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Rafa’s Everton Adventure

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I think we’ve had enough time to reflect on the tremendous work that Benitez did across the park. Let’s use this thread to remember some of the great moments he oversaw. Obviously the derby at the pit is the first one that springs to mind but it was absolute mayhem there for a while. 

Everton fans uncharacteristically booing all the time, Rafa sacking the DoF and the medical staff before getting booted himself, selling Digne to Steven Gerrard as well. That’s before I even get onto the results on the pitch. Man, there was loads of comedy crammed into those six months and he very nearly got the job done. 





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Alternative take: Rafa was an OK manager for Everton, but the fans hated him long before he took over and he was never going to be given a fair chance in a million years. 
They had spent freely for years, only to turn off the money tap as soon as he arrived. We all laugh about Rondon, but Rafa was given buttons to spend (despite their biggest earners being offloaded) and yet two out of his three summer signings were undoubtedly successful.

He had a good spell, then a bad spell, and his win ratio was better than both Lampard and Dyche. 

He got the job because they needed a fall guy. The plan was always to stop spending; bin big earners like Hamez, Bernard and Kean; and bin him just before the end of the transfer window so that whichever mug took over wouldn’t be able to spend any real money either. 

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12 hours ago, Ron B said:

Alternative take: Rafa was an OK manager for Everton, but the fans hated him long before he took over and he was never going to be given a fair chance in a million years. 
They had spent freely for years, only to turn off the money tap as soon as he arrived. We all laugh about Rondon, but Rafa was given buttons to spend (despite their biggest earners being offloaded) and yet two out of his three summer signings were undoubtedly successful.

He had a good spell, then a bad spell, and his win ratio was better than both Lampard and Dyche. 

He got the job because they needed a fall guy. The plan was always to stop spending; bin big earners like Hamez, Bernard and Kean; and bin him just before the end of the transfer window so that whichever mug took over wouldn’t be able to spend any real money either. 

Stop talking sense. No bluenose will accept common sense and realism.

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