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First Mania I've watched as it happens (live), thought it was great, my highlight being Randy Orton's curbstomp reverse into an RKO. I watched it in a bar that had got a special license so it had a bit of an atmosphere. Some people do take it a bit seriously which I found amusing, sometimes felt like watching a football match. They were genuinely gutted about Reigns whereas my mates loved him getting battered and Rollins cashing in.


I was disappointed by the Undertaker Vs Wyatt match, it was cumbersome and I think Undertaker is past it now, time to give it up. 

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Neville (where has his first name gone?) making his solo debut was really impressive.

HHH is taking over the WWE with his NXT stars.

First part of RAW was really good. 
Main event was a bit meh. Anyone else sick of the sight of Kane and Bigshow?


The crowds response to Reigns isnt going to change is it? I dont think Vince and co will stop until he is the face of the company though.

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I'd rather the talented guys stayed down in NXT. They can't write logical storylines and characters for the talented guys already on the main roster, what hope does anyone else have? Calling people up for the sake of calling them up and then not knowing what to do with them after a month or two so they wrestle on Superstars or team up with someone else with no direction. 

Thought Mania was decent, which it is 90% of the time anyway. Lost all interest in RAW as soon as Brock was suspended. Read the results this morning, seems like I missed absolutely nothing in terms of things moving forward. Next month's PPV will be mostly rematches, Sheamus will probably win the intercontinental title at some point in the coming months, Dean Ambrose will continue to do nothing, Regins and Rollins will feud over the title until Brock is back though I wouldn't be surprised if Orton wins it before Reigns. I have no idea what they'll do with Rusev and Wyatt and I doubt the WWE do either. 

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I'd rather the talented guys stayed down in NXT. They can't write logical storylines and characters for the talented guys already on the main roster, what hope does anyone else have? Calling people up for the sake of calling them up and then not knowing what to do with them after a month or two so they wrestle on Superstars or team up with someone else with no direction. 


Thought Mania was decent, which it is 90% of the time anyway. Lost all interest in RAW as soon as Brock was suspended. Read the results this morning, seems like I missed absolutely nothing in terms of things moving forward. Next month's PPV will be mostly rematches, Sheamus will probably win the intercontinental title at some point in the coming months, Dean Ambrose will continue to do nothing, Regins and Rollins will feud over the title until Brock is back though I wouldn't be surprised if Orton wins it before Reigns. I have no idea what they'll do with Rusev and Wyatt and I doubt the WWE do either


Thats a big worry for me. Im a huge Wyatt fan.


The finish to the Taker match was strange. They had Wyatt performing some great promos, (building up for the Taker match) he was mentioning becoming the new face of fear and taking the soul of the dead man.


Think we all knew Taker would beat him, but i was thinking Wyatt would of taken a part of Takers soul after the match, or do something that would give Wyatt a major push. 


They have a major star on their hands with Wyatt, but like you said, i dont think they know what to do with him. Which is not surprising after the farce of Daniel Bryan last year. 

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I couldn't love Brock Lesnar's work anymore than I do right now. At Mania, last night, everything; he's phenomenal. You're always guaranteed a good Raw after Mania and I liked nearly all of it. No idea why they dropped Neville's first name, that was stupid but he is ace. Good to see the Lucha Dragons have a good match and at least the divas had a long match too. I'm sure WWE will fall asleep at the wheel in a few weeks but this weekend's wrasslin' has been fun.

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Watched mania and raw.


Lesnar would be lost without Hayman doing the talking. My issue with him is the putting him across as some unstoppable force from MMA. Anyone who watched him in the UFC knows the man can't take a punch and his insides are so messed up and big shot to the stomach drops him like a bag of spuds.

I know this is WWE but its hard to forget watching the man slumped in the corner when clipped on the chin.


Anyway,whats with the fans hate on Roman Reigns?

I have not watched anything for ages and he seemed well like before.


Are we looking at a fatal four way for the title with Reigns,Lesnar,Orton and Ambrose?


Was the Rock-HHH the first piece of a build up to next years mania


I hope that it for Taker.

He was ok in that match but injuries and age have really caught up with him. I did wonder if the gave him one last go and there was noway he could have taken everything in last year as he was well out of it.



Outside the first Mick Foley book any other great autobiographies worth reading?

