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Luton (H) - Wed 21st Feb 2024 (7:30pm)


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Last night we did what my favourite thing under Klopp has been, we scored goals quickly.


The amount of times we score 2 in 5 mins or 3 in 10 mins is astounding. We take games away from sides so quickly.


Its like we score, everybody is shouting “C’mon” as the game restarts, Klopp is on the edge of his technical area and gives a thumbs down like a Roman Emproer and we go for the kill. 


IMO, it’s the best thing about us. 

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5 minutes ago, Scott_M said:

Last night we did what my favourite thing under Klopp has been, we scored goals quickly.


The amount of times we score 2 in 5 mins or 3 in 10 mins is astounding. We take games away from sides so quickly.


Its like we score, everybody is shouting “C’mon” as the game restarts, Klopp is on the edge of his technical area and gives a thumbs down like a Roman Emproer and we go for the kill. 


IMO, it’s the best thing about us. 

Klopp teams and Anfield were made for each other. Never known a style and crowd so in sync when it hits.

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2 hours ago, VERBAL DIARRHEA said:

It’s T’so’s if I remember correctly. Years back you had Ray’s who I mentioned who did no Chinese food, they had the best English food, he had a Teddy Boy hairstyle.

One called NG’s which did great stuff and K Tams which is still there. We were spoilt for choice.

Weird, I'm literally sat outside one of those in the car right now! 

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6 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:

I'm not around there..just over when she has her lessons. I normally go on a Monday and parking is easy there at the side. There must be more people in Tam's on a Thursday, because it's fucking rammed! 

Not as good as it once was but still good.

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