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Fowler Rumour??


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At the moment my information is that its more likely than not. I haven't heard anything about the Flo swap, but it would make sense in that why would City just let Fowler go for nothing? There's not much in for them is there?


Let's hope Citeh are looking for this other striker ^ as it would make even less sense for us to swap with Flo.

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At the moment my information is that its more likely than not. I haven't heard anything about the Flo swap, but it would make sense in that why would City just let Fowler go for nothing? There's not much in for them is there?


Let's hope Citeh are looking for this other striker ^ as it would make even less sense for us to swap with Flo.

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At the moment my information is that its more likely than not. I haven't heard anything about the Flo swap, but it would make sense in that why would City just let Fowler go for nothing? There's not much in for them is there?


Let's hope Citeh are looking for this other striker ^ as it would make even less sense for us to swap with Flo.

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At the moment my information is that its more likely than not. I haven't heard anything about the Flo swap, but it would make sense in that why would City just let Fowler go for nothing? There's not much in for them is there?


Let's hope Citeh are looking for this other striker ^ as it would make even less sense for us to swap with Flo.

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At the moment my information is that its more likely than not. I haven't heard anything about the Flo swap, but it would make sense in that why would City just let Fowler go for nothing? There's not much in for them is there?


Let's hope Citeh are looking for this other striker ^ as it would make even less sense for us to swap with Flo.

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At the moment my information is that its more likely than not. I haven't heard anything about the Flo swap, but it would make sense in that why would City just let Fowler go for nothing? There's not much in for them is there?


Let's hope Citeh are looking for this other striker ^ as it would make even less sense for us to swap with Flo.

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At the moment my information is that its more likely than not. I haven't heard anything about the Flo swap, but it would make sense in that why would City just let Fowler go for nothing? There's not much in for them is there?


Let's hope Citeh are looking for this other striker ^ as it would make even less sense for us to swap with Flo.

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The swap with pongo was reported on 5 Live at 7am this morning apparantly a good source overheard it mentioned by several Liverpool player in a pub in Formby.

Quality journaliasm there then.

Must be true if it it was in Formby. They don't tell lies in posh Formby ale houses



Yeah the same 5-live that reported a 13 million pound bid for Walcott from the reds, and 'imminent major new investment' in the club.


Football is so shit now with these transfer windows, there's no point buying the echo for nine months of the year - and even then what you get in most papers is just utter utter bullshit...

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The swap with pongo was reported on 5 Live at 7am this morning apparantly a good source overheard it mentioned by several Liverpool player in a pub in Formby.

Quality journaliasm there then.

Must be true if it it was in Formby. They don't tell lies in posh Formby ale houses



Yeah the same 5-live that reported a 13 million pound bid for Walcott from the reds, and 'imminent major new investment' in the club.


Football is so shit now with these transfer windows, there's no point buying the echo for nine months of the year - and even then what you get in most papers is just utter utter bullshit...

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The swap with pongo was reported on 5 Live at 7am this morning apparantly a good source overheard it mentioned by several Liverpool player in a pub in Formby.

Quality journaliasm there then.

Must be true if it it was in Formby. They don't tell lies in posh Formby ale houses



Yeah the same 5-live that reported a 13 million pound bid for Walcott from the reds, and 'imminent major new investment' in the club.


Football is so shit now with these transfer windows, there's no point buying the echo for nine months of the year - and even then what you get in most papers is just utter utter bullshit...

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