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  1. Blackburn chairman John Williams has reiterated that Chelsea and Liverpool target Craig Bellamy will not be leaving Ewood Park this summer. Bellamy recently rated European success above domestic and even international honours, leading to rumours that he may seek a move to a bigger club, with Jose Mourinho's champions and Rafael Benitez's Anfield troops believed to be interested. But Williams told the Lancashire Evening Telegraph: "We don't want to sell our best players and Craig is clearly one of them." Rovers manager Mark Hughes said: "I don't even want to think about the prospect of another club coming knocking on the door for Craig at the end of the season. "It would have to be a lot of money to get him, but at the moment it's definitely a case of hands off." Would he really fit into Rafa's plans???
  2. Anyone know what happened to Bjornebye? CT? Just noticed that he is now marked as a Registered User. Did I miss something?
  3. Guest

    JFK assassination.

    Who shot Kennedy? Do we believe the Warren Commission version that Oswald was the lone gunman, or do we believe that he was killed by renegade elements within the C.I.A for the purposes of prolonging the 'Cold War' and for the benefit of the Military/Industrial complex? Do we toe the official line on issues, or do we like a good conspiracy theory on a range of subjects on this board?
  4. Strange one this past week. Can access the forums on my phone when on Wifi but not when I'm out on 4g, it just says there's no topics to display. Any ideas?
  5. Just finished watching Bristol City Vs. Crystal Palace and it was a good little game. Crystal Palace are just a dogged ugly football side whilt Bristol were getting the ball down on the deck and playing some decent stuff. To beauties of football. Anyway, Crystal Palace score first; a great finish but a hand-ball which was a free kick which didn't get given and completely against the run of play as Bristol were dominating large chunks of the game. Enough with the match report, the game finishes 1-1 with Bristol missing a penalty (saved by Speroni) and pouncing from the rebound to force a fantastic save from Speroni. Bristol score in the 95th minute bearing in mind on 3 Minutes ere up on the board and Neil Warnock is incensed on the touchline. Pointing at his watch, if you lip read he starts calling the Ref a waste of space and tells the fourth official to fuck off. He should have been sent off. It would of been hilarious if he did as there would be no point and he would have to serve a touchline ban! He was being interviewed after the game and I over the moon at this 'miscarriage' of justice that he was going on about. I hate the cunt, it was lovely seeing him squirm in front of the camera as his Play-off dream was on the brink of imploding before his very eyes. I hope the cunt suffers with Crystal Palace. I hated Simon Jordan, I hate Clinton Morrison, but none of those even come close to the hatred I have towards Neil Warnock. Anyway, boredem has shown in the cration of this thread. Do with it what you will. Neil Warnock is a cunt, always has been, always will be. As you were.
  6. sorry if its been posted anywhere...but heres the link grim news and very worrying.again an infection...quite odd that he gets these all the tme....whats that all about? Liverpool FC set to lose Steven Gerrard for up to two months > Liverpool FC > Sport | Click Liverpool
  7. I've no idea how to pull up an old thread, but what ever happened with that announcement that was going to be made naming a few managers? I assume one of those super-injunctions was imposed on the lad who was outing them?
  8. Just seen someone post this from his Facebook page. Bad news that, I loved him talking about boxing on here and he makes me laugh. I hope he makes a very quick recovery. I know he left here, and the circumstances in which he left. I hope it is not brought into this thread. Just thought I'd post it, as like me, I know a lot on here have a lot of time for him.
  9. I know some people can't abide Talksport but just seen on Twitter that he's in the studio with Andy Gray and Gorilla Hands Keys at 10am taking questions. I like Carra when being interviewed, brutally honest and a realist.
  10. Xabi Alonso: Why I left Liverpool FC - News - Liverpool FC - Liverpool Echo Basically couldnt stand Rafe for another season I'll get my coat and run for cover
  11. God knows the piss-taking that goes on on this site can be pretty brutal at times but nobody has invited more of it and come back smiling for more than Simon. A lot of it goes over the top and gets a bit snide and nasty but he puts up with it without getting dragged into petty squabbling. The lad has a unique style and is one of the top characters on this site, when I see a new Simon thread it's always my first click. And let's not forget that he was one of the busiest movers 'n' shakers in the Kop Faithful campaign. Let's give Simon a bit of love here and if he is really gone let's have a celebration of his input to the forum to remind us what we've lost. So let's have your nominations for Simon's greatest hits, your tributes to his memory and your frantic appeals for his safe return.
  12. Rumours from RAWK, today is also the last day of the loan window? Does this make any sense to anyone? I hope he does go, I'd Sky+ the Football League show then.
  13. Silvester to leave Reds - Liverpool FC Liverpool FC announced today that Secretary Ian Silvester is to leave the Club by mutual consent. <!-- end of Tagline --> <!-- end of ArticlePic --><!-- end of RelatedLinks --><!-- end of MostRecent --> <!-- end of ArticleRight -->The Club would like to thank Ian for his hard work over the past five and a half years and wish him all the best in his future career.
