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Liverpool 1 Fulham 0 (May 3 2023)



This is one of the more difficult reports to write this season. When we stink it’s easy, the anger flows and there’s a lot to get my teeth into. When we’re really good it’s a doddle too; the feel good factor makes it easy to just ride that wave of happiness. Games like this though? Tough.


There’s nothing to get particularly upset about and very little to take from it from a positive perspective either. It was a nothing game, very little happened. Even the goal isn't memorable. We won but didn’t really deserve to. 0-0 would have been the right result overall but we got a penalty and that was the only difference between the sides.


I’ll probably keep this one short as I’ve still got to do the round up for this week and there are loads of games to cover. Besides, how can it not be brief? Barely anything happened. The only noteworthy moment was the penalty and for some reason that's being talked about as being controversial.


Fuck off, it's an absolute stonewall pen. Nunez nips in to rob the defender as he's about to clear. He knows the defender is going to be taking a wild swing at fresh air so he's trying to avoid that but that affects his balance and then he's clipped as he tries to evade the challenge and he ends up on the floor.


It genuinely shocks me that it's become a controversy. It's been forensically examined in slow motion to see if there's 'contact' but it doesn't even fucking matter whether there is or not in an incident like that. But for the record there is. Look at that from the ref's point of view and it's the most obvious pen you'll see. There isnt a ref in the world who isn't giving that, and once it's given VAR isn't going to overturn that because guess what? IT'S A FUCKING PENALTY!

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Yes, don't get the penalty ' controversy ' at all, one of the most blatant all season. Dont fall for the slow-motion shit.


The only other event I remember is Mo missing a good chance after a jinking Diaz run in the second half.

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One thing that stood out for me was the amount of times our players were running into each others space in the final third, especially in the 2nd half. There's clearly a new shape being implemented which is fair enough. They're all learning but sometimes getting it wrong. Plenty to work on. 

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An honourable mention to Henderson being utterly atrocious again.


When he took those shots I was expecting the camera to peel away to show Kloppo pissing himself laughing, like he did that time with Lucas.


We've got to stop with the toxic positivity iro our big brave skipper, it's enabled literally hundreds of his abject performances for us for over a decade.


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Jurgen hasn’t been charged with confronting the fourth official - probably because it was only a yellow card - so his earlier ban shouldn’t be relevant. He’s been charged for saying Tierney is a biased twat and the punishment for that is usually a fine. But who knows what he’ll get as they seem to make the rules up as they go along. 
I agree about Nunez’ performance . Our main problem was the final ball and I think he got maybe two good passes all game. We need to learn to adjust when he’s leading the line because he’s not going to be dropping deep to  play intricate passes. He was no more than 0K overall but at least he earned the pen which won the three points and I thought it was stonewall. 

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My appraisal of Silva on the match thread. His hands and cheeks were quivering with pent up anger.



Silva barely controlling the bitter little Blueshite gremlin that resides inside him.


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1 hour ago, Carvalho Diablo said:

An honourable mention to Henderson being utterly atrocious again.


When he took those shots I was expecting the camera to peel away to show Kloppo pissing himself laughing, like he did that time with Lucas.


We've got to stop with the toxic positivity iro our big brave skipper, it's enabled literally hundreds of his abject performances for us for over a decade.


How many moons does your planet have?

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I do just slightly wonder whether Klopp has decided "Chas" Darwin isn't his type of player/bloke.... 


It's been a big investment though, and I suspect an unacceptable loss financially if he were moved on early?




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1 hour ago, Carvalho Diablo said:

Just the one, although I ask the same question of those deluded enablers amongst us.




I reckon the vast majority of us feel the extension was a big error and would not want Jordan to be any more than a squad filler next season, but we just don't feel we need to post 20 boring injections in every match thread exaggerating or inventing his limitations for 3 or 4 circle-jerkers to rep.

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21 minutes ago, sir roger said:




I reckon the vast majority of us feel the extension was a big error and would not want Jordan to be any more than a squad filler next season, but we just don't feel we need to post 20 boring injections in every match thread exaggerating or inventing his limitations for 3 or 4 circle-jerkers to rep.

