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Everything posted by RedAloy

  1. I wouldn't be shocked to see them sign a few at relatively small amounts but I doubt we see anything big from them Though I guess that depends on whether the rumors are true about the f'ing disgrace man leaves and things may change.
  2. Never had someone who enjoyed this until the last ex who LOVED it She would pick out the shows to watch and would require scenes to be played out Always kept things interesting
  3. Windows 7 system requirements: You can probably run it As someone who ran into NUMEROUS problems with Vista, Windows 7 runs incredibly well on slower, older laptops that I own. Both Vista and XP were disasters (in my view that is) when they first came out though XP eventually did well with some updates 7 is the most prepared system that Microsoft has released in some time now.
  4. Ah **** Someone just caught it near me and everyone is jumping off buildings in terror Hell, if it gets me a few days off work, infect me
  5. Read the books when I was young Took a little cousin to see the latest movie and it was ok Not really into it like others.
  6. About a year or so ago, I went to a 7-year reunion which was my first time interacting with my mates since graduating I had 2 people come up to me and tell me how they didn't like me in school and blah blah blah.....which would have made me feel bad except....I havent the faintest clue who the hell they were I just decided never to go to another one
  7. I gave Green Day a break as I enjoy a lot of their past music But this is average at best Hopefully they have better in the future Their pop-catchy music the last CD or too has gotten a bit old after awhile
  8. Ugh, I have got to end up seeing the 1st at some point in time I get the feeling I am one of a couple people that has yet to see the 1st
  9. Agreed. I was just about to say that about the gold part. Would like great in my mind
  10. Welcome Don't make the mistake I first made. I posted a pic of a woman wearing a Sun shirt. My stupid ass didn't even see it when I posted it. Been paying for it since. I deserve it though. :(:wallbutt:
  11. Get trash and throw it on their front door Bring the smell back to them
  12. This reminds me of the "When the year 2000 starts, nuclear bombs will go off" theory with scientific articles backing it up, etc..... I mean, really?
  13. Make sure the RAM is fully put in as many people lightly stick the RAM in and seem to have some problems later on. Also, don't be too worried if you have re-starting problems several weeks in as that can occur in some Dell machines but for some reason it goes away. I know...a bit weird :eek:
  14. I read about the trial and doubt much of anything will change. They will need to have a few more thousand of these trials to even put a dent in the actual online ripping industry Many other sites will pick up the trackers
  15. Yes and I love it. I am a big Mac guy but what they took what sucked from Vista out and put a LOT of good from XP into 7 It is faster, more fluid, and a LOT easier to deal with
  16. [YOUTUBE]r396Wt9Uym4[/YOUTUBE] Zookeepers rescue woman from polar bear mauling - Times Online
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