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Sterling actions reflect badly on him, but suit all parties

Raheem Sterling has reportedly told Liverpool he does not want to be included in the club’s pre-season tour to Australia and Asia as he looks to force through a move to Manchester City.


The Reds are due to fly out to Bangkok on Sunday but the wantaway winger has informed Brendan Rodgers that he thinks it’s in everybody’s best interests if he is not in the travelling party. He may have a point, although that won’t cut much ice amongst the club’s supporters who see this as further evidence of Sterling being a bad apple.


Sterling is not the first to act in this manner and he won’t be the last. Only last summer Dejan Lovren pulled a similar stunt to force Southampton into selling him to the Reds and Liverpool are no doubt expecting Christian Benteke to make enough waves at Aston Villa that the Midlanders will soften their stance and listen to offers below their £32.5m valuation.


It doesn’t reflect well on Sterling of course, but it’s become apparent in recent months that he doesn’t particularly care how he is perceived, he just wants to get his own way.


He is desperate to force a move away from Anfield but despite bold claims from his agent that every club in Europe would want him, only City are showing any genuine interest in him with everybody else being put off by the Reds’ £50m valuation. For all the talk of Real Madrid, Bayern Munich, Chelsea, Arsenal and Manchester United, City are the only ones showing a serious desire to sign Sterling.


The Telegraph this week reported that Sterling is in line for around half of his agent’s cut from the deal, which would work out at around £4m. Little wonder then he doesn’t seem overly concerned about the 65k a week he’s been missing out on since he rejected Liverpool’s last offer of around 100k a week.


Liverpool’s public stance is that they are happy for him to stay and will only sell for £50m, but having already spent more than that amount on new players this summer the reality is that they almost certainly need to move Sterling on if they are to be able to also land the top goalscorer they desperately need.


With Roberto Firmino now on board and the Times’ Tony Barrett reporting that Barcelona’s Pedro and Real Madrid’s Denis Cheryshev are being considered as replacements for Sterling, there seems little point in keeping a de-motivated player who is unlikely to even make the team, even if his current 35k a week salary does not put too much of a dent in the club’s coffers.


Teaching Sterling a lesson by having him spend a year out in the cold and possibly missing out on the European Championships next summer is an appealing prospect to many fans, but the club would surely be cutting off their nose to spite their face if it meant being unable to sign a striker because of it.


From City’s perspective, it makes sense to get the deal done as quickly as possible to allow Sterling to settle in before the season kicks off. It doesn’t suit anybody for this to be allowed to drag on and if Sterling refusing to join the club’s tour speeds things up then that’s surely best for all parties, even if his reputation takes a further battering as a result.



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Players leave all clubs, there is no loyalty any more, no club is too big to be immune to losing one or two of their prized play, but the thing with leaving is, is not the why you leave, but how you leave.

Sterling is going some way to make this one of the most acrimonious and bitter experiences of many a year and If he thinks he's getting a bit of grief now, wait till he arrives back in another clubs colours.


The sooner this sorry affair is over and done with, the better.  

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Not ever been a fan of booing returning ex players, I think its small time. Apart from Diouf who quite frankly deserves to be shot but I hope .......


In-fact no, I don't. I hope he is ignored completely. No boo's, no fanfare, fuck all. Best thing about it all is, I don't even think he is that good at all. No chance is he the top young player in Europe. He isn't shit like but he isn't getting in City or Chelsea's starting 11. 

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Not ever been a fan of booing returning ex players, I think its small time. Apart from Diouf who quite frankly deserves to be shot but I hope .......


In-fact no, I don't. I hope he is ignored completely. No boo's, no fanfare, fuck all. Best thing about it all is, I don't even think he is that good at all. No chance is he the top young player in Europe. He isn't shit like but he isn't getting in City or Chelsea's starting 11.

I hope he does make one of their starting elevens and gives them his full range of underhit passes, scuffed shots, missed open goals, weak crosses and bad decisions.

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Wouldnt surprise me that city are having a small input to this saga now. Suggest he makes his position at Liverpool untenable so they dont have to pay anywhere near the £50m we want.


I can see city waiting until late Friday then bidding £42m maybe £43m due to the player making it public he doesnt want to go on the tour and no longer wants to play for the manager who's taken a lot of time 'defending' him never mind give him his chance in the PL.


John Henry's going to need big balls to play this the way he wants it to go. Did I say sterling's a little shit?

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Just wrote this on the Official Raheem Sterling thread (part 412). Didn't see this thread, but will go back and read given recent developments.



One of the journalists wrote that the protocol for a sick player is to have the club's medical staff go round there to assess the situation. If there's nothing wrong with him, hopefully the club fines begin. Even though it's 'only' 35k per week it feels wrong to keep paying a player who is doing everything he can to get out. 


Time to play hardball. Tell him to hand in a transfer request or he doesn't go. Tell Man City it's 50M or we won't even talk. If Sterling doesn't cooperate keep fining him. He is under contract and is obliged to appear for the club on foreign tours etc. 