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Two years running now, they've had to add a third wheel to the Wrestlemania main event and have that third wheel carry off the title to avoid being shitted on by the audience for trying to back the 'wrong' guy to win the title. In both cases, the reigning champion wasn't the one eating the pin or submission, but the guy the fans didn't want to be there.


I suspect that if there was no Network - therefore a need to retain existing as well as gaining subscribers - and PPVs were still being sold exclusively on an individual basis, neither main event would have become a triple threat. WWE and Vince still have their ideas on how to go forward with wrestlers and storylines even if it's not what the audience want to see, but they'll probably find themselves having to compromise a lot more on those ideas so as not to lose Network subscribers. In that sense, the Network and its numbers has given WWE fans somewhat of a voice that Vince now needs to listen to.

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He's not Daniel Bryan.

There's that but there's also the fact that the fans aren't daft, they know when WWE are building someone up as the new top face of the company it's likely going to mean a shitty character that hardly ever loses and gets title shots because (Cena & Orton)


It's not because he's the least experienced/talented of the Shield it's the fact WWE are saying this is what you're getting whether you like it or not. In the world of wrestling anyone can be built up to look good. People say things like 'Someone like Ziggler or Bryan against Lesnar is too unrealistic' Well first off, it's wrestling and secondly though it would be classed as an unfair fight in any circumstances these fights do still happen and sometimes the big cunt does get put on his arse. It's considered 'unrealistic' in wrestling because the WWE doesn't care about building these guys up enough so of course fans are going to think the premise of Bryan tying Lesnar in knots is stupid. 


I also think WWE doesn't like making money. There was a point when Zack Ryder t-shirts were outselling everyone's and his name was getting chanted during the Rock's return. The WWE didn't like this and made sure to kill off any buzz he had as soon as possible. Obviously the novelty would have worn off eventually with the guy but then they could have done other things with the guy but instead they do nothing.


As for autobiographies I've read most of them but that was a long time ago. I remember Jericho's first and Bret Hart's were good though. 

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Watched mania and raw.


Lesnar would be lost without Hayman doing the talking. My issue with him is the putting him across as some unstoppable force from MMA. Anyone who watched him in the UFC knows the man can't take a punch and his insides are so messed up and big shot to the stomach drops him like a bag of spuds.

I know this is WWE but its hard to forget watching the man slumped in the corner when clipped on the chin.


Anyway,whats with the fans hate on Roman Reigns?

I have not watched anything for ages and he seemed well like before.


Are we looking at a fatal four way for the title with Reigns,Lesnar,Orton and Ambrose?


Was the Rock-HHH the first piece of a build up to next years mania


I hope that it for Taker.

He was ok in that match but injuries and age have really caught up with him. I did wonder if the gave him one last go and there was noway he could have taken everything in last year as he was well out of it.



Outside the first Mick Foley book any other great autobiographies worth reading?

Bret Hart book is ace. Chris Jericho are quite good too.

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Bret Hart's is outstanding. Read it. Jericho's are all great as well although I have no interest in the musical bits.


As for the last week of wrestling, excellent. Wrestlemania playbutton (coming soon, Wrestlemania star) was really, really enjoyable. The only bad bit was the music "performance" which is, as per every Wrestlemania lately, absolute shite. Nobody can tell me we need some bellend like that on the show when that awesome 4 team tag match was on the pre-show. That was it, even the pre-show was great. It was just an enjoyable event and everything served a purpose. And I hadn't realised how hot Ronda Rousey is - consider that opinion changed.


I loved the end - for me Seth Rollins has been the most consistent performer in the business since his heel turn and he deserves a long, long run with that title. It was a sneaky, shithouse way of getting the belt and it suits his character down to a tee. I still feel sorry for Reigns, he doesn't book it. Lesnar is doing his best WWE work, Heyman fucking rules and J+J Security are the men.


One of the best Manias I've seen for a long time, the best one in recent years for certain.


Raw was good - LUCHA LUCHA LUCHA! (Adrian) Neville was outstanding and Curtis Axel continues to be the Santino dweeb heel whilst getting majorly over in the process. Again, Lesnar is a badass and Heyman is the best in the business on the microphone. D Bry and Ziggler are ace, Ambrose needs pushing to the stars and it was a very good Raw.


It will go into a slump because it always do - but I have absolutely loved the last week of it.

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