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Torres: LFC fans have loving words for me

Fernando Torres is 30 today and it would appear he's overdone the partying somewhat, as he's bizarrely claimed that "the Liverpool fans I have come across have had loving words for me." Put the bottle down, Fernando, you've clearly had too much.


The Spanish striker who left Anfield for Chelsea in January 2011 in a £50m deal, was speaking to Spanish newspaper AS on a wide range of subjects including his time on Merseyside, and once again repeated his "the fans don't know the real story" mantra before once again declining to set the record straight and tell us the 'real story'.


"I played three-and-a-half years there and they made me feel at home," Torres said. "The affection of the fans was tremendous and made me feel a quiet confidence."


Speaking about his reasons for leaving, he trotted out the same old lines we've heard several times before, both from Torres and also his former team-mate Javier Mascherano who had jumped ship a few months earlier: "They (the fans) haven't understood because all they've been told is the version that some people have given the club and the media. They have been sold something which isn't reality.


"I'm sure it's not easy to understand when a player leaves, but I have the thousands of letters I've received in London from Liverpool fans thanking me and now following me in another team. Last year we went to play at Anfield and a man over 70, almost in tears, thanked me and wished me the best.


"There will be every kind of reaction but the Liverpool fans I have come across have had loving words for me."


Thousands of letters eh? From Liverpool fans still following you as you play for Chelsea?  Sure, Fernando, of course you have.

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When I run out of nursery rhymes I sing the Torres song to my daughter.


Fuck me Rico, I've read the stuff about you murdering pensioners and laughing in the face of world poverty, but that is some full-scale Darth Vader shit.


You don't drown kittens for sport do you?

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Fuck me Rico, I've read the stuff about you murdering pensioners and laughing in the face of world poverty, but that is some full-scale Darth Vader shit.


You don't drown kittens for sport do you?

Only healthy ones with loving families.

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He's the epitome of "you only truly appreciate something/someone when they've gone". Liverpool is a really special club. Chelsea isn't. Liverpool touches people in a way small clubs like Chelsea don't. Look at Rafa when he came back with Chelsea, he was almost fucking crying at the beginning when the kop were singing you'll never walk alone. Just a special club. Simple as that.

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I wish this cunt would just tell us whatever his supposed side of the story is and let us make up our minds. I suspect he doesn't because he hasn't got much to say. There's absolutely no excuse for downing tools like he did in his last year with us and if  you compare it to say Suarez this year, he got told he can't leave last summer and did he sulk? No he just upped his game even more and fired us to (probable) CL at least.

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He's the epitome of "you only truly appreciate something/someone when they've gone". Liverpool is a really special club. Chelsea isn't. Liverpool touches people in a way small clubs like Chelsea don't. Look at Rafa when he came back with Chelsea, he was almost fucking crying at the beginning when the kop were singing you'll never walk alone. Just a special club. Simple as that.



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Fernando Torres total Chelsea league career 104 games - 19 goals

Daniel Sturridge 13/14 season league goals 22 games - 19 goals

Even though injuries have played a part in his demise, there's no excuse for Torres being that bad. His heart just isn't in it at all. That we got 50 million for him in hindsight is mind blowing.

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Glad he has been poor since he left, but only because of where he went.


I know the general view is that he pissed around for the last 6 months or so, but having seen how bad he has been since , it may have been that he is & was basically 'finished'.


I still have a lot of great memories of his time here & the Torres song & bounce was fantastic.


On a wider point, how frigging lucky have we been in the forwards we have got to see at the club since my earliest idol


Hunt, St John, Keegan, Toshack, Dalglish, Rush, Owen, Fowler, Voronin, Torres, Suarez.


Any one of these would be the main legend at practically any other English club.

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You're the best striker in the world. The manager that bought you has been sacked. Roy Hodgson is now at the helm. He's more concerned about you holding the shape than scoring goals. The club have recently sold two world class players in Alonso and Masherano, and brought in Poulsen, Aquilani and Meireles as replacements. The club is in turmoil due to ownership issues. Would you want to leave?

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You're the best striker in the world. The manager that bought you has been sacked. Roy Hodgson is now at the helm. He's more concerned about you holding the shape than scoring goals. The club have recently sold two world class players in Alonso and Masherano, and brought in Poulsen, Aquilani and Meireles as replacements. The club is in turmoil due to ownership issues. Would you want to leave?

You might. But not to a another English team and especially not to a hated rival
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Glad he has been poor since he left, but only because of where he went.


I know the general view is that he pissed around for the last 6 months or so, but having seen how bad he has been since , it may have been that he is & was basically 'finished'.


I still have a lot of great memories of his time here & the Torres song & bounce was fantastic.


On a wider point, how frigging lucky have we been in the forwards we have got to see at the club since my earliest idol


Hunt, St John, Keegan, Toshack, Dalglish, Rush, Owen, Fowler, Voronin, Torres, Suarez.


Any one of these would be the main legend at practically any other English club.


id pretty much go along with this. 


Im not a massive begrudger of players that leave us. And we didnt half enjoy Torres while he was here. He was fucking epic for us in his first 2-3 seasons. And for that im eternally grateful. 


But i cant deny i dont have a mild chuckle when i see his numerous worldy open goal miss vines. But thats only because he went to that lot. Of course Utd would have been worse, but while he was here Chelsea where our biggest rivals. He really could have covered himself in more glory during his transfer. 

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Did he have a choice? It's not like as if he turned down Barcelona to join Chelsea. He probably just wanted to get the fuck out and Chelsea were just there. Don't forget he just recently won the World Cup, and his national team colleagues were busy winning every single trophy imaginable, playing for arguably the best club side of all time. The present and future of Liverpool FC were looking very bleak at the time.

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He's got a couple of big medals in his collection now but not much else.

Is he still loved by the Atletico fans? You could argue, their current success is in no small part helped by the windfall from his sale to us.


Regardless, a World Cup medal, Euro, CL, PL, FA.. Not many (if any) of our current and past players could top that.

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On a wider point, how frigging lucky have we been in the forwards we have got to see at the club since my earliest idol


Hunt, St John, Keegan, Toshack, Dalglish, Rush, Owen, Fowler, Voronin, Torres, Suarez.


Any one of these would be the main legend at practically any other English club.



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An icon has fallen so low...













... and now they've signed Torres on loan.


An indication of such falls from the heights of their powers for both

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A great striker and a very good actor. As a striker he was superb and after injury he pouted and acted like he was still a great striker. His previous role as a great striker and his second profession as a very good actor made a thick Russian part with 50 mil. I prefer to remember him in his great striker days although his good acting days also brought home the bacon.

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An icon has fallen so low...













... and now they've signed Torres on loan.


An indication of such falls from the heights of their powers for both

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How the fuck did we win it? Rafa is a genious.

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Is he still loved by the Atletico fans? You could argue, their current success is in no small part helped by the windfall from his sale to us.


Regardless, a World Cup medal, Euro, CL, PL, FA.. Not many (if any) of our current and past players could top that.


just to be petty, he hasn't won the Premier league, I also don't think all those trophies really count for anything, apart from the Euros he has contributed fuck all in his teams successes, just an exotic David May

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