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Lallana fancies Anfield switch?

Southampton star Adam Lallana is ready to turn down Manchester United and Chelsea and has set his heart on a summer move to Anfield according to various reports today.


Lallana, a boyhood Evertonian, is one of the hottest properties in the Premier League and made the six man shortlist for the PFA Player of the Year award that was won by Luis Suarez last weekend, and he’s high on the wanted list of several big clubs including the Reds.


United had been hotly tipped to secure a double swoop for Lallana and Saints team-mate Luke Shaw, but whilst the teenage left back is said to be up for a move to Old Trafford, Lallana reportedly favours a switch to Anfield and is excited by the prospect of playing in Brendan Rodgers' exciting attacking side.


An opening bid of £15m has been mooted, but the Reds would surely have to up that if they are to secure the services of the exciting midfielder, who will almost certainly be on the plane to Brazil along with several Liverpool players for this summer’s World Cup.



Would you like to see Lallana at Anfield, and how much would you be prepared to pay to get him?


(probably best to skip the first minute of this video to get to the good stuff)



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I'd prefer Milner and Ben Arfa over Lallana every day of the week.

Seriously? The guy is a bigger sick note than Agger. Four seasons at Newcastle and still hasn't managed 80 games for them. Sure, he has talent but having it lying on the treatment table is not going to help us.

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Seriously? The guy is a bigger sick note than Agger. Four seasons at Newcastle and still hasn't managed 80 games for them. Sure, he has talent but having it lying on the treatment table is not going to help us.

Wed only need him to come off the bench and he'd be a better option for that than Lallana. Lalllana has good feet and crossing ability but Ben Arfa genuinely terrifies defenders.

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Looking at players with one year left on their contract this summer....

James Milner

Hatem Ben Arfa

Micah Richards

Claudio Yacob

Fabian Delph

Jordon Mutch

Toni Kroos

KJ Huntelaar

Karin Benzema

Ivan Rakitic

Iker Munain

Alvaro Morata

Ibrahim Afellay

Isaac Cuenca

Andre Ayew

Yoann Goircuff

Jeremy Menez expires THIS summer

Bafetimi Gomis THIS SUMMER


Alexander Pato

Jorge Valdivia


Miralen Pjanic

Giampaolo Pazzini

Sebastian Giovinco

Ignacio Abate

Dominick Berrardi

Nigel De Jong

Vasilis torosidis

Dusan Tadic

Alfred Finbogossan

Giorgino Wijnaldum

Stefan De Vrij

Zachariah Bakkali

Ezequiel Garay

Maxi Perreira

Alan Dzagoev

Seydou Doumbia

Rasmus Elm

Balazc dzsudzsak

If these yanks were serious about the club they'd rush in and just buy the lot of them, one swoop, like a contestant on Dale Winton's classic gameshow supermarket sweep. Then loan them all out again. It's how it works now, apparently.

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Got to challenge you on this one.


We have no left back. We have played most of the season with a right back at left back. How can that not be the absolutely top priority role to fill. By a country mile.


No-one knows if Enrique will ever play for us again so we cannot put all our eggs in that basket.  


We need a quality left back.


Yep, the one thing we're well served for is first team attacking players, we've got some of the best in the league if not Europe, the problem is the rest of the team.


What we actually need is a first Houllier style summer spending spree, goalie, centre backs (or at least once) defensive midfielder and a couple of wild card bench players.

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Guest Numero Veinticinco


Got to say, we've got some brilliant attackers, but no depth. Get Suarez suspended and Sturridge injured... erm.

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Yep, the one thing we're well served for is first team attacking players, we've got some of the best in the league if not Europe, the problem is the rest of the team.


What we actually need is a first Houllier style summer spending spree, goalie, centre backs (or at least once) defensive midfielder and a couple of wild card bench players.

Didn't we do that last summer?


I would be happy if we got a left back this summer.


We can get other players too if we must.

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No-one knows if Enrique will ever play for us again so we cannot put all our eggs in that basket.  


We need a quality left back.


He's back training, I'm sure he'll play again for us.  Class player.

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I'd prefer Milner and Ben Arfa over Lallana every day of the week.


If we actually sign Milner though I'd miss the guaranteed link to Milner that appears every summer without fail.


Ben Arfa is talented, yet lazy, inconsistent and Injury prone.

We need to be aiming higher than him.

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I think that between 12 to 16 million would be a fair price, but anything over that would be a waste.

No hope of getting Llanna for under 20mil. If you look at spurs spending 30 mil on Lemela from Roma, the mancs blowing 27 mil on Fellani, Mata costing 37 mil, Willian costing Chelsea 30 mil. Southampton will not be stupid enough to get shortchanged on their England international captain.


Is he worth blowing up to 20 mil on? he's got great technique, good feet, game intelligence, works hard for the team, didnt seem fazed when at all when coming on for England, posses bottle (hence him being made captain), seems a good lad. The worry for me is he may lack a bit of pace.

