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He is a CEO - what should we judge him on?


1. What the fuck is he doing taking medals?

2. Why hasn't he sorted out the lads who didn't get one e.g. Mellor and Pongolle?

3. What happened with the parade?

4. The investment issue has dragged on for ages, he didn't likeL4 as he knew he would lose his job, same goes with Morgan.

5. His antics in the transfer market and his 'sit tight' policy is amaterish and made us look small time.

6. His corporate marketing e.g. advertising hoardings at the ground, I've noticed several times there to be gaps - WTF? We are Liverpool.

7. The stadium - if we didn't have funds then why was it planed costing millions?

8. He let Owen run down his contract, he nearly lost us Gerrard...


1. you don't know he took a medal.

2. uefa won't make them will they? what do you want him to do, start forging them? perhaps while he's at it he can get a few more done and sell them down on gratey market to raise a few bob for the stadium?

3. that was down to the police, but blame parry if it's easier.

4. To begin with fuck Morgan. He undervalued the club, end of. As for the L4 bid, apart from people who suck duncan oldhams cock, everybody knows L4 was a bid to promote that shite geordie film. it was never a serious proposition. but again if it's easier, blame parry.

5. Those antics are the exact same ones used by Real Madrid. I suppose they're small time too? In actual fact it seems to me we've only had this policy since rafa has taken over, so maybe we should sack rafa and get houllier back giving away millions to his mates in france?

6. Jesus you are getting pathetic. The only time i've ever seen gaps, is on CL games when they have to take certian hordings down.

7. ??? that isn't even english.

8. Owen let owen run down his contract. He couldn't force the lad out of the club 12 months before. Gerrard and his big fucking ego nearly cost us gerrard. perhaps parry should have been better at managing the ego, but to be quite honest my view on that hasn't changed since the summer - gerrard would only leave lfc if he wanted to and if he wanted chelsea he could fuck right off. i don't see why gerrard being unmanagable is the fault of rick parry. carra uses the same agent and asked for a extension at the same time, i don't rememeber him having days "i wouldn't wish on anyone".


you need to sort yourself out lad and stop looking for a scapegoat because LFC is not modelled on you FM2006 team.

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He is a CEO - what should we judge him on?


1. What the fuck is he doing taking medals?

2. Why hasn't he sorted out the lads who didn't get one e.g. Mellor and Pongolle?

3. What happened with the parade?

4. The investment issue has dragged on for ages, he didn't likeL4 as he knew he would lose his job, same goes with Morgan.

5. His antics in the transfer market and his 'sit tight' policy is amaterish and made us look small time.

6. His corporate marketing e.g. advertising hoardings at the ground, I've noticed several times there to be gaps - WTF? We are Liverpool.

7. The stadium - if we didn't have funds then why was it planed costing millions?

8. He let Owen run down his contract, he nearly lost us Gerrard...


1. you don't know he took a medal.

2. uefa won't make them will they? what do you want him to do, start forging them? perhaps while he's at it he can get a few more done and sell them down on gratey market to raise a few bob for the stadium?

3. that was down to the police, but blame parry if it's easier.

4. To begin with fuck Morgan. He undervalued the club, end of. As for the L4 bid, apart from people who suck duncan oldhams cock, everybody knows L4 was a bid to promote that shite geordie film. it was never a serious proposition. but again if it's easier, blame parry.

5. Those antics are the exact same ones used by Real Madrid. I suppose they're small time too? In actual fact it seems to me we've only had this policy since rafa has taken over, so maybe we should sack rafa and get houllier back giving away millions to his mates in france?

6. Jesus you are getting pathetic. The only time i've ever seen gaps, is on CL games when they have to take certian hordings down.

7. ??? that isn't even english.

8. Owen let owen run down his contract. He couldn't force the lad out of the club 12 months before. Gerrard and his big fucking ego nearly cost us gerrard. perhaps parry should have been better at managing the ego, but to be quite honest my view on that hasn't changed since the summer - gerrard would only leave lfc if he wanted to and if he wanted chelsea he could fuck right off. i don't see why gerrard being unmanagable is the fault of rick parry. carra uses the same agent and asked for a extension at the same time, i don't rememeber him having days "i wouldn't wish on anyone".


you need to sort yourself out lad and stop looking for a scapegoat because LFC is not modelled on you FM2006 team.

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He is a CEO - what should we judge him on?