  14. any chance off alberto been recalled from his loan spell in italy roy said he wouldnt get much playing time if he stayed here well surely he could get into this current side he is better than poulsen lucas or meireles:
  15. Anyone heard anything from that prize fucking dope? Has he set foot in Anfield since the change of ownership? Fucker really seemed to get off scott free.
  16. We haven't heard or seen sight nor sound of that fat headed cunt since the day he had that "interview" on Sky Sports News. What is he up to? Is he lying in wait, waiting for the new LFC board to be formed? Does he have something lined up? Is he simply licking his wounds? Or does he knows he's about as likely to win as I am to shag Cheryl Tweedy at about 3pm this afternoon? All I know is that I can say this: -£75m? Mill Financial won't like that. *sips from LFC mug*
  17. Now that he’s not playing for Rafa Benitez? Torres under Benitez - 1 goal every 1.4 games Torres under every other manager – 1 goal every 2.8 games So for his career he’s been twice as prolific playing for our ex-manager than his average for the rest of his career, whether that be Atletico or Spain. Is that just fluke? Or is it because Rafa utilised him in a way that got the best out of him? Will he continue with his great scoring record for us this season, or will Roy utilise him in such a way that he’s even better?
  18. I appreciate that we are currently operating with financial constraints, but I am nevertheless still disappointed at our lack of transfer activity. I still think we desperately need 3 players - a quality striker to cover Torres, a central midfielder to partner Meireles and allow Gerrard to play further up the field, and a wide player who can play on either flank and add pace, creativity and guile. Perhaps I shouldn't be surprised, but over a 12 month period we seem to have recouped more than we have spent and as a result I think we will continue to regress. It was obvious that our transfer plans were totally dependent on the sale of Mascherano, but I will still be disappointed if we only bring in a striker before the window closes particularly if that is only a loan deal.
  19. Standard Chartered dont do happy rumours But if they did? ......... Doesnt have the same Carlsburg ring to it does it? Sorry, just trying to keep myself amused until tomorrow.
  20. Would you take him now if you could? Where is he now anyway? Please don't anybody write in to enter this as it's only a bit of fun.
  21. when it comes to LFC and other clubs. Is the CL the biggest trophy in the world of club football ? Yes it is. Did Rafa do a fantastic job to win it? Overall yes. To those that are prepared to look at the final for what it was then we were VERY lucky but then teams need that luck. Rafa's main part was getting us there against the odds and his best achievement to me was beating Juve away from home and Chelsea over both legs. Anyway. As amazing as this achievement was, we were a Champions League team and a top 4 side that needed a bit more to take us to that next level and Rafa to be fair provided that short term. He actually was able to build on our top 4 place and get us to second, just as Houllier had done before him but unable to go that extra bit and win it or sustain it, just as Houllier had done. Roy took a team of no marks who were relegation fodder, he made them believe and with little to no money he took them from the foot of the table to a UEFA Cup team and a UEFA Cup final. Sorry but take away the big shiney thing we are all after and ask any football fan not used to winning trophies what is the better achievement and the answer will be what Roy did. Fulham shouldn't even be in the prem let alone fighting for the UEFA Cup. People laugh off the idea that Houllier should be upset to not receive credit for what Rafa achieved but I think they are wrong. Of course Rafa deserves the credit but if you look at the team how can you not credit Houllier. Yes he had gone stale and we needed a change but he left us in a much better position than the one we find ourselves in now. Dudek Finnan Carragher Hyypia Riise Hamann Biscan Smicer Gerrard Kewell Cisse Baros We had an established back four wish Rafa cleverly tweaked to make Carragher into the best CB in the league. We had Hamann who Rafa utilised more through need than design when it mattered most. He bought fantastically with Alonso and very well in my eyes with Garcia regardless of the money he wasted. Was the squad spectacular? Not by any means, was it a squad though? More so than what we have now. What did Rafa leave for Roy? Reina Johnson Carragher Skrtel Agger Mascherano Lucas Kuyt Gerrard Jovanovic Torres Reina is better than Dudek no question Johnson has not been anything like as important to us as Finnan was and was massively overpriced. Carragher is older and not the player he was. Skrtel is not even worthy to be in the sam discussion as Hyypia. Riise wasn't great but wins by default as he's up against no one. Smicer and Kuyt, you'd still have to give it to Kuyt because at least he's consistently average not shite most of the season then a world beater the odd day. Gerrard is Gerrard Hamann was a far better player than Mascherano will ever be. Jovanovic isn't as talented as Kewell but he's going to be more consistent you would hope and I like him so I'll give him the nod. Torres is twice the player Baros and Cisse were but taking into account his injury troubles and the fact Roy has not had the chance to see him fit for 90 minutes you can't bring him into it yet. As for the bench Sinama Pongolle was a better striker off the bench as was Cisse or Baros than N'gog but Maxi is the best bench player of the lot and should easily be starting ahead of Kuyt as fa as I'm concerned. Garcia was added for creativity, Cole is pretty much our Garcia. Alonso was added for the same reason at first, Poulson is all we could afford. Torres was added for goals, Roy hasn't had any way in hell to add that quality. So when Roy has the chance to sign a Torres and an Alonso and doesn't and buys shite, then it's a fair comparrison. When he can piss away about 50 million on the likes of Lucas, Aquilani, Josemi, Dossena, Kuyt, Johnson et al then we can talk about failure. At this moment in time from the two squads left to Rafa and Roy taking into account all of the above. Reina ® Finnan (H) Carra (H) Hyypia (H) Riise (H) Hamann (H) Mascherano ® Maxi ® Gerrard (H) Jovanovic ® NO ONE as yet. So being generous putting in Mascherano who isn't even really here for the team. 6 players from the squad Houllier left to Rafa's 4 with the striker null and void. Houllier's Gerrard goes in because I didn't see hiim think "what the fuck is he doing now" as Rafa made another great sub to bring off Torres and it was Houllier that brought Gerrard through. So in total Roy has had 4-5m quid to spend. Hasn't been able to sell anyone or buy anyone other than that. Has a gaping hole at LB, a far weaker centre back partnership, a less stable RB. No holding midfielder and no striker to speak of as yet as Torres is clearly not himself. Nice to see people are seeing things as they are though after 5 games (2 prem 3 european) and giving the lad a real chance. If he does buy Konchesky I won't be happy but it's a fucking million times better than Dossena for double the price!
