Myans have said that it will reach critical mass during this time as certain planets within the cosmos will align at this time thus enabling the shift through magnetics. Obviously it wont happen overnight but the shift will be the catalyst for change.


Apparently our DNA is coated with a magnetic film that is being discovered and understood by scientists. Thus when we were born, according to were the planets were in conjunction with the magnetic poles of the earth, our DNA was stamped with certain magnetic attributes which would stay with us throughout our lives aiding the plan and life lessons we came here to learn to assist in our spitual growth, some people call it Karma others call it a life plan.


This is why astrology is considered to be a science by many people and not art. The planets can actullay influence our lives through the earths poles. It was designed this way to assist karma and life lessons. Thats why they say people born under certain star signs have different character traits.


So, with the new energy and and consciouness change, karma can be voided and people can choose to live a life of peace with conscious choice over how they want their reality to be instead of dwelling in drama, self pity and other negative choices and emotions people choose to hang around with.

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Guest davelfc

How old is this planet? One day we will get hit by a large meteorite and it could be big enough to wreck our weekends. We might have a plague that wipes most of us out. A large eruption might cause dense ash clouds that block the sun, cause worldwide food shortages and millions could starve to death. (hey how much will we envy those fatties with their stockpiles then eh?)


We live on a fragile planet, we've been here a blink of an eye and it's not totally inconceivable that one day our little run might come to an end.


Just not at the prediction of some people that lived thousands of years ago and couldn't be bothered working on a calendar that went past 2012. I once worked out my shift system on a planner for 3 months, planet didn't explode when it ran out.

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2012 is apparently when the collective consciousness of humanity will shift from negative to positive. The Myans have said that it will reach critical mass during this time as certain planets within the cosmos will align at this time thus enabling the shift through magnetics. Obviously it wont happen overnight but the shift will be the catalyst for change.


Apparently our DNA is coated with a magnetic film that is being discovered and understood by scientists. Thus when we were born, according to were the planets were in conjunction with the magnetic poles of the earth, our DNA was stamped with certain magnetic attributes which would stay with us throughout our lives aiding the plan and life lessons we came here to learn to assist in our spitual growth, some people call it Karma others call it a life plan.


This is why astrology is considered to be a science by many people and not art. The planets can actullay influence our lives through the earths poles. It was designed this way to assist karma and life lessons. Thats why they say people born under certain star signs have different character traits.


So, with the new energy and and consciouness change, karma can be voided and people can choose to live a life of peace with conscious choice over how they want their reality to be instead of dwelling in drama, self pity and other negative choices and emotions people choose to hang around with.



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2012 is apparently when the collective consciousness of humanity will shift from negative to positive. The Myans have said that it will reach critical mass during this time as certain planets within the cosmos will align at this time thus enabling the shift through magnetics. Obviously it wont happen overnight but the shift will be the catalyst for change.


Apparently our DNA is coated with a magnetic film that is being discovered and understood by scientists. Thus when we were born, according to were the planets were in conjunction with the magnetic poles of the earth, our DNA was stamped with certain magnetic attributes which would stay with us throughout our lives aiding the plan and life lessons we came here to learn to assist in our spitual growth, some people call it Karma others call it a life plan.


This is why astrology is considered to be a science by many people and not art. The planets can actullay influence our lives through the earths poles. It was designed this way to assist karma and life lessons. Thats why they say people born under certain star signs have different character traits.


So, with the new energy and and consciouness change, karma can be voided and people can choose to live a life of peace with conscious choice over how they want their reality to be instead of dwelling in drama, self pity and other negative choices and emotions people choose to hang around with.



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