1. What the fuck is he doing taking medals?

2. Why hasn't he sorted out the lads who didn't get one e.g. Mellor and Pongolle?

3. What happened with the parade?

4. The investment issue has dragged on for ages, he didn't likeL4 as he knew he would lose his job, same goes with Morgan.

5. His antics in the transfer market and his 'sit tight' policy is amaterish and made us look small time.

6. His corporate marketing e.g. advertising hoardings at the ground, I've noticed several times there to be gaps - WTF? We are Liverpool.

7. The stadium - if we didn't have funds then why was it planed costing millions?

8. He let Owen run down his contract, he nearly lost us Gerrard...


1. you don't know he took a medal.

2. uefa won't make them will they? what do you want him to do, start forging them? perhaps while he's at it he can get a few more done and sell them down on gratey market to raise a few bob for the stadium?

3. that was down to the police, but blame parry if it's easier.

4. To begin with fuck Morgan. He undervalued the club, end of. As for the L4 bid, apart from people who suck duncan oldhams cock, everybody knows L4 was a bid to promote that shite geordie film. it was never a serious proposition. but again if it's easier, blame parry.

5. Those antics are the exact same ones used by Real Madrid. I suppose they're small time too? In actual fact it seems to me we've only had this policy since rafa has taken over, so maybe we should sack rafa and get houllier back giving away millions to his mates in france?

6. Jesus you are getting pathetic. The only time i've ever seen gaps, is on CL games when they have to take certian hordings down.

7. ??? that isn't even english.

8. Owen let owen run down his contract. He couldn't force the lad out of the club 12 months before. Gerrard and his big fucking ego nearly cost us gerrard. perhaps parry should have been better at managing the ego, but to be quite honest my view on that hasn't changed since the summer - gerrard would only leave lfc if he wanted to and if he wanted chelsea he could fuck right off. i don't see why gerrard being unmanagable is the fault of rick parry. carra uses the same agent and asked for a extension at the same time, i don't rememeber him having days "i wouldn't wish on anyone".


you need to sort yourself out lad and stop looking for a scapegoat because LFC is not modelled on you FM2006 team.

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He is a CEO - what should we judge him on?


1. What the fuck is he doing taking medals?

2. Why hasn't he sorted out the lads who didn't get one e.g. Mellor and Pongolle?

3. What happened with the parade?

4. The investment issue has dragged on for ages, he didn't likeL4 as he knew he would lose his job, same goes with Morgan.

5. His antics in the transfer market and his 'sit tight' policy is amaterish and made us look small time.

6. His corporate marketing e.g. advertising hoardings at the ground, I've noticed several times there to be gaps - WTF? We are Liverpool.

7. The stadium - if we didn't have funds then why was it planed costing millions?

8. He let Owen run down his contract, he nearly lost us Gerrard...


1. you don't know he took a medal.

2. uefa won't make them will they? what do you want him to do, start forging them? perhaps while he's at it he can get a few more done and sell them down on gratey market to raise a few bob for the stadium?

3. that was down to the police, but blame parry if it's easier.

4. To begin with fuck Morgan. He undervalued the club, end of. As for the L4 bid, apart from people who suck duncan oldhams cock, everybody knows L4 was a bid to promote that shite geordie film. it was never a serious proposition. but again if it's easier, blame parry.

5. Those antics are the exact same ones used by Real Madrid. I suppose they're small time too? In actual fact it seems to me we've only had this policy since rafa has taken over, so maybe we should sack rafa and get houllier back giving away millions to his mates in france?

6. Jesus you are getting pathetic. The only time i've ever seen gaps, is on CL games when they have to take certian hordings down.

7. ??? that isn't even english.

8. Owen let owen run down his contract. He couldn't force the lad out of the club 12 months before. Gerrard and his big fucking ego nearly cost us gerrard. perhaps parry should have been better at managing the ego, but to be quite honest my view on that hasn't changed since the summer - gerrard would only leave lfc if he wanted to and if he wanted chelsea he could fuck right off. i don't see why gerrard being unmanagable is the fault of rick parry. carra uses the same agent and asked for a extension at the same time, i don't rememeber him having days "i wouldn't wish on anyone".


you need to sort yourself out lad and stop looking for a scapegoat because LFC is not modelled on you FM2006 team.

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He is a CEO - what should we judge him on?


