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Top of the Kop

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Everything posted by Top of the Kop

  1. erm... [YOUTUBE]kGZsGX3B_BY[/YOUTUBE] Still, very sad news. Great band.
  2. They are useless here in Melbourne, getting a taxi from the city center to my house is an absolute holocaust of an experience the majority of the time. Been here for 8 months and all but ONE taxi ride has started with this: Me: Can i get to [insert address here] please, mate? Mr Taxi Driver: Sure....How do I get there? I don't fucking know, I don't live in this city, i'm only here tempoarily! It's not like it's my job to fucking memorize every road in this sodding city is it? No, it's yours, you daft twunt. In fact, fuck it, do you want me to drive us there and you can take notes? Another classic was when the taxi driver got me lost at 4am and tried charging me extra for the trouble. When I told him I wouldn't pay he quickly told me that he refused to drive any further and that i'd need "luck getting another taxi at this time"....fortunately a cab turned up out of nowhere about 10 seconds later so I gave the first taxi driver how much I SHOULD have owed him and got in the other one. Pricks.
  3. I preferred the original Mario Kart, too. The new ones aren't so much about skill but more about luck e.g. if you are 4th on the final lap and you get lightening/3 red shells then it is pretty much game over for the other players. The amount of times I would be absolutely destroying my friends on the N64 version only to be hit by a blue shell/three red shells on the final lap was infuriating. Still, I did enjoy all the games in the series, perfect for when you have mates round. Oh and was Streets of Rage on the SNES or the Megadrive? That was quality, too.
  4. A bit disrespectful, mate, Djimi has more European Cup medals than London
  5. I hear Quaresma is good, and, failing that, Joaquin looks to be a tidy player...
  6. This was posted on another thread but I think you should heed Mr Ramsey's advise... [YOUTUBE]YKZxBDO5VR4&[/YOUTUBE]
  7. I was 9 and it the first Liverpool game that I remember. I bought the Match magazine on the way home from the shops and remember listening to the radio before the match (radio one was banging on about all the goals Rushy had scored in FA Cup finals if I recall...) I was new to the game but even I can remember thinking the game was boring as hell. The goal still makes my heart sink and I'm pretty sure I cried like a little bitch when the final whistle blew. I felt at a loss like a Chinese man rocking dread locks.
  8. Currently living here on a year-long visa. Obviously my experiences are a little different as I am just here working/partying but I can definitely give you some advise... Queensland in general is lovely, but a lot of the small towns are full of small-time twunts who are often racist bigots. I was doing fruit picking in various towns and got punched once for being "a pommy cunt" and my mate got mugged and beaten in another town for...guess what...being a "pommy cunt". Both incidences wouldn't have bothered me if we were being drunken idiots but both times we were actually sober and just minding our own business (when my mate got mugged and beaten we even made it onto the local news channel! pretty awesome) Anyway, you will love it out here. The wages are great, but the cost of living is expensive - a pint costs about $9 on average, for example. Brisbane is a nice city but kinda boring. Aussies in general are very nice but, again, you do get a lot of Aussies who dislike Brits just because it's fashionable to. This doesn't happen too much in the cities though so its not too bad. Saying all that I have met some great people out here so don't let my previous experiences put you off. I'm currently living in Melbourne and it's a really good city - very cosmopolitan and multicultural. Working as a sales/customer service advisor and am on a fair wedge and I'm only here on a year long holiday visa! In my opinion you should definitely do it, Britain at the moment is a pretty grim place to be so what is there to lose? If you don't like it then you can always come back.
  9. [YOUTUBE]aUmYGLIubho[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE]rrFZ_1xCrIQ[/YOUTUBE] This one is fantastic if you ignore the "motherfucking" that he keeps saying... [YOUTUBE]_qlNEmpxQxI[/YOUTUBE]
  10. Jeru's first two albums are the tits, heavily produced by DJ Premier. His mate Afu-Ra is worth checking out, too (check out Afu-Ra - Defeat (produced by DJ Premier))
  11. "C'mon dad, so what I got my ear pierced - you must have done stuff like this when you were young...?" "well when I was 12 I got my ear pierced...but this is completely different!" (or something like that)
  12. Used to carry a pen knife around with me when I was a young'un but that was for carving up wood and making tree houses etc...proper gay stuff. Wouldn't carry one around with me now because I don't have any interest in tree houses anymore. Shame.
  13. Good one. If it was Bob Dylan singing those words (maybe without the cursing) whilst strumming an acoustic guitar you would probably hail it as genius.
  14. You've obviously never walked to a kebab van in Arbury/Chesterton in the middle of the night...
  15. They bloody should be found guilty, some of their players were driving around campus in expensive SUV's when I was there! Then again, some of them also made their way around the university on a bloody go-kart so I guess nothing can be proved either way... It will be a shame, and somewhat ironic, if the U are found to be found guilty, especially as our team has been so shit for the past few seasons...
  16. my experience with spiders was pretty tame until I started fruit picking in Oz a few months ago... I was picking some vine leaves on my second last day of work and, as I was picking, thought to myself "you know what? I haven't seen one big spider during my whole time here (3 months worth of work)" literally the NEXT vine I picked had hidden under it a MASSIVE wolf spider...I jumped back, yelled to my mate "FUCKING MASSIVE SPIIIIDEEEEEER" and then did a half-assed job for the next two days as I was so scared of seeing another one again...what a pussy.
  17. I've never had brain freeze. Ever since I was a lad, whenever I ate ice cream too fast I would always get a sort of pain in my chest area (obviously where the ice cream has just gone) and never in my head area. Very strange indeed. Hope this helps.
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