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So people still think lallana is a championship player and ben arfa is anything other than the french kieron dyer?


Guess I'm a hipster for being awake the last two years because that's fucking nuts.


Torn on konoplyanka because he always seems to be playing from a deep starting point, would like to see him get inside and ahead of the striker at least once before I consider him a good fit for our system.

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I can understand people wanting Kovacic, he's 19 years old, extremely talented from the games i've seen him in (which admittedly is a handful at most) and he represents value at 15 million. But has anyone stopped to think, what if he doesn't want to move? what if he's happy living in Milan and playing regular football for one of the biggest clubs in Italy and doesn't want to up sticks, playing in a new league, with different expectations, having to learn a new language etc.


Should we just not sign anyone the second Kovacic, or a Griezmann chooses to stay or chooses to sign for another club instead of us? if Lallana's been targeted, it's been done for a reason, A. he'd consider moving and B. because Rodgers and the committee think he'll improve us. We don't know what goes on behind the scenes, but it goes without saying that from the basis of our progress, they know what they're doing.






Except him.



I think if we show real intention, and are aggressive in our persuit, then Kovacic will come. If Jesus Navas of all people could be coaxed out of his native land by City, then Kovacic can. It's not just the fact we are in the Champions League next season that will make us attractive to players, I also think both our style of play, and the fact that Rodgers has developed young players will be attractive to players of Kovacic's profile in particular.


As far as his current situation with Inter, there's no question that he doesn't fit Mazzarri's style, and he has been left on the bench for long stretches because of this. However he has started to play the last few games and looked excellent. Particularly defensively, he's been very good, he's developing into a pretty complete midfielder. To be honest I think he has the talent to play just about anywhere, like Gerrard could in his prime. The time is absolutely now to get him, because waiting with a World Cup coming up and giving him time to settle into the Inter side, he's going to be worth easily 2 to 3 times what we could get him for now.


My understanding is Mazzarri doesn't rate him too much for his system, but the Inter president Thohir may be reluctant to sell due to him being bigged up as the next big thing after selling Coutinho on the cheap. However Inter are not exactly all that financially stable and if we got in quick should be able to convince them to sell for a reasonable price.


Kovacic is a much bigger gamble than Lallana. I reckon 15 - 20m is a decent bit of business for a player of known quality. We know he can do it in the PL and BR may be able to improve him. Probably looking at 10 - 12m for Kovacic but much higher risk. He may have tons of quality but if his head is fucked we may never get to see it. Plus what others have said about him not wanting to come etc.


I personally don't think he's a gamble whatsoever at that price. If were able to get Kovacic for 10-12m (it would be at least 15 mill, because Inter bought him for around 10), even if he didn't settle properly I think we'd easily get that back in a sale due to his age and talent. I personally think he's even more talented and more suited to the Premier League than Coutinho, and look how he's done.


I'd love it if we could get both Kovacic and Lallana, just not the latter for 30 mill.

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He's back training, I'm sure he'll play again for us.  Class player.

I hope you are right. I like him and think he will do OK for us providing he comes back in full working order. They only worry is that we get to 2nd September and he breaks down again.

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Think he would be a great fit for us - direct, can take people on, provides assists and scores goals. Easily good enough to compete with Henderson, Allen, Coutinho etc. for a place in the team.


Considering we have probably over performed this season we will need to spend on some quality additions both as first choice (full backs) and to pad out the squad to get more quality in depth.


Prices will only go up- with the new TV deal 20mill is the new 10-15mill unfortunately. Just gets more ridiculous, but that is life.

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I love watching him. Great addition. Let's hope we can get beyond the posturing and positioning and do the business. If Suarez goes we are going to need as many game changers as possible.


An excellent plan, with just one major flaw....




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So people still think lallana is a championship player and ben arfa is anything other than the french kieron dyer?


Guess I'm a hipster for being awake the last two years because that's fucking nuts.


Torn on konoplyanka because he always seems to be playing from a deep starting point, would like to see him get inside and ahead of the striker at least once before I consider him a good fit for our system.

Interesting parallel.

Ben Arfa has played about 20 games a season over a ten year career. This season half his 28 appearances have been from the bench.

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Ben Arfa? Swerve.


I can understand peoples reservations about paying £20m and what you should expect for that sort of money, but the reality now is that Chelsea/Man City have £20m players that dont even get in to the squad, so the modern perception of player value is hugely inflated. Given that Lallana is used to the PL and has been the standout performer in a good Southampton side, i think that sort of money would be well spent here. 


We do need another player of that type, but we also need two FBs, a CB, a DCM and another striker, so while is not priority IMO, it would be a fantastic additional to the squad. No doubt.

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When I heard the hoohar over Lallana I assumed he was 20-21, when I found out he was 25 it raised eyebrows I must admit. You do have to be carful of these one season wonders as others have said. I do feel these clubs do over egg the pudding somewhat with a view to selling these players on down the line, I do honestly suspect this is Everton's M.O especially.

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