  22. Apparently anyway. Probably to sort out the masch and balotelli deals. Then again he could just be going back to caldy. Some massive spots this morning @manairport from Emma in our office who has been moonlighting on the T3 info desk - no. 1 Rafael Benitez. 37 minutes ago via TweetDeck
  23. At risk of alienating myself from the rest of the forum, I just cannot buy into this wave of optimism that has hit Anfield like a Tsunami. Our last 3 signings have been on a free. Rodriguez is well passed his sell buy date, Jovanovic potentially up there with the Voronin’s and Sean Dundee’s of the footballing world and now 28 year old enigma, Joe Cole. If your paying a footballer a colossal 90k a week, to be deemed a success you would expect him to play 30+ games a season. Given Cole’s appalling injury record, I just cannot see this happening. Injuries get worse as you get older, that’s a fact and I think Joe playing in 20 games is a more realistic target and at 90k a week that is not good enough. I am no soothsayer and haven’t got the benefit of hindsight, it’s just my humble opinion based on his past injury record. The spin doctors have been at work all week and Joe Cole has obviously been well versed on what makes the fans tick, hence his pro ‘Liverpool history’ press release. He appears to be a decent lad who is making all the right noises. Personally, I think Joe Cole has been over hyped for years, in fact right from the very start. I distinctly remember hearing that West Ham had a breaking out of the youth team player who was going to rate with Best and Gazza as the UKs greatest ever talent. He has never been up there with them nor dozens of the overseas superstars. He is symptomatic of our talent drought since 1991 when Gazza wrecked himself. That we produce one player who relies on something other than ' a great engine' and hes the new Best. What toss. He’s a better than average premiership player and not without talent, that’s for sure, but in my opinion he has never realised his full potential and at 28, I doubt he is about to. He can’t take a game by scruff of its neck and change a result a la Gazza. He’s not got Stevie G's dynamism and lung busting capacity ( when arsed), he doesn’t score like Scholes or Lampard and he is way off Hoddle or Le Tissier in terms of craft. Hes not a patch talent wise on 70s piss artists like Hudson, Worthington, Marsh, Currie, Bowles in fact Id say hes a very poor mans version of those guys, a bit of flair and guile but thats it .. a bit not an abundance. More alarmingly, Chelsea, the current league champions didn’t want him. Don’t give me that nonsense about contracts. If they wanted him, they would have signed him, that’s for sure. The truth is, the manager didn’t fancy him, even when fit. Arsenal and Spurs wouldn’t pay him, Man City couldn’t guarantee him first team footie and West Ham was a backward step at this point in his career. Capello wouldn’t even pick him for the worst performing England team for many years. What is everybody else seeing that we are not, that is the million dollar question? We will find out this forthcoming season that is for sure. Given our current status and the events of the past 12 months, optimism is long overdue at our club. But let’s not get carried away and make the same mistake of raising expectation levels as we have in the past. We have to get behind the manager and the players but don’t think Joe Cole is going to be the saviour or the missing piece of the jig-saw. Liverpool can be top 4 but need the whole squad to operate for a full season completely unscathed, especially the elite player’s. We need a damn site more than Joe to challenge for the holy grail, though thus far MU haven’t improved last seasons side ( poor by their recent vintage) , CFC i don’t think are great either and Arsenal are the poor mans Spain all tasty touches but lacking the ruthless streak. All in all I predict a pretty mediocre up coming season. Man City are maybe the side that could shake up the tedium and hopefully Liverpool can better 7th place and maybe, just maybe, challenge for top four. Fingers crossed and Yanks out!
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