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A Red

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Everything posted by A Red

  1. I agree. It could also be the case with the 90 year old woman above getting the bus to a foodbank, its not necessarily the full story.
  2. He was an uneducated uncaring prick. Did he really think that a tin of beans donated was going to be monetarised for the Trussell Trusts benefit? No, I'm sure not, he wanted attention.
  3. My mrs was at Tescos the last 2 days collecting donations for the foodbank. Food, not cash as Tescos wont allow that as its money people might have spent with them. Fair enough. A bloke went up to her and said "fuck Trussell Trust, I've read they pocket 8 out 10 pounds they collect" She pointed out that they weren't after money just whatever food items people could afford. After all they were hardly going to sell them for profit were they? He stormed off. Now, I'm going to go against the grain for here, this was 1 isolated twat, there were loads of examples of generosity, care and love. People are good. Also, please remember foodbanks are a brilliant invention that can never be uninvented.
  4. We had snow in Cornwall on Thursday, its rare we get frosts. I don't think the dog has ever seen it before, he went out, cocked his leg and was back in within 20 seconds.
  5. You know he's scum with the grassing reference.
  6. Saw this in our local medical centre the other day, I would have thought it is relevant throughout the NHS
  7. I would have loved to have seen them live. RIP Shane
  8. Good bloke, I liked him. Played every level and managed england as well as Barcelona. Wrote books that were turned in to a TV series (hazell) and could sing a bit Top lad, a life well lived
  9. My wife is the same, all action and organisation. We're in lanzarote for the week, I stupidly thought it would involve mainly lazing on a beach. Nope, we've been to pretty much every town on the island, up volcanoes and walked an average of 6 miles a day with the worst days being 9 and 10 miles. I've not been pissed once for the fear of the next day.
  10. DId you get all your covid vaccinations?
  11. There were many from the top down that treated Irish ww2 veterans shamelessly https://www-irishcentral-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.irishcentral.com/roots/history/irish-world-war-ii-irish-soldiers-home.amp?amp_gsa=1&amp_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From %1%24s&aoh=17009396614267&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.irishcentral.com%2Froots%2Fhistory%2Firish-world-war-ii-irish-soldiers-home
  12. Stop being silly, I wasn't attacking you. It's a joke, an old one, but just a silly joke
  13. Either way it's a stupid name for a girl
  14. There's quite a few white immigrants some of the Irish would like to drive in to the sea. It's a light hearted point!
  15. Obviously I'm talking from my experience. Covid was a major factor, when people couldn't go abroad all the booking agencies inflated their prices and they still haven't come down. I think the county is now seeing the negative effects of greed
  16. Brexit has made no impact on tourism, don't know about other areas.
  17. I hear you but, they were lied to with regard to fishing. Rates for cottages have gone sky high, that's greed not brexit it's been down to demand. The bubble is bursting as said greed has resulted in lower demand.
  18. I'm off to stand outside christ church cathedral with a baseball bat. Never!
  19. The problem tends to be, with regard to religion, when the slackjaws display bigotry. All Muslims are murderers all rangers/unionists are huns/cunts. You don't need to look far to spot the types and examples.
  20. You're looking at the wrong bingo word. Of course there's a racial element to it but it's not racist. Now, look for examples of sectarian bigotry on here and you will find it easily.
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