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Halsey: Referee standards have dropped to alarming levels  


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2 hours ago, No2 said:

Around the 30th minute Tierney gave an offisde against Diaz, it was really tight but Tierney puts his arm up, then pulls it down and when it's cleared the lino puts up his flag and Tierneys arm goes up again. Really fucking strange stuff, something I've seen Taylor do in recent weeks as well. I've reached the conclusion he's just shit, a couple of blindingly obvious decisions he got wrong against both teams. 


I think sometimes once it's offside, the lino can communicate and tell the ref it's offside even though he has to keep his flag down, maybe that explains what you saw? 

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18 minutes ago, CrownPaints said:

Fair play to you for not getting deflated when the VAR screen goes up.

Oh I do, but when it happens I have already celebrated the goal. 

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13 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:


I think sometimes once it's offside, the lino can communicate and tell the ref it's offside even though he has to keep his flag down, maybe that explains what you saw? 

Technically the AR has to wait until the attacker touches the ball or interferes (ooerr!) with a defender or the gk before raising the flag. The PL has perfected the art of fucking this up though and inflaming everybody they can without them knowing what the fuck is going on. VAR obviously makes this harder given how they have to let the attack play out in case of a goal and their decision was incorrect. As it sometimes will be anyhow.

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9 hours ago, Code said:

Nah, just celebrate when the ball hits the back of the net, then celebrate again when VAR confirm the goal.


Both of those are now collectively muted celebrations, rather than unbridled joy.


Frequently, the second one is actually muttering and murmuring with disappointment. And finally the sound of triumphant ridicule from the oppo fans.


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9 hours ago, Code said:

Nah, just celebrate when the ball hits the back of the net, then celebrate again when VAR confirm the goal.

Not at my age, you can’t.


Hyperextending my elbow twice in 90 seconds is an absolute nonstarter.

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So everyone on the panel agrees this wasn't a pen but also agrees that VAR was right not to intervene...


So basically the VAR was best to keep his mouth shut because his role is to back the ref unless he can see a miniscule offside or a glance off a hand to stop people celebrating a goal.


In this case he'd have to tell the ref he was wrong and admitting that a referee can make a mistake is not acceptable under any circumstances.


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