1. What the fuck is he doing taking medals?

2. Why hasn't he sorted out the lads who didn't get one e.g. Mellor and Pongolle?

3. What happened with the parade?

4. The investment issue has dragged on for ages, he didn't likeL4 as he knew he would lose his job, same goes with Morgan.

5. His antics in the transfer market and his 'sit tight' policy is amaterish and made us look small time.

6. His corporate marketing e.g. advertising hoardings at the ground, I've noticed several times there to be gaps - WTF? We are Liverpool.

7. The stadium - if we didn't have funds then why was it planed costing millions?

8. He let Owen run down his contract, he nearly lost us Gerrard...


1. you don't know he took a medal.

2. uefa won't make them will they? what do you want him to do, start forging them? perhaps while he's at it he can get a few more done and sell them down on gratey market to raise a few bob for the stadium?

3. that was down to the police, but blame parry if it's easier.

4. To begin with fuck Morgan. He undervalued the club, end of. As for the L4 bid, apart from people who suck duncan oldhams cock, everybody knows L4 was a bid to promote that shite geordie film. it was never a serious proposition. but again if it's easier, blame parry.

5. Those antics are the exact same ones used by Real Madrid. I suppose they're small time too? In actual fact it seems to me we've only had this policy since rafa has taken over, so maybe we should sack rafa and get houllier back giving away millions to his mates in france?

6. Jesus you are getting pathetic. The only time i've ever seen gaps, is on CL games when they have to take certian hordings down.

7. ??? that isn't even english.

8. Owen let owen run down his contract. He couldn't force the lad out of the club 12 months before. Gerrard and his big fucking ego nearly cost us gerrard. perhaps parry should have been better at managing the ego, but to be quite honest my view on that hasn't changed since the summer - gerrard would only leave lfc if he wanted to and if he wanted chelsea he could fuck right off. i don't see why gerrard being unmanagable is the fault of rick parry. carra uses the same agent and asked for a extension at the same time, i don't rememeber him having days "i wouldn't wish on anyone".


you need to sort yourself out lad and stop looking for a scapegoat because LFC is not modelled on you FM2006 team.

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1. you don't know he took a medal.

2. uefa won't make them will they? what do you want him to do, start forging them? perhaps while he's at it he can get a few more done and sell them down on gratey market to raise a few bob for the stadium?

3. that was down to the police, but blame parry if it's easier.

4. To begin with fuck Morgan. He undervalued the club, end of. As for the L4 bid, apart from people who suck duncan oldhams cock, everybody knows L4 was a bid to promote that shite geordie film. it was never a serious proposition. but again if it's easier, blame parry.

5. Those antics are the exact same ones used by Real Madrid. I suppose they're small time too? In actual fact it seems to me we've only had this policy since rafa has taken over, so maybe we should sack rafa and get houllier back giving away millions to his mates in france?

6. Jesus you are getting pathetic. The only time i've ever seen gaps, is on CL games when they have to take certian hordings down.

7. ??? that isn't even english.

8. Owen let owen run down his contract. He couldn't force the lad out of the club 12 months before. Gerrard and his big fucking ego nearly cost us gerrard. perhaps parry should have been better at managing the ego, but to be quite honest my view on that hasn't changed since the summer - gerrard would only leave lfc if he wanted to and if he wanted chelsea he could fuck right off. i don't see why gerrard being unmanagable is the fault of rick parry. carra uses the same agent and asked for a extension at the same time, i don't rememeber him having days "i wouldn't wish on anyone".


you need to sort yourself out lad and stop looking for a scapegoat because LFC is not modelled on you FM2006 team.


I think his likely response to all your well put answers will be to ignore them and keep repeating his Sack Parry Mantra.

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1. you don't know he took a medal.

2. uefa won't make them will they? what do you want him to do, start forging them? perhaps while he's at it he can get a few more done and sell them down on gratey market to raise a few bob for the stadium?

3. that was down to the police, but blame parry if it's easier.

4. To begin with fuck Morgan. He undervalued the club, end of. As for the L4 bid, apart from people who suck duncan oldhams cock, everybody knows L4 was a bid to promote that shite geordie film. it was never a serious proposition. but again if it's easier, blame parry.

5. Those antics are the exact same ones used by Real Madrid. I suppose they're small time too? In actual fact it seems to me we've only had this policy since rafa has taken over, so maybe we should sack rafa and get houllier back giving away millions to his mates in france?

