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Report: Liverpool refute Duncan claims

Liverpool have strongly refuted claims made by the agent of exciting youngster Bobby Duncan.

Saif Rubie is the representative of Duncan and outlined a catalogue of issues regarding Duncan, with one of the startling claims stating that he had been kept at the Reds against his will.

The Dubai-based Rubie who has looked after Kolo Toure and former Chelsea and West Ham manager Avram Grant in the past, claimed in a long statement on Twitter that the striker would never play for Liverpool again and was suffering from mental health issues.

Rubie strongly criticised the sporting director Michael Edwards and was angry that the club refused loan moves to Fiorentina and Danish club FC Nordsjaelland.

“For a player with zero first team experience, no clubs were prepared to pay an outright reasonable fee for a player they got for £200,000 last summer.

“With that in mind we have been able to find clubs that were ready to take Bobby on a season-long loan with a option to buy for amounts of £1.5million upwards which is a great return for the club on a player who will never play for the Liverpool first team and who doesn’t want to be there.

“The club and Michael Edwards specifically made it clear that that kind of deal wouldn’t work.

“So then myself and my team worked even harder and managed to get a deal on the table for a loan with an obligation to buy after five starts with a higher transfer fee than before and a sell-on to Liverpool.

“Putting all of that aside, the real reason Bobby missed the Under-23 game (against Southampton) on Monday is because he has suffered some deep mental health issues with all the stress the club has put him under. 

“Stress of being told he can leave but then going out of their way to force him to stay against his will.

“Not only is he on a very small salary but he also has one season left on his contract after this one and Liverpool have flatly said he will not get a new one.  

“Bobby has not left his room for four days because of this and will never go back to Liverpool again and my only concern now is his mental health and well being.

“This is not really dignified behaviour from a club with the rich history of Liverpool and one who one of their greatest ever players Steven Gerrard happens to be Bobby’s cousin.

“It’s a sad state of afford that a club such as a Liverpool can be allowed to get away with destroying the life of a young man such as Bobby.”



Understandably the club came out with all guns blazing and put out this statement as reported by the Liverpool Echo.

“Liverpool Football Club is aware of and disappointed by the unattributed comments and unfounded allegations that have been made in the media regarding one of our players.

“As the interests of the player in question are not best served by either inaccurate speculation, inflammatory statements or public discourse, we will be making no further comment.

“ We will, however, continue our efforts to work privately with the player to find resolution in the best interests of all involved."

Duncan is a supreme poacher at the under age level where he scored 32 goals for the U/18s in all competitions last season, and previously broke many records when on the books of former club Man City.

 is just a sad and sorry situation all round and let us hope it has a satisfactory conclusion.


Edited by TLW

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We don’t know the whole story Grinch.  We may be due a tribunal fee anyway and he might have been acting the cunt behind the scenes for a while.  If he has then it would set a bad precedent to let him get his own way.  The club appear to be getting a lot of these decisions right of late.

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That cunt cheapens the word 'bullying' and those really affected by it by casually throwing it around in respect of a lad earning only 7 grand a week. There are plenty of people, from school kids, in the work environment and even within relationships, who are real subjects of bullying. Cunts like rubie using the term to force a move for his client are despicable.


Im also left wondering why duncan hasnt aparently picked up the phone to talk to his cousin. Maybe there's a family disconnect there for some reason as well?

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Let's see how green the grass is at Fiorentina. Fair enough if he's determined to try his luck in a new league. But in a situation where a young lad has mental health problems, and that's living in his own country, surrounded by his own friends, speaking his own language, how will his mental health be when he goes to a foreign country where he knows nobody, doesn't know the language and has no friends?


A massive roll of the dice, and presumably with the same embarrassing cretin of an agent. 

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Seems a very strange move. If he had any sense he'd have fucked his agent off,apologised to the club and got his head down and improved as a player. The only thing I can think of here is outside pressure from family members or close 'friends' with big ideas of riding the gravy train.

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This time next year the dope will be claiming Fioretina aren't giving him enough first team games. It doesn't seem to have occurred to Duncan that he isn't is good as his agent tells him. Both City and Liverpool appear to have been unwilling to put up with his demands which suggests that they didn't rate him as a future 'star'.

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It would boil my piss throughout the 90's watching Man Utd give someone a handful of games then flog them for crazy money. Meanwhile Liverpool couldn't give players away. All changed changed utterly.

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1 minute ago, deiseach said:

It would boil my piss throughout the 90's watching Man Utd give someone a handful of games then flog them for crazy money. Meanwhile Liverpool couldn't give players away. All changed changed utterly.

Yeah, United did that brilliantly under Ferguson. We're probably doing it even better now.

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7 minutes ago, deiseach said:

It would boil my piss throughout the 90's watching Man Utd give someone a handful of games then flog them for crazy money. Meanwhile Liverpool couldn't give players away. All changed changed utterly.

Agreed and now we have Kent going to Rangers for 7 million. 

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3 hours ago, VladimirIlyich said:

Seems a very strange move. If he had any sense he'd have fucked his agent off,apologised to the club and got his head down and improved as a player. The only thing I can think of here is outside pressure from family members or close 'friends' with big ideas of riding the gravy train.

Nail on head Id say. In fact, Ive already seen a report saying there is 'family member' pressure for him to kick on.


I do not think it's a co incidence that Stevie isnt wading in to all this. All the stuff about Stevie just comes from his (duncan's) side. Im not sure which side of Gerrard's family duncan is from since a cousin could come from Stevie's mother or father's side (yeah, I know, obviously). Maybe it's his dad's side, after all,he did have a world with a Mr Fixit when Stevie was having some 'trouble' so maybe, there's undesirable on that side?


I  honestly do not think this lad will be any loss. Brewster is head and shoulders above him and Glatzel looksa better bet. He seems another ravel morrison in the making.

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