In fairness, I've not noticed anybody doing that or exaggerating anything.

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1 hour ago, Carvalho Diablo said:

In fairness, I've not noticed anybody doing that or exaggerating anything.



I thought you were just maybe having a bit of fun with it.


Match threads are just a light accompaniment to watching the match, aren't they?  I can't keep up with all the comments on a match thread generally, and if one took the trouble to go back and read through the thread afterwards, well, the Hendo stuff can be taken as light relief, n'est-ce pas?   A bit like going on about @stringvest's Methuselaic longevity.  And all the other "get ins" and "fuck sakes".


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9 hours ago, Carvalho Diablo said:

Just the one, although I ask the same question of those deluded enablers amongst us.

The only person in a position to ‘enable’ him is the manager, who has been happy to ‘enable’ him for nearly 8 years. 
I watched this match back and with some of your comments in mind, paid particular attention to Henderson’s performance. He was, as I felt at the match, somewhere between decent and good. Should he be getting phased out and should we have done more last summer? I don’t think anyone would argue with that. But the lack or rationality and objectivity about his performances is getting pretty tedious. 

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9 hours ago, Carvalho Diablo said:

In fairness, I've not noticed anybody doing that or exaggerating anything.

Only you have been exaggerating fella . 

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14 hours ago, sir roger said:

Yes, don't get the penalty ' controversy ' at all, one of the most blatant all season. Dont fall for the slow-motion shit.


The only other event I remember is Mo missing a good chance after a jinking Diaz run in the second half.


Yeah that was boss by Diaz and garbage by Mo. Lost count of the amount of those 'bend it miles over the bar' shots he's had this season.


13 hours ago, Carvalho Diablo said:

An honourable mention to Henderson being utterly atrocious again.


When he took those shots I was expecting the camera to peel away to show Kloppo pissing himself laughing, like he did that time with Lucas.


We've got to stop with the toxic positivity iro our big brave skipper, it's enabled literally hundreds of his abject performances for us for over a decade.



He was easily in our top three or performers against Fulham. He was a 7 /10 at best but that still made him better than most. He's fine when he only plays once a week.


10 hours ago, sir roger said:

I reckon the vast majority of us feel the extension was a big error and would not want Jordan to be any more than a squad filler next season


Count me in that. I don't think the extension itself was a mistake, but we are paying him more than he's worth right now. That being said, in some situations there is an argument for paying someone more if they've been underpaid in the past while giving great service. Carragher's last contract for example was well deserved because he had always been underpaid in comparison to team-mates who were providing a lot less than he was. That last contract was earned by years of great service.


I'm not necessarily saying this applies to Hendo (he was getting decent money I think), but in Klopp's eyes maybe it was a factor. He absolutely should only be a squad player moving forward, essentially filling Milner's role.


1 hour ago, DaveT said:

The only person in a position to ‘enable’ him is the manager, who has been happy to ‘enable’ him for nearly 8 years. 


In a nutshell. I never understand why the Hendo haters are taking it out on Hendo and abusing him when he doesn't pick the team. If you think Hendo is shit and shouldn't be playing, take it up with Klopp.

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The worm has turned, enough is enough, the usurpers are revolting etc.


He's had a very easy ride for donkeys years with criticism frowned upon and poor performances overlooked and glossed over.


Not being spiteful or bitter but I honestly believe that Henderson is on the same level as Diao, Cheyrou, Paul Stewart.


Say this and people gasp and criticise and call you a crank. Those same people really do exaggerat and call his adequate performances good, and his rare good performances great.


Objectively, Souness was a great player, Gerrard was a great player, so too Xabi and Ray Kennedy and Terry Mc, we've been so fortunate. I find it tiresome and disrespectful when Hendo is bigged up and unjustly heralded alongside so many other vastly superior players.


He offers nothing, never has, we won everything despite him and not because of him. A player's ability to run and press should be the absolute bare minimum we can expect, but that's all he's ever really offered.


