I can't help but feel a touch negligent in my duty to the young men of the GF. In my absence, some of you have become nannied little tampons, who only have to mention that they're "in a dark place" or some other such pseudo-psych horseshit to have everyone come running with their balm infused tissues out wailing DON'T DO IT, and GET HELP.
To make this up to you, here are my top tips for manning the fuck up. There will be no charge for this service.
1. Don't keep apologising for shit. You're a man. Men do stuff. Sometimes other people don't like it. So fucking what? The ones that call you on it are usually the sort of asswipes that are always looking to big themselves up on the interweb by clambering onto a moral highground of their own making.
2. If you're feeling a bit down, keep it to yourself until you're ready to snap out of it. Feelings like that are best bottled up. Nobody likes a miserable cunt.
3 Don't keep apologising for shit.
4. Beer will make most things better again, and also provides an immediate all-emcompassing excuse for any behaviour with no grovelling apology needed - at least not to other men. A fellow man uttering the words "yeaah....I was a bit pissed" should always be met with a sympathetic nod and no further action required. Being a cunt occasionally when you're pissed does not mean you "have a drink problem"
5. Don't let internet social workers tell you that you have "problems".
6. Don't try and be like a woman. That's what women are for. It's not "being in touch with your feminine side" it's "being a pussy", and even women don't find blokes attractive who "understand" them and "treat me great when I'm at my worst or you sure as hell don't deserve me when I'm at my best". They'll treat you like the pussy you are whilst fucking your real man mate behind your back.
7. Most people are cunts, and thick cunts at that. Assume anyone you don't know for a fact is not a cunt, as a cunt, until they have proven themselves otherwise. Most times you will find your default position does not need altering.
8. Looking at an attractive woman and wanting to fuck them is normal.
9. Don't apologise for wanting to fuck a fit woman.
10. Watch old films. Men knew how to be men in old films. Don't watch ads for Nivea for Men. There is no such thing as Nivea for Men.
There you go. Any questions, PM me.