6. Jesus you are getting pathetic. The only time i've ever seen gaps, is on CL games when they have to take certian hordings down.

7. ??? that isn't even english.

8. Owen let owen run down his contract. He couldn't force the lad out of the club 12 months before. Gerrard and his big fucking ego nearly cost us gerrard. perhaps parry should have been better at managing the ego, but to be quite honest my view on that hasn't changed since the summer - gerrard would only leave lfc if he wanted to and if he wanted chelsea he could fuck right off. i don't see why gerrard being unmanagable is the fault of rick parry. carra uses the same agent and asked for a extension at the same time, i don't rememeber him having days "i wouldn't wish on anyone".


you need to sort yourself out lad and stop looking for a scapegoat because LFC is not modelled on you FM2006 team.


I think his likely response to all your well put answers will be to ignore them and keep repeating his Sack Parry Mantra.

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1. you don't know he took a medal.

2. uefa won't make them will they? what do you want him to do, start forging them? perhaps while he's at it he can get a few more done and sell them down on gratey market to raise a few bob for the stadium?

3. that was down to the police, but blame parry if it's easier.

4. To begin with fuck Morgan. He undervalued the club, end of. As for the L4 bid, apart from people who suck duncan oldhams cock, everybody knows L4 was a bid to promote that shite geordie film. it was never a serious proposition. but again if it's easier, blame parry.

5. Those antics are the exact same ones used by Real Madrid. I suppose they're small time too? In actual fact it seems to me we've only had this policy since rafa has taken over, so maybe we should sack rafa and get houllier back giving away millions to his mates in france?

6. Jesus you are getting pathetic. The only time i've ever seen gaps, is on CL games when they have to take certian hordings down.

7. ??? that isn't even english.

8. Owen let owen run down his contract. He couldn't force the lad out of the club 12 months before. Gerrard and his big fucking ego nearly cost us gerrard. perhaps parry should have been better at managing the ego, but to be quite honest my view on that hasn't changed since the summer - gerrard would only leave lfc if he wanted to and if he wanted chelsea he could fuck right off. i don't see why gerrard being unmanagable is the fault of rick parry. carra uses the same agent and asked for a extension at the same time, i don't rememeber him having days "i wouldn't wish on anyone".


you need to sort yourself out lad and stop looking for a scapegoat because LFC is not modelled on you FM2006 team.


I think his likely response to all your well put answers will be to ignore them and keep repeating his Sack Parry Mantra.

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1. you don't know he took a medal.

2. uefa won't make them will they? what do you want him to do, start forging them? perhaps while he's at it he can get a few more done and sell them down on gratey market to raise a few bob for the stadium?

3. that was down to the police, but blame parry if it's easier.

4. To begin with fuck Morgan. He undervalued the club, end of. As for the L4 bid, apart from people who suck duncan oldhams cock, everybody knows L4 was a bid to promote that shite geordie film. it was never a serious proposition. but again if it's easier, blame parry.

5. Those antics are the exact same ones used by Real Madrid. I suppose they're small time too? In actual fact it seems to me we've only had this policy since rafa has taken over, so maybe we should sack rafa and get houllier back giving away millions to his mates in france?

6. Jesus you are getting pathetic. The only time i've ever seen gaps, is on CL games when they have to take certian hordings down.

7. ??? that isn't even english.

8. Owen let owen run down his contract. He couldn't force the lad out of the club 12 months before. Gerrard and his big fucking ego nearly cost us gerrard. perhaps parry should have been better at managing the ego, but to be quite honest my view on that hasn't changed since the summer - gerrard would only leave lfc if he wanted to and if he wanted chelsea he could fuck right off. i don't see why gerrard being unmanagable is the fault of rick parry. carra uses the same agent and asked for a extension at the same time, i don't rememeber him having days "i wouldn't wish on anyone".


you need to sort yourself out lad and stop looking for a scapegoat because LFC is not modelled on you FM2006 team.


I think his likely response to all your well put answers will be to ignore them and keep repeating his Sack Parry Mantra.

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1. you don't know he took a medal.

2. uefa won't make them will they? what do you want him to do, start forging them? perhaps while he's at it he can get a few more done and sell them down on gratey market to raise a few bob for the stadium?

3. that was down to the police, but blame parry if it's easier.

