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Deeney: Integrity has been lost from this season 

Troy Deeney says that he feels sorry for Liverpool for having their season spoiled by the coronavirus outbreak but believes all integrity has been lost from the season.

Yesterday saw the announcement which every Liverpool fan was waiting for regarding the resumption of the Premier League after a three month hiatus.

As has been previously stated, there are to be no fans inside Football grounds for the foreseeable future meaning it will be somewhat of a empty existence for players, managers and officials alike.

Jürgen Klopp and his players were masters in keeping their emotions in check whenever they were asked about winning the title.

But it would have only been natural for them to let their mind drift and envisage the complete joy and euphoric scenes that would have taken place at Anfield come the end of the season.

Watford captain Troy Deeney has been one of the main voices from the players expressing doubt on the resumption of the season.

Now that a return looks virtually guaranteed, the striker feels that the title win will always come with an asterisk attached.

Football 365 (via CNN) reported Deeney as saying.



“I believe that when it comes to the integrity of this season anyway, it’s already gone.

“I feel sorry for Liverpool because no matter how it plays out, they deserve to win the league. They deserve to get the trophy.

“But no matter how it plays out, even if we play all the games, it’s still going to be the year spoiled by the pandemic. It’s not going to be that year that Liverpool won the league being the best team and, you know, it’s 30 years they haven’t won for.

“So I do feel sorry for Liverpool and their players and Jordan [Henderson], but in terms of integrity, there’s no way you could say that this is a viable competition.

“It’s like running a marathon, 20 odd miles, stopping for two months and then sprinting the last bit and going: ‘Ah, that was a good time that.'”

As Liverpool fans know all too well, it’s not over until the finishing line is crossed.

There are two wins required until the Reds are officially crowned as champions.

And as we have seen during this hiatus, there will be those who try to pour a level of doubt on the achievement or in case of Deeney, deliver a level of faint praise.

In terms of the marathon analogy of Deeney, there will be no team to emerge from the pack and therefore no sprinting required.

Simply because, Liverpool are way out in front, the hard work has already been done as they have broken the back of their challengers.

We live in a democracy and opinions like Deeney's are more than welcome to be noted.

But the cold hard truth is asterisk or not, Liverpool have more than proven themselves as a class above this season.

And when it is all said and done, this trophy will sit very nicely amongst all the other pieces of silverware in the Liverpool trophy cabinet.


Edited by TLW

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Big stronk Deeney. I won't train because I'm a pussy. Now I want to train because they'll take away my paycheque. 


Isolated primadonna who apparently have no idea of how it is out in the real world. Complete bellend.

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If Troy Deeney thinks winning a League title is like running a marathon, it's not surprising he plays for a team at the bottom end of the table. 


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I’m not getting this integrity bollocks. All things being equal we will have played all teams twice (home and away) at the end of the season and we will have the most points. Quite simple really.

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Not sure about the integrity of the wining the league but a lot of teams in the lower half of the league are coming off with little to no integrity at the moment.  

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He's right, the integrity has gone. Imagine being good enough to break the Premier League points record despite the worst pandemic since 1918 AND having to play more matches away from home than anyone else.


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He has made himself out to be a right twat, integrity went out of the window when he decided he liked a 5 figure weekly wage. His comments on us are bitter no matter how he sugar coats it. Hope they go down, the Watford fans will love him won’t they? Figures crossed he never gets a pundit gig because he will talk about this for years.

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So not finishing a season 75 percent completed, having no champions, no promotions, no relegations, punishing sides who worked hard and played well and rewarding sides that played poorly. Clubs losing money hand over fist, players losing time in a short career, business that depends upon football both big and small struggling and some foitball clubs may go bust. Doesn't lack integrity. I'm thinking a season break due to a pandemic and then returning when safe has a lot more integrity, not just for this season but for every season that follows. Next season woukd have zero integrity if this season is wiped from history.

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It's a shame these interviews aren't done in a questions and answers type setting where there are people to challenge them. He says because there was a break in the middle that that makes the season nonviable? What break is acceptable for him?  Is two weeks too much?  Is every league that has a winter break also not viable every year? If only some teams had to stop then ok, but every team stopped?  So hows that an issue?  As for likening the season to an actual, real life marathon?  So is Deeney now demanding that all 38 league games must be played back-to-back from now on? Clubs are going to need pretty big squads.  


If you want to speak about fairness and asterisks then 1988-89 after Hillsborough is a sad example of where it's nonviable. Liverpool having to play 8 games in 23 days including extra time in a Cup Final while Arsenal only had to play 4, is an example of unfair.  This is perfectly fair on every club.  It seems the whole "Health issue" is taking a back seat for Deeney.  It's now the "break was a bit long"?

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He’s coming across as a right twat, never been a massive fan but he’s sunk really low in my estimations now. 
Hope they disappear into the Championship and we never hear of him again.

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I guess if you miss a few months of the league through injury, your contribution before and after has no integrity in fact it's even less integrity because everyone still played whilst you sat at home with your integrity leaking through the windows.


So any player that was injured during a successful season, bin that silverware you can't take part in a marathon and sit off during the middle and join in near the end while others completed the full race. You fucking injured bastards.

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I felt he got a hard time for his previous comments, as I think any of us with a young and at risk child would have felt the same way. But bringing us into it in such a spurious way just marks him out as one of the bantz brigade, so he can get fucked.

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He would be singing a different tune if he ever had the chance to win some silverware. He's just a lower table cart house and there's been plenty better before him.

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“I will not return to training for the safety of my child, and money be damned!”


”Sorry Troy, but while we understand your position we’re going to have to reduce your wages while you’re not training or playing.”


”Ok, see you on Monday!”

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