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Rapey Hugh

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Everything posted by Rapey Hugh

  1. Deadlifts, I'm almost certain they are the answer to most gym related issues. Failing that I would do some barbell rows to thicken that back out and then either lat pull downs or an assisted pull-up machine to gradually increase your strength in that rom. Then do some deadlifts.
  2. Do it man! Then post pics of yourself deadlifting cars and shit. Strongman is class. You will however inevitably be broaden by some mongo Slav/polak
  3. So it's a smokescreen for Quaresma then? Brilliant! Ayre playing a blinder here!
  4. So, what the shit is going on here? Can someone describe the imminence quotient for this one?
  5. What an utterly horrible fucking scrote. Cunts like this, butter quarries, half yoghurt eaters and empty packaging leavers need to be fucking eliminated. If you cannot operate a fridge then I'm sorry but you are utterly fucking worthless to society and deserve to be flogged to death with a series of ever increasing wild salmon. Cunts
  6. I am an American mustard deviant. All mustard is good mustard but in terms of volume it is the one I consume the most. Any cunt who fails to mustard a hotdog/ sausage butty should be flogged.
  7. John Wayne in The Longest Day. Hamming it up big time in an otherwise great film, the cunt.
  8. Every day should be gun appreciation day! Seriously though I do despair for humanity when I read these things.
  9. Ill give you £5(that's punts now) and with it I want to see a calippo, Tayto, 1l milk, a macaroon bar, a few freddos and round the whole thing off with as many flogs as you can manage.
  10. Loons!?Typical illuminati bullshit coverup response. I bet next you'll be saying that 2pac is dead and that the lizard people neither exist nor have majority shareholding in Cravendale. WE ARE NOT ALL BLIND TO YOUR LIES!!!1!
  11. Wish I could rep you moof, got very into these guys during exam time a few years ago the instantly forgot them. What is Hip is some track!
  12. In my defence I googled her name then bikini right off the bat!
  13. Oh dear, I think you'll find that is not the answer to Iceman's question.
  14. Disgraceful lack of pic Rem. Would.
  15. This issue has no doubt been raised before but what ever happened to the thick? You know, the idiots, the morons, the stupid fucking vacant individuals? It would appear that they are all now "suffering" with some incredibly mild version of a real learning/ behavioural disability. This week I was ranting about this girl I know and how generally thick she is when suddenly I get told by some soft shite: "actually I think she may be a little bit dyslecsic, and have, like, ADD or something?" What the fuck? Don't cheapen real disabilities. You can have dyslexia and not be a fucking plank just like how having it might only contribute to an already naturally fucking dim cunts lack of intelligence. The dumb are just that, dumb. It may be sad and hard for people (especially parents) to take but just like there are the smart, the dumb walk the earth.
  16. Ace thread. Watched the Defamation and People's Temple ones today both were brilliant with the former proving quite shocking in places. For me one of the greatest documentary series of all time is The World at War. Imo possibly one of the BBCs best works. Excellent research, balance, footage and above all interviews ( generally with main players' subordinates). There is also the added bonus of the Lawrence Olivier narration. Top class stuff. Mentioned on the film tread but I really enjoyed Vietnam: Lost Films. For any egg chasers on here Living with Lions 1997 and Living with the Pride 2009 are great viewing on probably my favourite sporting occasion. Jim Tefler is a god, a proper old school coach.
  17. I got banned. Immediately. Unexplained but I can assume Rapey is not an acceptable first name
  18. End of watch 8/10 - not usually happy with found footage style movies but this one was good all round. Good stuff from the two mains. Lawless. 5/10 - LeBouf annoys me. Without Pearce this would have been shite. Bourne Legacy 6/10 - loved the other ones and this installment is a good action romp but feels quite tacked on and not up to it's brethren. Ed Norton needs to be in more stuff these days he is awesome.
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