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Shambolic summer but plenty of reasons for optimism - by John Brennan

"This is it, don’t get scared now.’’ Hey, one of our new signings' little brother’s name is Kevin Mac Allister. Of course there was going to be a reference to the Greatest Christmas Movie Ever. You’ll Never Home Alone.


Anyway, speaking of Christmas, it’s Christmas Eve for Reds, as the new season starts tomorrow. In fairness, the last few days have been very Christmas-like. Running around trying to get your shopping sorted at the last minute rather than having got your business done when things were quiet six weeks beforehand. And paying over the odds as a result. Or, worse still, getting gazumped at the checkout by an over-aggressive buyer. Yes, it’s a metaphor. I’m not going to do all the work for you.


Speaking of people not doing their job, what about  Jörg Schmadtke? Big Jörg? Jarg Jurg? Jörg Schmadt his pants? The nicknames will come soon enough. Sooner than any of his signings, anyhow.


Before getting on to the new season, the pre-season needs to be addressed. The general consensus is that it has been a shambles. The two lads we have brought in – Alexis and Dom – should be fine. Klopp’s record in the transfer market is astounding. There have, of course, been blemishes, but Alisson, Joel, Konate, Virgil, Andy, Fabinho, Gini, Thiago, Sadio, Mo, Diogo, Diaz, Gakpo, Nunez (you’ll see!) mean he deserves our supreme confidence. Those two signings aside, everything else has smacked of a lack of professionalism for which heads should roll (they won’t).


This has been typified by the Lavia and Caicedo shambles (even if we sign one of them, this doesn’t make the situation any less embarrassing). Lavia, first. Southampton value him at £50m. So pay it. It doesn’t matter if he worth that. (He’s probably not). But if you’ve decided you want him, then you have to stump up the cash. Why lowball (£45m with add-ons)? The add-ons are going to happen anyway if we’re successful. And what’s £5m more in today’s market? Especially when you’ve got £52m Saudi money (and the concomitant reduction in the wage bill). Not to mention Bobby, Milner, Ox and Keita being off that same wage bill…


Of course, this was embarrassing enough but then we were faced with the débâcle of the Caicedo transfer. The Manager of Liverpool Club said in a press conference on Friday morning that "I got told I can confirm that the deal with the club is agreed. Whatever that means exactly in the end we will see."


We did see, as we learned later in the day that it wasn’t happening and he would probably be going to Chelsea. To paraphrase the historic Kop banner ‘‘Moises said ‘Come forth’ and Liverpool came second.’’


Serious questions need to be asked about this whole farce.

  • Where do FSG stand in terms of investing in the team?
  • Who is in charge of transfers at the Club?
  • What does Big Jörg do?
  • Why was Klopp allowed to bring him in?


This has overshadowed the build-up to the new season, during what should be a time for optimism for fans. And it has also disrupted preparations for the team. So where do we stand a few hours from what’s going to be a crazy ride, again?


Well, it’s the hope that gets you, as they say, so here’s hoping that:


Alisson remains the best in the world. He was our best player last season. Hopefully we won’t need him as much this, but if we do, he’ll be up to the task.


Virgil gets back to his imperious best. He’s captain now. He’s got to set an example. His role will be key to where we finish.


Trent can combine both roles that he’ll be asked to play. Vice-captain. Future captain. He is also key to all we do.


The new lads hit the ground running. If they do, we’ve got a great chance of having a great season. Curtis came into his own at the end of last season too and in the summer with England. We still need to strengthen in the middle of the park but we should be okay with the five or six we’ve got.


Competition for places up front will keep everyone on their toes. There are two spots up for grabs (Mo starts every time). Gakpo, Nunez, Diogo and Diaz will all be desperate to start. And the two who don’t should provide great options off the bench.


Added to this, the lack of intense European football (while our main rivals will all have to juggle that calendar up to December at least) and things don’t seem so grim.


For all that last season and the pre-season were a shambles, there are reasons to be positive. If not, what’s the point in even turning up. Top four is a must, but I wouldn’t be surprised if we did much better than just fourth.

If there is one thing we have learned from Klopp and his teams, it’s to expect the unexpected.

Up The Reds!


John Brennan

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I was thinking about these opening 4 games before the international break earlier. It's a tricky start, Chelsea and Newcastle away, with Bournemouth and villa at home - and villa's performance today won't help us, as I'm sure they won't come out of their penalty area. 


But these opening games have the potential to shape the whole season. We could easily win the lot.. we're a good home team, Chelsea seem an even bigger shit show than us and Newcastle we wiped the floor with last season when we were out of form and they were at the peak of their powers.  So there's an argument to be made that 12 points is possible. But then  equally you could make a case that we might struggle to match last season's opening 4 of a Bournemouth home win and 2 draws. 


I've just got no feel for it at all. I believe in klopp and think he's genuinely the games best, but it's clear we can't defend to save our lives at the moment and a lack of a 6 won't help with that. 


I'm generally a glass half empty fella, so I didn't see those 12 points. I'd almost be happy with the 5 like last year. 

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To explain further…


IF we don’t buck our ideas up in the coming weeks and get some depth and fill some holes, this season may turn into a disaster.