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51 minutes ago, Carvalho Diablo said:

The worm has turned, enough is enough, the usurpers are revolting etc.


He's had a very easy ride for donkeys years with criticism frowned upon and poor performances overlooked and glossed over.


Not being spiteful or bitter but I honestly believe that Henderson is on the same level as Diao, Cheyrou, Paul Stewart.


Say this and people gasp and criticise and call you a crank. Those same people really do exaggerat and call his adequate performances good, and his rare good performances great.


Objectively, Souness was a great player, Gerrard was a great player, so too Xabi and Ray Kennedy and Terry Mc, we've been so fortunate. I find it tiresome and disrespectful when Hendo is bigged up and unjustly heralded alongside so many other vastly superior players.


He offers nothing, never has, we won everything despite him and not because of him. A player's ability to run and press should be the absolute bare minimum we can expect, but that's all he's ever really offered.


And you have managed or coached at what level that enabled you to see things better than Klopp , Dalglish etc?

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Listen to yourself!! That's as mental a post on here as I've seen in a long time.


You're essentially saying that Jurgen Klopp has been continually selecting a player on the same level as Paul Stewart / Salif Diao for seven years and had him captain his team. He's also still being regularly picked by England and is universally respected by everyone who plays with him.


You don't think for just one second that maybe, given the overwhelming number of people who disagree with you, that you might just be a little bit off base with this?


You're also swinging at ghosts here because even those who rate Henderson are not putting him on the same level as Souness, Gerrard etc as a player.


This is right up there with my dad's "Kelleher is better than Alisson" stance. He won't budge from it either, even though he's literally the only person on the planet who thinks that way. 

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1 hour ago, dave u said:

Listen to yourself!! That's as mental a post on here as I've seen in a long time.


You're essentially saying that Jurgen Klopp has been continually selecting a player on the same level as Paul Stewart / Salif Diao for seven years and had him captain his team. He's also still being regularly picked by England and is universally respected by everyone who plays with him.


You don't think for just one second that maybe, given the overwhelming number of people who disagree with you, that you might just be a little bit off base with this?


You're also swinging at ghosts here because even those who rate Henderson are not putting him on the same level as Souness, Gerrard etc as a player.


This is right up there with my dad's "Kelleher is better than Alisson" stance. He won't budge from it either, even though he's literally the only person on the planet who thinks that way. 

Yes and no.

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1 hour ago, CapeRed said:

And you have managed or coached at what level that enabled you to see things better than Klopp , Dalglish etc?



Mourinho paid £80m for Maguire so obviously slabhead must be the bee's knees then, yeh?

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14 hours ago, DaveT said:

The only person in a position to ‘enable’ him is the manager, who has been happy to ‘enable’ him for nearly 8 years. 
I watched this match back and with some of your comments in mind, paid particular attention to Henderson’s performance. He was, as I felt at the match, somewhere between decent and good. Should he be getting phased out and should we have done more last summer? I don’t think anyone would argue with that. But the lack or rationality and objectivity about his performances is getting pretty tedious. 

The whole team were "somewhere between decent and good" with the exception of TAA & Diaz - so why pick on Henderson?

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6 hours ago, Carvalho Diablo said:



Mourinho paid £80m for Maguire so obviously slabhead must be the bee's knees then, yeh?

Likewise? I am not claiming I know better than them I just think they are better qualified to make the call, so I’m guessing you haven’t coached at any level and have no qualifications for it either. Btw it was Solskjaer that bought Maguire so not a good ref there.

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9 hours ago, Carvalho Diablo said:

Objectively, Souness was a great player, Gerrard was a great player, so too Xabi and Ray Kennedy and Terry Mc, we've been so fortunate. I find it tiresome and disrespectful when Hendo is bigged up and unjustly heralded alongside so many other vastly superior players.

I am lucky enough to have seen all of the above playing in real life.

I would not place Henderson above any of them - however, at LFC it is all about the team and Henderson playing in the current team makes the team more competitive 9 times out of 10. 

When, for example, Virgil is captain the team is significantly more passive.

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