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Reina claims he's here to stay

The saga over Pepe Reina’s future took a further twist today with the keeper saying that he’s “here to stay” as Napoli refuse to meet Liverpool’s asking price for the Spanish keeper.


Former Reds' boss Rafa Benitez is reportedly keen to take the Spanish keeper to Naples permanently but not at the release clause set by the Reds, which according to the Telegraph is £3.95m. With no vacancies at any of the big Spanish clubs and seemingly very little interest from elsewhere, Reina has found himself back at Liverpool despite having written a farewell letter to the fans a year ago that also contained a parting shot at an unimpressed Brendan Rodgers.


Rodgers reacted to questions about Reina’s future by saying yesterday “Pepe made it clear last year where he is at. We will see what happens over the next few weeks”. It would certainly appear that there is no way back for the former Barcelona and Villarreal keeper, with Liverpool reluctant to pay 100k a week for him to sit on the bench and Rodgers settled on Simon Mignolet as his number one.


Reina, however, claims he is going nowhere. "I have a contract to respect with Liverpool. I'm training well and I am perfectly fine with my team-mates," he said. "I am here to stay. I have not talked to Brendan Rodgers, I've been here for only four days and I am just thinking of training to my best and getting back into shape."


“All the big Spanish teams are covered in my role," he added. "I see it as very difficult to return to Spain. It's normal though that over the years you want to return to where you came from, so we'll see."

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If Pepe was half the keeper he was for us a few years back, there is no way Napoli would sniff at the fairly moderate asking price of 6m.

And he is still only 31, he probably he at least five years plying ahead of him.


His priority of earning out of the remainder of his LFC contract tells you all you need to know about hi confidence that he will continue at the top after it has expired.

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Just seen these two stats posted on twitter


Interesting stat for the Reina haters, he had a higher save percentage last season than Mignolet, 79% while Mignolet was 68%.


Another  from another fella



Mignolet conceded 10 goals from long range last season a new record,in his 5 first seasons Reina conceded 11, another masterstroke


Now we all know most footie stats are very misleading. However Mignolet and Reina bother performed much better with poorer defenders at Napoli and Sunderland. But maybe it tells us whoever Rodgers uses in goal they will suffer from shellshock until the backline all speaks French.

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Incidentally, I too read an interesting stat the other day. Apparently 100% of Codes are unable to post even a solitary post without outing themselves as Code by being all Codey.

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Just seen these two stats posted on twitter


Interesting stat for the Reina haters, he had a higher save percentage last season than Mignolet, 79% while Mignolet was 68%.


Another  from another fella



Mignolet conceded 10 goals from long range last season a new record,in his 5 first seasons Reina conceded 11, another masterstroke


Now we all know most footie stats are very misleading. However Mignolet and Reina bother performed much better with poorer defenders at Napoli and Sunderland. But maybe it tells us whoever Rodgers uses in goal they will suffer from shellshock until the backline all speaks French.


"Another fella", bit vague that.  Anyone in particular who we might know?


Frode Myrhol @fmyrhol  ·  Jul 28

Mignolet conceded 10 goals from long range last season a new record,in his 5 first seasons Reina conceded 11, another masterstroke. #lfc



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One was from an Irish chap the other a Norwegian but I don't hold that against them they can still hold views on football. For the record I agree with someone who said it is best for all parties if Reina moves on we don't need any negative stuff around the camp.


I know zero about keepers and it seems quite hard to judge their overall quality but I think if you asked most neutrals to name good keepers neither would get named in any long list on present form. My point is not about how good or bad Mignolet and Reina are but that both were better away from Liverpool. Another point is long shots tend not to be the fault of the centrebacks in that stat I posted earlier from Frod. Here is the stats from an image just posted.












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All games in Italy finish 0-0, Dean Saunders said so, and there is no way that he could be described as not being the sharpest crayon in the picnic.

To be fair, he had already eaten the crayon in question, along with his steak.

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The stat about conceding from long range is interesting as I was concerned with some that went in last season, cabayes goal sticks out for me, the stats suggest its another weakness for ming.

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It goes beyond being a fucking knob on a forum.  He's got issues.  It doesn't matter what user name & dodgy e-mail address he uses, his bitterness and one track same pattern shite is so distinctive that it's impossible to mistake him for anyone else.

More to be pitied than scorned I feel. 

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It goes beyond being a fucking knob on a forum.  He's got issues.  It doesn't matter what user name & dodgy e-mail address he uses, his bitterness and one track same pattern shite is so distinctive that it's impossible to mistake him for anyone else.

More to be pitied than scorned I feel. 


I think your subconcious racial views about Frod are affecting your ability to see clearly. It is obvious you and a few others have issues with this scandinavian poster that go beyond football.

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