If he ends up staying (highly unlikely) then unless he plays at his peak and is definitely trying, I'd leave him in the reserves. On a point of principle I'd do it for the remaining two years of his contract. We save at least 10M in wages keeping him at his current level, and we roll the dice with a tribunal, which will surely set a record fee. Both things combined would probably see us with 25M. In comparison, sell to Man City for 50M, give 10M to QPR, and we've 'only' got 40M. And that's if they pay 50M. The last offer was around 35M, rising to 40M with add ons. 


It's not my money so it's easy for me to say, but the financial difference between letting him rot in the reserves and selling now is not all that great - a Joe Allen or at most a Markovic, perhaps. Not that much for a club like Liverpool. And not a lot for a wealthy owner like John Henry. 


Take a stand Mr Henry, and take control of the situation.  

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We have some bad bells 'supporting us' its out of order and gives other fans more ammo to have a dig at us.

Hate all this bollocks, jusy because someone is a Liverpool fan why does that become 'Liverpool fans'. If jihadi John was a Liverpool fan would it be 'Japanese journalist beheaded by Liverpool fan'.

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Surely he has to start wondering: "Where is all this hate coming from?".


It's not about the transfer in itself but the way he has conducted himself in order to get that transfer. I think it boils downs to being ethical about it or not regardless of the amount of money involved. If like any good professional he just handed a transfer request said his goodbyes and left we all would have moved on. 


Fact that he is being ill-advised is not the issue, he is clearly being used as a puppet and the puppet master is seeing him as a winning lottery ticket. A golden goose just waiting to lay another golden egg. That's what agents are today and sadly we cannot brainwash young footballers to simply choose better agents. What I do have a gripe is that he chooses to listen to the bad advice just so he can pocket some cash.


What's the price of a young footballers ethical values in today's day and age? 3 million? million? 10 million?


With his reputation tarnished at such a young age, of course he will be seen as a money grabber and that will follow him wherever he will go after us. He can claim its about the football all he bloody likes but it's not about that is it Sterling lad?


It got to your head didn't it? All that talk that you are the best young player in Europe and how you are going to reach the dizzy high levels of other world class players; now everything seems beneath you.


Well you are not there yet and the way you have behaved just shows how immature you are as a footballer and as a person. You cant buy respect, you earn it and so far you have done a great job of showing us just how disrespectful you can be.


You can say that you are not a money grabber, you can call in sick and you can even say that its evil Brendan Rodgers fault; all in the name of fulfilling your dream of playing football since you were 10 years old.


Problem is you are acting like a 10 year old and no matter what else you say, actions speak louder than words.


Perhaps though Sterling is just a by-product of the modern day game, perhaps the game that we so love has turned into something ugly. Something that ruins kids appetite for the game and instead makes them look for their next big pay-day. Shouldn't the FA or other foundation protect kids from getting 100,000 wages per week? If money corrupts the most purest of hearts, then what is it doing to the games youngsters (potential world beaters)? 


It takes kids like Sterling and turns them into their darkest selves. That's the biggest shame of all. 

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Hate all this bollocks, jusy because someone is a Liverpool fan why does that become 'Liverpool fans'. If jihadi John was a Liverpool fan would it be 'Japanese journalist beheaded by Liverpool fan'.

Yeah, seems like monkey see monkey do jas kicked in though and plenty are having a go

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Sterling has been subjected to a succession of vile and abusive calls and messages since his mobile phone number was published on the internet on Tuesday evening.


The 20-year-old is considering whether to pass on the details of those responsible to the authorities.


The sorry saga plumbed new depths with Sterling’s camp insisting that the player’s main motivation for leaving Liverpool was because his relationship with Brendan Rodgers has broken down and he no longer wants to play for him.


That was news to the stunned Northern Irishman, who has repeatedly defended Sterling in the face of stinging criticism about contract negotiations and his off-field antics in recent months.


Sterling accepted an invitation to have dinner at Rodgers’ house back in May and the youngster has regularly spoken in the past about his debt of gratitude to the manager who has guided his development over the past three years.

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I read somewhere that a deal with City was done, bar I's being dotted and T's crossed a while back but that we wouldn't announce that we had city's money burning a hole in our pocket until we'd done the bulk of our business.  If that's true and it's a done deal, it's not surprising he doesn't want to keep up the pretence.

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Berahino has fucked  Aidy Ward off.



If that's true is he worth pursuing? Or is he cut from the same cloth as Raheem - too much, too young, too big for his boots...?

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I read somewhere that a deal with City was done, bar I's being dotted and T's crossed a while back but that we wouldn't announce that we had city's money burning a hole in our pocket until we'd done the bulk of our business. If that's true and it's a done deal, it's not surprising he doesn't want to keep up the pretence.

It's never true.



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I read somewhere that a deal with City was done, bar I's being dotted and T's crossed a while back but that we wouldn't announce that we had city's money burning a hole in our pocket until we'd done the bulk of our business.  If that's true and it's a done deal, it's not surprising he doesn't want to keep up the pretence.


No, the other way around surely.

If a deal is all but done, presumably his camp would know about it (certainly from the City end, if not us) so why would he be an absolute unprofessional wanker, tarnish his image further and thus reduce future earnings from endorsements and the like? 

Just go through the motions for a couple of weeks and then be on your way.

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