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If you are seeing ads on the forum - read this

dave u

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On 10/05/2023 at 11:09, dave u said:


What does this mean? It's gone over my head. 

I'm a miserable old bastard who is pretty sick of modern football and all it's hype. I'm not likely to buy a t shirt or merch relating to a millionaire player or manager. I don't discourage others of course but this is my type. I do try to buy a season ticket now and again and love the social aspect of the site and this is why 'I' use it. 

Please don't attack me as I use an adblock on everything I watch as I couldn't use the internet without it. Even those sites I spend money on. Like I say this choice is an individual one.

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On 10/05/2023 at 15:19, Chris said:

I think it's a fundamental misunderstanding of how ads work. In most cases payment to sites is based upon page views where the ad is served, rather than clickthroughs to buy anything. He seems to think the fact he's not going to buy one of Dave's shirts (not even an ad, just a link to the site's shop) negates the ad equation.

Like I've just said 'I' can't use the web without it. Others are entitled to do whatever they please.

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Just now, VladimirIlyich said:

I'm a miserable old bastard who is pretty sick of modern football and all it's hype. I'm not likely to buy a t shirt or merch relating to a millionaire player or manager. I don't discourage others of course but this is my type. I do try to buy a season ticket now and again and love the social aspect of the site and this is why 'I' use it. 

Please don't attack me as I use an adblock on everything I watch as I couldn't use the internet without it. Even those sites I spend money on. Like I say this choice is an individual one.


I'm not attacking you, I did not understand what you meant so I asked. You've completely missed the point about how ads work but that's fine. 


I never judge anybody on whether they pay to be on here or not. Everyone's circumstances are different and none of us have any idea whether someone is in a position to subscribe or not. It's never bothered me at all and I've never put pressure on anybody to subscribe. The forum is there for anyone to use, whether they pay to support the site or not.


In terms of the adblock, that's your choice and I genuinely don't care if you use one or not. There are no doubt plenty of others who use them, but if I don't know then it can't hurt me. I absolutely get why people would use one as ads are a pain in the arse, but seeing it posted in a thread like this one is disappointing and seems inappropriate. Do what you like, but you don't need to be broadcasting it.


I wish I didn't need to have ads on here and if I had more subscribers then I wouldn't need them. They are a necessary evil but I've ensured that the subscribers don't get ads and that's a perk of membership and an incentive for people to subscribe. Those who aren't subscribing are still contributing if they're seeing ads, but if everyone does what you are advising them to then that's taking a couple of hundred quid a month out of my pocket.


So you can do what you like, it's entirely your choice and I'm absolutely ok with it, but posting it in this thread smacked of "look how smart I am, I've found a loophole to beat the system". Not what you intended I'm sure, but that's how it looks and I'm sure that's what got Chris' back up.

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2 hours ago, dave u said:


I'm not attacking you, I did not understand what you meant so I asked. You've completely missed the point about how ads work but that's fine. 


I never judge anybody on whether they pay to be on here or not. Everyone's circumstances are different and none of us have any idea whether someone is in a position to subscribe or not. It's never bothered me at all and I've never put pressure on anybody to subscribe. The forum is there for anyone to use, whether they pay to support the site or not.


In terms of the adblock, that's your choice and I genuinely don't care if you use one or not. There are no doubt plenty of others who use them, but if I don't know then it can't hurt me. I absolutely get why people would use one as ads are a pain in the arse, but seeing it posted in a thread like this one is disappointing and seems inappropriate. Do what you like, but you don't need to be broadcasting it.


I wish I didn't need to have ads on here and if I had more subscribers then I wouldn't need them. They are a necessary evil but I've ensured that the subscribers don't get ads and that's a perk of membership and an incentive for people to subscribe. Those who aren't subscribing are still contributing if they're seeing ads, but if everyone does what you are advising them to then that's taking a couple of hundred quid a month out of my pocket.


So you can do what you like, it's entirely your choice and I'm absolutely ok with it, but posting it in this thread smacked of "look how smart I am, I've found a loophole to beat the system". Not what you intended I'm sure, but that's how it looks and I'm sure that's what got Chris' back up.

It wasn't my intention to look 'smart' as I am a self confessed internet dickhead with little tech knowledge at all. I mostly view the forum on mobile and with ads it becomes unreadable on a small screen. I found a mobile ad free browser as that is what i meant given how much of a pain the mobile format can be. I know others get swamped with ads,mostly unrelated to TLW and that was all I was trying to do given a few of us are old tech dicks like me.

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3 hours ago, Bjornebye said:

Vlad, try the Echo website. If I was ever going into a title fight I’d spend a minute trying to read an article on that fucker. My opponent wouldn’t stand a chance. 

I have occasionally clicked a link on here and never seen the story it was supposed to link to. An absolute shit heap of a paper and site.

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On 12/05/2023 at 11:48, dave u said:


I'm not attacking you, I did not understand what you meant so I asked. You've completely missed the point about how ads work but that's fine. 



On 12/05/2023 at 11:48, dave u said:






Edited for clarity.

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If you post a lot on here then just pay your subs. That said, don’t have Chris giving you shit because he does a few podcasts. Do what you want. But this place exists because of Dave and it’s right to either subscribe a few quid or let the ads happen. This is a brilliant sexy violent magical magnificent intelligent inspiring community of mostly half decent people who should be in jail. If you can’t cough up a few quid or allow an advert to drop to allow yourself this forum then fuck off. 

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On 15/05/2023 at 02:42, Bjornebye said:

If you post a lot on here then just pay your subs. That said, don’t have Chris giving you shit because he does a few podcasts. Do what you want. But this place exists because of Dave and it’s right to either subscribe a few quid or let the ads happen. This is a brilliant sexy violent magical magnificent intelligent inspiring community of mostly half decent people who should be in jail. If you can’t cough up a few quid or allow an advert to drop to allow yourself this forum then fuck off. 

Fuck you! You drove good people such as rico and stronts away so should be ashamed of yourself!

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On 14/05/2023 at 21:42, Bjornebye said:

If you post a lot on here then just pay your subs. That said, don’t have Chris giving you shit because he does a few podcasts. Do what you want. But this place exists because of Dave and it’s right to either subscribe a few quid or let the ads happen. This is a brilliant sexy violent magical magnificent intelligent inspiring community of mostly half decent people who should be in jail. If you can’t cough up a few quid or allow an advert to drop to allow yourself this forum then fuck off. 


What the fuck are you on about? Nothing to do with Podcasts. Dickhead. 

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6 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:


Hahaha sorry Chris. 


You make exactly the same point as me (either sub or allow the ads) and make some snide comment inferring I have something to gain from the ads running / think I have some kind of status because I host the odd podcast (which I do for the sheer love of it and nothing more). Not the first time you've made a prick comment like that either. 

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3 minutes ago, Chris said:


You make exactly the same point as me (either sub or allow the ads) and make some snide comment inferring I have something to gain from the ads running / think I have some kind of status because I host the odd podcast (which I do for the sheer love of it and nothing more). Not the first time you've made a prick comment like that either. 


It wasn't inferring that you have something to gain from the ad's, it was you again acting like the forum police. You jumped on me for posting a thread on the GF because it had a couple of women involved in it. Fair enough if that's not your taste but your snide, arrogant and sneering way you went about it pissed me off. I thought you were doing similar here. 


And yes we do agree on the ad's. You've called me a dickhead and now a prick, you've had your say. 


For what it's worth, I love the podcasts. 

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  • dave u changed the title to If you are seeing ads on the forum - read this

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