4. To begin with fuck Morgan. He undervalued the club, end of. As for the L4 bid, apart from people who suck duncan oldhams cock, everybody knows L4 was a bid to promote that shite geordie film. it was never a serious proposition. but again if it's easier, blame parry.

5. Those antics are the exact same ones used by Real Madrid. I suppose they're small time too? In actual fact it seems to me we've only had this policy since rafa has taken over, so maybe we should sack rafa and get houllier back giving away millions to his mates in france?

6. Jesus you are getting pathetic. The only time i've ever seen gaps, is on CL games when they have to take certian hordings down.

7. ??? that isn't even english.

8. Owen let owen run down his contract. He couldn't force the lad out of the club 12 months before. Gerrard and his big fucking ego nearly cost us gerrard. perhaps parry should have been better at managing the ego, but to be quite honest my view on that hasn't changed since the summer - gerrard would only leave lfc if he wanted to and if he wanted chelsea he could fuck right off. i don't see why gerrard being unmanagable is the fault of rick parry. carra uses the same agent and asked for a extension at the same time, i don't rememeber him having days "i wouldn't wish on anyone".


you need to sort yourself out lad and stop looking for a scapegoat because LFC is not modelled on you FM2006 team.


I think his likely response to all your well put answers will be to ignore them and keep repeating his Sack Parry Mantra.

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1. you don't know he took a medal.

2. uefa won't make them will they? what do you want him to do, start forging them? perhaps while he's at it he can get a few more done and sell them down on gratey market to raise a few bob for the stadium?

3. that was down to the police, but blame parry if it's easier.

4. To begin with fuck Morgan. He undervalued the club, end of. As for the L4 bid, apart from people who suck duncan oldhams cock, everybody knows L4 was a bid to promote that shite geordie film. it was never a serious proposition. but again if it's easier, blame parry.

5. Those antics are the exact same ones used by Real Madrid. I suppose they're small time too? In actual fact it seems to me we've only had this policy since rafa has taken over, so maybe we should sack rafa and get houllier back giving away millions to his mates in france?

6. Jesus you are getting pathetic. The only time i've ever seen gaps, is on CL games when they have to take certian hordings down.

7. ??? that isn't even english.

8. Owen let owen run down his contract. He couldn't force the lad out of the club 12 months before. Gerrard and his big fucking ego nearly cost us gerrard. perhaps parry should have been better at managing the ego, but to be quite honest my view on that hasn't changed since the summer - gerrard would only leave lfc if he wanted to and if he wanted chelsea he could fuck right off. i don't see why gerrard being unmanagable is the fault of rick parry. carra uses the same agent and asked for a extension at the same time, i don't rememeber him having days "i wouldn't wish on anyone".


you need to sort yourself out lad and stop looking for a scapegoat because LFC is not modelled on you FM2006 team.


I think his likely response to all your well put answers will be to ignore them and keep repeating his Sack Parry Mantra.

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1. you don't know he took a medal.

2. uefa won't make them will they? what do you want him to do, start forging them? perhaps while he's at it he can get a few more done and sell them down on gratey market to raise a few bob for the stadium?

3. that was down to the police, but blame parry if it's easier.

4. To begin with fuck Morgan. He undervalued the club, end of. As for the L4 bid, apart from people who suck duncan oldhams cock, everybody knows L4 was a bid to promote that shite geordie film. it was never a serious proposition. but again if it's easier, blame parry.

5. Those antics are the exact same ones used by Real Madrid. I suppose they're small time too? In actual fact it seems to me we've only had this policy since rafa has taken over, so maybe we should sack rafa and get houllier back giving away millions to his mates in france?

6. Jesus you are getting pathetic. The only time i've ever seen gaps, is on CL games when they have to take certian hordings down.

7. ??? that isn't even english.

8. Owen let owen run down his contract. He couldn't force the lad out of the club 12 months before. Gerrard and his big fucking ego nearly cost us gerrard. perhaps parry should have been better at managing the ego, but to be quite honest my view on that hasn't changed since the summer - gerrard would only leave lfc if he wanted to and if he wanted chelsea he could fuck right off. i don't see why gerrard being unmanagable is the fault of rick parry. carra uses the same agent and asked for a extension at the same time, i don't rememeber him having days "i wouldn't wish on anyone".


you need to sort yourself out lad and stop looking for a scapegoat because LFC is not modelled on you FM2006 team.


I think his likely response to all your well put answers will be to ignore them and keep repeating his Sack Parry Mantra.

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