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Everything posted by Lefti

  1. Not gunna lie to you boys, devastated at this news... i mean we seriously need a wingeing moaning cunt in our squad at the moment to keep us pushing on European and Domestic fronts. Unlucky liverpool suppose we'll just have to stick with the 2 of the most sought after players in Europe in our attacking positions... i really expected cahill to dislodge gerrard though. Real real shame.
  2. tonight i have just come in rather intoxicated after young yossi's belting winner over fulham, but this thread has cheered me up more infact. Personally i really appreciate the fact that a thing is being made for the 96. Especially against our two fiercest rivals. Hats off to United and Everton. They aren't completed made out of bitter dick heads!
  3. absolutely silly thread... of course we all want it.... c'mon you red men!!!!!!!!!
  4. ------------Reina------------- Arbeloa---Ferdinand---Terry---Evra Ronaldo---Gerrard---Essien---J Cole -------Torres---Van Persie--- Subs: Cech, Carragher, Lampard, Rooney, Walcott, Vidic, Giggs.
  5. Absolutely stupid thread. To hate someone to where they come from is an absolutely ridiculous. I grew up just outside Manchester as a kid and now live in Ormskirk and as bigger red as you will find. However, if you was to say how much do i hate manure fans and i will say they are the shittest fans on the planet, they believe football was invented in 1993 and are the most glory hunting finical fans i have ever come across in my life. However, to judge someone on where they are from is a joke.
  6. Got no strong feelings on this, my verdict is still out on Dirks overall contribution to the Liverpool squad. For example his distribution is still absolutely horrendous but on the other hand hes scored his fair share of goals and some very important goals.
  7. Ha ha Wayne Rooney you prat... whiskey nose needs to keep a short leash on him and stop him mouthing off about his hatred for Liverpool, that's if he has any common sense. Personally though i think its brilliant, keep the slander coming Wayne, you spit that dummy out and through the toys out of the pram, playing right into Rafa's pocket :D. By the way have fun making a difference when your suspended... BELLEND!
  8. haha seen this a million times over... i will never get bored of it three best quotations out of it.... "wheres me other tache? what have you done with me rafa goatee?!", " Its 2-1 to liverpool steven gerrard i love you too!" and "its liverpool 3 united 1 and that is a fact... WOOOOOOOOOOO!" great times.
  9. Why is this even a thread? Pathetic... why dismiss any potential transfer talk by plucking random numbers out of thin air. Fact of the matter is this Eto'o business is all over the papers, internet, forums... Why not speculate, i've already had a mate of mine a manure fan bricking himself for next season cause eto'o MAYBE coming to Anfield.
  10. happy we're not having a special shirt made, don't want to lower ourselves to manure standard when they did it for munich last year, for them it was just another pay day... i don't want it to be like that for the 96.
  11. great news, but people need to calm down and stop slating Rafa, spearing and darby aren't as well as their fellow competitors right now i.e lucas and alvaro, the lads are young and will be brought on when the manager see's right to. However, look how many "english starletts" under the age of 21 have made 1/2 champions league appearances... i can name 2 off the top of my head evans for manure and walcott for the gooners, so surely these boys are doing alright for themselves at the club they love?!
  12. at the end of the day, we are Liverpool football fans, we know we are the best in the country, no in the world even. If other fans have to rob chants from the most famous football stand in the world then so be it, they will never match us for their passion, noise or originality.
  13. I quite like the argument about top strikers in a specific league being worth alot more, not so sure we should try and be to greedy though, the article does mention about hertha being cash strapped. I think just short of £4 million is a great deal on a player that came on a bosman so we should be happy and give voronin a proper send off when he terrorizes england with his other misfit pal shevchenko on wednesday. P.s: Most fashionable bloke in the prem. FACT. haha
  14. Lefti


    One of my favourite Liverpool players, fantastic pen, always up for a fight, genuine bloke. If we some how go on and win number 19 this season, i'll be forever thankful to super dan for that pen.
  15. its days like last saturday and today that make being a football fan worth while... revel in it, get down to anfield tomorrow and cheer are boys on. The scum have a proper fight on their hands now. Squeaky Bum Time here we come...
  16. happy happy days, well chuffed with this, right right man for the job now lets give him some backing!!!
  17. fuck off with this threat... utter bollocks, suppose you can do better than rafa can't you, daft bastard.
  18. he isn't good enough for liverpool football club end of. If he leaves he leaves i won't have any problems with it, i'll gladly wish him well where ever he chooses to go.
  19. bit deluded this thread, personally i don't think there is any "top" striker in england that would improve our squad that much, we are going to have to spend big abroad.
  20. Very good thread, hope this makes alot of fans put things in perspective. At the end of the day rafa knows far more than any fan. FACT.
  21. absolutely fan-fucking-tastic... one of the best threads ever!!!
  22. haha priceless... how many manure "fans" are taking pics/video's of him!!!! FANTASTIC!
  23. You do seem like a very genuine, rational man. However, i still don't really see your point in being on here (this is just my opinion). For your question about fans wanting Rafa out, i can't vouch for other fans, but never has myself or any of my mates said once they doubt Rafa or not want him as the man at the helm of our club, the man is brilliant as far as i'm concerned and has definitely got Liverpool going back in the right direction, albeit frustrating at times.
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