Yeah it’s great Jurgen looks confident and pumped again. Yeah we have probably the best attack in the league. And yeah Mac Allister is a solid signing, jury still out on the Hungarian guy (just seems to foul everyone).


But crucially we haven’t moved the needle in addressing our main issues from last year and they won’t magically go away. I haven’t seen a defensive side of an elite team as poor as this one for a long long time. Teams go through us at will. That needs sorting. The team is too attack oriented, you don’t win anything by conceding goals.


Also, one or two injuries and we are in the crap already. You can’t let go of 8-9 players and bring in 2! It’s a long season for a team that is pushed to its limits in training and match days. Make no signings and I’ll give it two poor results before the fan base starts making noises.


It’s all very well going for Caciedo and I admire the ambition but the Club seriously needs to wake up now and secure some quality for this Manager to work with. A few poor results and he will be up against it.

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Shambolic is right. We've managed to start the season with a weaker defensive unit than we ended last season. On an optimistic note, we might just score more goals than we concede - Rock n Roll football.

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In FSG’s defence, I don’t think this window has been anywhere near their top 3 worst windows.


For me, it’s:


1) Being top of the league, with no available CB’s and bringing in a pub player from Germany and another CB who may, or may not, actually exist


2) Having a year to replace the best player in the world and bringing in a small child, a maniac and a different pub player


3) Having their manager say he’d have “to be a lunatic” to sell a striker and not bring in a replacement, then do just that.

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I think this could potentially be the worst. It depends how we cope I could see our Midfield suffering like last season because we have no 6 or 6 like players and our defence being like the shambles a few years ago. There's time. The worst decisions of all have been not topping up the side with genuine quality each window its been a shortsighted shit show on that front. 


Said at the end of the season  we are going to spend nearer to 200 million and my opinion hasn't changed. They better have another option after caciedo if its Lavia they better have a few options elsewhere too.


Squad aside and its massive imbalances, I'm more concerned about the tactics. It feels like we are trying to follow the lead of others rather carve our own way with what we have.

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Once again we are looking like we’re going to be hoping for no injuries to key players, (unless Henry being here is the portent of some better news. Not holding my breath though.).

That’s never worked out in the past and it would be utter folly to rely on it again.

The Caicedo farce has shown we’ve been done up like a kipper, probably by agents looking for more money, rather than the player himself.
I have great faith that most players are fairly thick twats who just sign where the “x” is when they are told.

Up until that broke, we’d made changes where they needed to be made and pre-season was going pretty well. Midfield was looking more dynamic and the forwards were scoring goals. Defensively we still looked in need of improvement but that improvement may, or may not, have been in the offing. I guess we never know these things really until they actually happen, that’s how it used to be and how, I hope, it will be in the future.

With all the shite of the last week or so it’s easy to be dispirited but taking a step back from that, I think we’ll improve on last season but not enough to stop City picking up another hollow title.

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1 hour ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

I think this could potentially be the worst. It depends how we cope I could see our Midfield suffering like last season because we have no 6 or 6 like players and our defence being like the shambles a few years ago. There's time. The worst decisions of all have been not topping up the side with genuine quality each window its been a shortsighted shit show on that front. 


Said at the end of the season  we are going to spend nearer to 200 million and my opinion hasn't changed. They better have another option after caciedo if its Lavia they better have a few options elsewhere too.


Squad aside and its massive imbalances, I'm more concerned about the tactics. It feels like we are trying to follow the lead of others rather carve our own way with what we have.

The point of not building each window is the key here. Build from a position of strength, it's the most obvious statement in football, but somehow with all the brains we have, nobody thought it important. If we'd have just stuck with that basic principle, then this summer wouldn't have needed the surgery it does, while at the same time dealing with a market with Saudi and Chelsea money. Then we might have been able to get through a summer like this by getting Mac on his release clause and not have to do anything else. Instead we need to buy half a team and we're just behind and failing to get too many targets. This summer is a major fuck up, but it's such a fuck up because of where we started. Getting Mac and Dom should represent a decent summer if the squad isn't fucked. 

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We're a fucking shit show.

The tactics are crap with the players we have, apart from being a defensive shambles it also looks shit to the eye,  really ugly, we are terrible to watch. It should have been ditched, however without a full complement in midfield I don't know what we should do for the best. 442 probably but has a Klopp team ever played that?

Virgil will not be significantly better, maybe a bit more switched on as captain but his problems are manifesting as physical.  You can see it when he jumps, he's worried about the landing, he can't turn and face his own goal quickly, he's lost some pace.

MacAllister will be good. Szob I'm not as sure about but time will tell as with every new signing.

The less said about our transfer activity the better, disgraceful.

One positive, I dreamt Gakpo tore up the league this year and I can actually see it happening.

So we'll probably finish in the top 6, maybe even scraping fourth.  Well that doesn't sound so bad does it? Sorry yes it does, from where we were. Our fall has somehow been shocking but also utterly predictable. A shit show.


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11 hours ago, tlw content said:

Speaking of people not doing their job, what about  Jörg Schmadtke? Big Jörg? Jarg Jurg? Jörg Schmadt his pants? The nicknames will come soon enough. Sooner than any of his signings, anyhow.



A bit childish that ..

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